im not familliar with anything but store bought morning glories, dont get me wrong they were spectacular but compared to some (Not all) hbwr ive had i see no reason to revert to mgs when i can find the specific strain of hbwr that gives me what i want.
a foot of achuma (1lb fresh cactus for people like benz

) to 1.5 feet goes well with 10-15 potent hawaiin baby woodrose
i find that the synergy of these two plants makes the experience different in a very noticable way, its neither one or the other, but a specacular hybrid yielding a new experience. it is a bit more difficult on the body during the earlier hours and often pulls the carpet of linear reality from right under your feet. when it becomes manageable this is my favorite combination for concerts/recreational.
i havent pushed this to a truly entheogenic level yet, but i also havent pushed things like cannabis to that extent either. it dosent diminish how much i really appreciate them though.
for deepest experiences, achuma alone is my vote (maybe a little calea resin before you loose the ego given noodles)
lsa is not something i particularly enjoy on moderate to high doses alone, but low doses can be a fun thing at social events (concerts/what have you)
in conjunction with cactus lsa brings out the visuals on a much lower dose and leaves me in a dream like state of mind. every time i try this combo i plan on dosing harmalas to potentiate the lsa and give another flavor to the cactus but i become so absorbed in the moment i forget entirely