Oxalate removal from green smoothies (oxalates result in kidney stones) Options
#1 Posted : 11/5/2012 3:11:22 AM

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So I have started chugging green smoothies and they have made a tremendous difference in quality of life. However, a problem looms in the horizon for all of us who do this. A very dangerous problem which may present catastrophic consequences!

Oxalates are present in the types of leafy greens that you would put in green smoothies: kale, spinach, brocolli amongst many others. Here are some links that explain what oxalates are and how they behave.


Now what I want to know: Can I drop a calcium pill into my smoothies and have it eliminate the oxalates long before they even reach my gut? What can we do to abate this?

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#2 Posted : 11/5/2012 9:03:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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From what I have read on the subject, I think adding calcium would help by forming calcium oxalate before reaching the urinary tract, this way the stones are excreted instead. I am a big fan of green smoothies myself, although mine are usually brown since I use so much raw cocoa & mucuna pruriens. I do skip the cocoa occasionally and will make them really green with spirulina, mixing with chia seeds & hemp protein makes a long lasting smoothie with a good overall nutritional content including protein.
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#3 Posted : 11/5/2012 2:13:41 PM

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Unfortunately I did not really investigate very thoroughly. Other sites are suggesting that this oxalate controversy is a load of pure bollocks e.g. 1, 2.

I would generally side with these guys as it's somewhat severely dissonant to think that something as ludicrously nutrient dense and packed as green smoothies could be poisonous. Of course cognitive dissonance and truth are mutually exclusive but I digress. Perhaps there is an element of subversion here, I would not be surprised whatsoever as this technique could put a more than sizeable dent in multiple industries.
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