My mescaline extraction notes Options
#1 Posted : 9/26/2012 4:13:54 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Mescaline extraction is NOT as easy as DMT extraction. It took me a while to find the tek that works for me. I'll put my experience with mescaline extraction here for the sake of information.


1. My first try was with the 69ron drytek.
I hated squeezing the D-limo out of the basified cactus sludge. For me, it was a lot of work and the yield was not good.

2. Second I tried a regular STB with KOH as a base.
Despite adding copious amounts of base and salt it was one huge emulsion that just wouldn't settle. Also not a succes.

3. I turned to my remaining option - an A/B.
- I did 3 2-hour acidified boils on my cactus chips in a pressure cooker, then reduced the water down to a manageable amount of slimy water.
- I added base (KOH), waited for a few hours and then added my D-limo. I did 5 pulls in total, to get everything out.
- This worked really well, ~1.2% yield.


1. With the 69ron tek I salted with vinegar. This resulted in sticky acetate goo. Vinegar contains way too much acid, and pulls a lot of crap from the D-limo.
2. With the D-limo from my A/B I followed dg's Dual solvent recrystallization tek. This worked perfectly and left me with white mescaline sulfate.

There are 2 things I want to try in the future.
- Extracting with less heat to see if mescaline is degraded by heat.
- Trying a STB again, this is a lot less work than an A/B. I'm still figuring out how I can avoid emulsions like the last time. Dg advises mixing the cactus and base with a paint mixer. I do not have a paint mixer however. Maybe I should just let it slack for a week or so before adding the D-limo.
When I find a better method I will update this post.

I am very content with my mescaline. My first mescaline trip was this summer high in the Sierra Nevada mountains in SpainSmile.

Some pictures of my A/B, results and the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Luuk attached the following image(s):
2012-07-04-189.jpg (1,087kb) downloaded 397 time(s).
2012-07-05-190.jpg (1,505kb) downloaded 398 time(s).
2012-07-09-194.jpg (1,097kb) downloaded 405 time(s).
2012-07-23-422.jpg (1,686kb) downloaded 395 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 9/26/2012 4:32:47 PM

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I see that pot you have is a pressure cooker, looks like a stainless steel one too.
you ought to use the pressure-cooking capabilities to cut down on the cooking times, you
could do a full cook in about 40 mins. pack the pre-processed cactus in some jars, pour vinegar over it, and lightly tighten the lids; cover with foil.


most emulsions can be broken up by letting the container sit in a hot water bath, @ ~ 80 C
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#3 Posted : 9/26/2012 4:48:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Oh yeah I forget to mention that. I did boil under pressure, and it was 3x 2-hour acidified boils. Still a bit long, next time I'll compare 30 minute boils with 2/3 hour boils to see if mescaline degrades with heat.

So you advise after each boil let the cactus soak in vinegar for some time before boiling again? I'll try that too, thanks.

As for the STB emulsion, I tried warm water baths but nothing seemed to work.. I had to dilute the emulsion from 2 liters to 15 liters and still lost some limo. I think I added the limo too soon after adding the base.
#4 Posted : 9/26/2012 6:10:05 PM

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That's a rather dangerous looking butterfly knife you have there... Hope it's not for robbing old ladies to feed your cactus habit! Laughing
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#5 Posted : 9/26/2012 8:32:55 PM


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mew never noticed a degradation of mescaline via heat (fb oil or salt) but mew also dosent expose it to any temp higher than waters bp (minus drying hcl via hotplate)
#6 Posted : 9/27/2012 1:28:01 AM
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Luuk wrote:

2. Second I tried a regular STB with KOH as a base.
Despite adding copious amounts of base and salt it was one huge emulsion that just wouldn't settle. Also not a succes.

2. With the D-limo from my A/B I followed dg's Dual solvent recrystallization tek. This worked perfectly and left me with white mescaline sulfate.

Dg advises mixing the cactus and base with a paint mixer. I do not have a paint mixer however. Maybe I should just let it slack for a week or so before adding the D-limo.

good work! gladd the re-x worked out for you, sexy crystals in pic 3 Smile

i like to add 1:0.5 to 1 dry cacti to base, mix really fast( paint mixer is just a cheap easy method) and wait until all the air bubbles have left, and the slime is slaked like water(-12-48hrs)
then add NP, and mix Gently

break emulsions with heat, time, base
#7 Posted : 9/28/2012 9:15:10 AM

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I have found the best way to break an STB cacti emulsion is just to mildly heat for a good half hour with mixing and then filter it slowly for 1-2 hours. After collecting the liquid (as two distinct layer), the strained cacti material can be mixed with more NP and it forms perfectly distinct layers.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#8 Posted : 9/29/2012 3:58:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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^ whats your method of filtering?

for me handling 5 gal of very basic material doesn't sound like much fun
#9 Posted : 9/29/2012 8:00:50 PM

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^@dg Its really easy actually. It would surely go faster if you had a vacuum pump but I dont.

Swim just uses a large oil filter from an auto store. This method is done with 100g portions and about 500mL liquid drains out. After the heating, just dump it into a cloth filter (made from a shirt) and let it drain on its own... come back in an hour and sift it alittle let it be again... come back again in another hour sift it and the remaining liquid can be esily squeezed out of the cloth. Works really well, you get two distinct layers of filtrate, and the remaining cacti matter can be mixed with NP with zero emulsion.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
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