Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
i had 2 lbs of cacti powder made into tea, one of the lbs i used to extract with dlimo...
so upon trying to use my d-limo from last year (been using it for a whole year) i found that the last few extractions produced less than quality results. slightly discouraged with my technique i began studying up and proposing new plans. regardless my efforts the outcome was still the same weak mesc/ poor pulling ability/ discolored. i tried doing acid washes on it to try to "clean" it, they worked to some extent, however the d-limo never returned to its original clear state.
i came to the conclusion that d-limo has limited uses when i was extracting 454g cacti powder made into tea and bassified post decanting. having a yield of less than a gram, i at first cursed the vendor. well maybe hcl just isnt the way, since the last few attempts werent a great product anyway. so i looked at fasw and gave it a go. meager yield still. i thought maybe i wasnt pulling right before salting, so i tried microwaved assisted pulls by boiling my extraction in the microwave for a few minutes/stirring intermittently. sure the d-limo took on a dark color giving me hope but when it was salted it yielded a dark salt that when cleaned most of the color and alot of the weight was removed, again about 00.3% yield.
all the hcl i ate from the last few d-limo extractions, even before this tea extraction i extracted from achuma to get a rather impotent hcl salt... it was discouraging. at one point i ate a gram and wondered why i hadnt lost my mind, instead i was mildy innebriated and had a bit of a body load that eclipsed the psychoactivity
i thought maybe my salting technique was wrong so i tried everything from a ph of 1-6, from <1%hcl to 8% hcl. it didnt matter what i used to salt with the outcome was still the same, it was just a matter of how much liquid i had to evap and how much cleaning i needed to do.
i pretty much lost hope on this cacti powder but then finally went and got some fresh xylene. did a pull on the other (exact same liquid as the d-limo experiments) and found that when i salted with fasa a shower of xtals appeared. baffaled i filtered them out, dried them, washed with acetone, rehydrated and filtered, evapped, yielded a gram of fumarates! i tasted them and then tasted fumaric acid, they were different, as well as texture/consistancy and color. i tested 266mg of these fumarates and had a great time, they kicked in about 4 hours in and were a nice nice change from the many failed hcl attempts with d-limo.
i pulled for a few more days and salted everything with fasa to see the xtals form, then decided to dissolve it all hcl solution and salt more just to make sure everything was converted to hcl and all alkaloids were retrieved (sometimes fasa takes a few days to totally precip all the alkaloids, considering i dont leave my extractions @ in between states i opted to get all the alks via hcl solution immediately)
after collecting the salts and evapping, i cleaned with boiling acetone and then froze the test tube, decanted the dirty acetone and rehydrated the hcl, some of it didnt dissolve (which has been the case for all the hcl ive ever worked with, i think it has something to do with the either 1. the limited amount of water i use cant dissolve all the alkaloids quick enough, 2. some of the non mesc alkaloids arent immediately water soluble as hcl.) anyway i revapped the cleaned solution on a hot plate and yielded 2.25 g hcl + the 1 g of fumarates from the first pull = 3.25g salts from 454 g. not as terrible of a yield as the less than a gram of impotent salt from d-limo.
fresh solvent is key fasa is cool but hcl is more efficient (will test xylene hcl to see if its potent, unlike the d-limo salt on friday)
1g hcl from old dlimo was weaker than 266 mg fumarates from fresh xylene, wtf?! ( i even fasted on the 1 g!!!! and not on the 266, i have also taken 350, 500, 200 mg hcl doses with varying amounts of eating and all were less than the 266 fumarates non fasted)
 Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos
Posts: 4661 Joined: 02-Jun-2008 Last visit: 30-Apr-2022
I do not think that your conclusion is supported by your observations; you should had tried fresh limo in the place of the old limo to see if old limo has limited uses. Comparing the the results of old limo to the ability of fresh xylene only tells you that xylene pulls a better product (at least in your case!) Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
what i neglected to mention was that when i first got the d-limo i was using it with my home made achuma powder. that same stock of achuma powder at the end of the year yielded impotent hcl compared to when the dlimo was fresh
again this d-limo was used in mhrb, cacti, and yohimbe... so theres plenty of plants that it got familiar with
in any case the results are obvious which nps i would choose given the option of fresh xylene or old limo ;p
one more nice thing about xylene is that the end product even before cleaning is a nice flowing powder, vs the d-limo uncleaned product which has a tar like consistency
 Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos
Posts: 4661 Joined: 02-Jun-2008 Last visit: 30-Apr-2022
Gotta say these are surprising observations; what is more perplexing is that you use the term "impotent hcl", do you have any idea what that might be? mew wrote:i came to the conclusion that d-limo has limited uses when i was extracting 454g cacti powder made into tea and bassified post decanting. having a yield of less than a gram, i at first cursed the vendor. mew wrote:what i neglected to mention was that when i first got the d-limo i was using it with my home made achuma powder. that same stock of achuma powder at the end of the year yielded impotent hcl compared to when the dlimo was fresh Isn't it also weird that you, as you state in your OP "cursed the vendor" (which means you bought the cactus) but on your next explanatory post you say that the impotent hcl was yielded by "that same stock" of your home-made achuma powder? I find it quite confusing to follow exactly what you did; have you had the impotent hcl thing happening more than once? And why didn't you try fresh limo on the cactus that yielded impotent hcl (other than you might not had any to try). Really, without this test it is impossible to draw the conclusion of your title. Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
on using store bought pedro powder...
the cacti powder i purchased i only used with my old d-limo and yes it yielded hcl, however even on doses of 300 mg not even threshold effects were known. i have yet to try the hcl from xylene so i cannot say for sure yet...
the same cacti powder was extracted with xylene and thus far the fumarates at 266mg were stronger than the 300mg hcl as i mentioned above, also the 266 was equal to or stronger than 1 g hcl that was salted from the old limo with the below mentioned home made achuma powder
on using my achuma powder that is consistent potency....
with the same d-limo when i was working with the achuma powder i make it produced a decent yield however the hcl was still impotent at doses of even up to 1 g
the same d-limo when fresh was used with the achuma powder i make and it yielded strong hcl
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 833 Joined: 19-Oct-2010 Last visit: 21-Aug-2023 Location: Planet Earth
It sounds to me like your d-limo was so saturated with other plant alks and oils from previous extractions that it likely could not readily absorb substances any more. You were probably salting out old alks and impurities along with the minor amount of mascaline that was extracted, which is why the 1g was very weak. Who knows? Maybe there was even some dmt still in there lol. --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
mew just uses it for cleaning now
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 86 Joined: 27-Oct-2009 Last visit: 04-Dec-2017
By "OLD" d-limo do you mean "Unused" D-limo thats been sitting around for a year...or do you mean d-limo that was "previously used" for extractions and then reused yielding less than potent Mesc HCL??
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
i mean it was used frequently over a years time...
the only time i recently had success with potent mescaline was drinking a filtered acetic salting
mew is wondering if his excessive use of hot plates during evaporation of hcl/fumarates renders them impotent
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 86 Joined: 27-Oct-2009 Last visit: 04-Dec-2017
mew wrote:i mean it was used frequently over a years time...
the only time i recently had success with potent mescaline was drinking a filtered acetic salting
mew is wondering if his excessive use of hot plates during evaporation of hcl/fumarates renders them impotent
My guess is that your limo is so contaminated with non mesc alkaloids and possibly calcium salts that almost no mesc alkaloids will dissolve in it anymore!! Try cleaning it(used limo) with a PH 2 distilled water solution multiple times then a ph 7 distilled water solution again multiple times and try it again and see what happens... As for the excesssive heat I suppose thats also a possibility...I never use heat of any kind other than to re-x or after cleaning with acetone(I use Hot water to get rid of last bit of acetone)..I always just fan evaporate my saltings...
Posts: 1285 Joined: 02-Aug-2008 Last visit: 21-Sep-2024 Location: earf
i cleaned with low ph h20 washes and didnt seem to increase the functionality of it