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acolon_5 wrote:Its the old, "if we don't know what it is then we are scared of it. If we can't explain it then it must be supernatural, ACK! Demons! Witches!" Exactly wht I was going to say acolon... beleif in "Demons" is just a product of fear. seeking out highly evolved beings is a product of love. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1689 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 18-Apr-2015
Also, You may want to reccomend "conversations with god" to her, by naele donald walsch. From the sounds of it though, she'll probably dismiss him as being possessed by daemons too even though the book has really helped thousands of people; and I cried with joy the first time I read it; because I knew deep down it was true. really, really true. and have kept going back to it since. Also: Im GLAD you are content with being humble and not richeous, like she is - if she *understood* her own relgion, she'd realise that its better to be humble than it is richeous; because thats what jesus (and all masters) would do. shoe
ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
 DMT-Nexus member
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Believing in demons is silly.
 John Murdoch IV
Posts: 2038 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 03-Jul-2024 Location: Changes from time to time.
Ofcourse they are linked! Just like DMT and God and God and demons and everything. Everything is linked within the absolute. ––––––
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
 DMT-Nexus member
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eviljackalope wrote:I would say that would make sense comming from a woman Ha ha ha!!!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 73 Joined: 08-Jan-2009 Last visit: 09-Dec-2015 Location: under your couch
Quote: It's really hard to even talk about anything spiritual with her or about what I believe in because she always comes in with "you dont believe in anything", or "you just make up your faith as you go along and dont know god".
how does she think her god was created? lol. made up just like all of them, because to know eternity is impossible. at least with our wetware systems. it's like saying you know all about Grand Theft Auto 4 because you've played Pong. faith is nice. self-righteous conviction is just plain arrogant. i hope that doesn't come across like a slam against your GF. it's really more of an opinion of previous fundies i have had the "pleasure" speaking with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxfODAGWjW4Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled. -Noam Chomsky Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.-Naked (1993)
 Cloud Whisperer

Posts: 1953 Joined: 05-Jan-2009 Last visit: 22-Jan-2020 Location: Amongst the clouds
eviljackalope wrote:I would say that would make sense comming from a woman This comment is unnecessary and unfounded. Much Peace
 Cloud Whisperer

Posts: 1953 Joined: 05-Jan-2009 Last visit: 22-Jan-2020 Location: Amongst the clouds
Negative beings do exist just as positive beings do exist but its best to try and avoid contact with the negative beings, rather try and help her seek out positive beings and experiences. Maybe ask yourself the question if shes ready for a deep and mind expanding entheogen journey. Much Peace and Happiness
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
Aegle wrote:eviljackalope wrote:I would say that would make sense comming from a woman This comment is unnecessary and unfounded. Much Peace I know this statement was probably meant as a joke, but I definately think there's some truth in this. Obviously people attitudes towards certain substances is going to vary an awful lot in different groups/areas and so forth, but most women I know have a much more objectional attitude towards the substances I use than my male friends. I could never figure out if it was a lack of understanding or just a concern for my well being. But that's not to say I don't have male friends who seem to disapprove/misunderstand. It's just most of the time they seem to be female.
 Cloud Whisperer

Posts: 1953 Joined: 05-Jan-2009 Last visit: 22-Jan-2020 Location: Amongst the clouds
soulfood wrote:Aegle wrote:eviljackalope wrote:I would say that would make sense comming from a woman This comment is unnecessary and unfounded. Much Peace I know this statement was probably meant as a joke, but I definately think there's some truth in this. Obviously people attitudes towards certain substances is going to vary an awful lot in different groups/areas and so forth, but most women I know have a much more objectional attitude towards the substances I use than my male friends. I could never figure out if it was a lack of understanding or just a concern for my well being. But that's not to say I don't have male friends who seem to disapprove/misunderstand. It's just most of the time they seem to be female. Soulfood Gee i think that this is a great generalization on your part, I think that it could be just the type of females that you are exposed to. It is really sad when people make and state these types of generalisations as all it does is make this type of thinking more prevalent which is not a positive thing. In many cultures around the world women are know as powerful shamans and healers and are greatly respected in those cultures. I think that this respect has been sadly eroded in the western culture and it is very unfortunate, women should be treasured more and given far more respect in the west. Much Peace
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
Aegle wrote:soulfood wrote:Aegle wrote:eviljackalope wrote:I would say that would make sense comming from a woman This comment is unnecessary and unfounded. Much Peace I know this statement was probably meant as a joke, but I definately think there's some truth in this. Obviously people attitudes towards certain substances is going to vary an awful lot in different groups/areas and so forth, but most women I know have a much more objectional attitude towards the substances I use than my male friends. I could never figure out if it was a lack of understanding or just a concern for my well being. But that's not to say I don't have male friends who seem to disapprove/misunderstand. It's just most of the time they seem to be female. Soulfood Gee i think that this is a great generalization on your part, I think that it could be just the type of females that you are exposed to. Yes, I believe I hinted at that in my post and there's absolutely nothing wrong with my friends or their opinion on what I do. They're entitled to it and I recognise that. It's called respect  Aegle wrote:
It is really sad when people make and state these types of generalisations as all it does is make this type of thinking more prevalent which is not a positive thing. In many cultures around the world women are know as powerful shamans and healers and are greatly respected in those cultures. I think that this respect has been sadly eroded in the western culture and it is very unfortunate, women should be treasured more and given far more respect in the west.
Much Peace
Then it's a good job that I have other reasons to respect people than by what substances they use. I think you've taken what I said in the wrong tone and for that, I apologise. I probably could have worded it more precisely. Lets pick a scenario you may be able to relate what I'm talking about more accurately. When I was 19, I used to use a lot of MDMA. Looking back on the whole thing it was quite irresponsible, but I'd be frequently using what by my more educated standards of today, I would call an overdose. Losing time, thinking I'm somewhere else, doing things that I had no recollection of until someone told me what I had done five seconds later, stupid stuff. Now the important thing to remember here is that all of my friends of the time came from the same part of england and had very similar backgrounds. My male friends would think what I was doing was hilarious or never gave it a second thought, whereas my female friends thought I was self-destructing, that I was going to do myself some permanent damage, that I was addicted... basically the sort of behaviour patterns people would usually associate with a heroine addict. Needless to say I wasn't being very cautious, but it was no way near that level seriousness. However I appreciated the level of concern and understood it because my female friends are much more warm and caring than my male friends which is a quality I like about them. I assume this to be true of most women. That's just an extreme, to show how the two attitudes seem to differ in my experience, but even today with my nice, friendly, plant-teachers, I still feel the same vibe about them from many of my female friends compared to very few of my male friends. Also, I do have female friends who don't use psychedelics, but encourage my use of them because they work for me, their just in the minority. Further more I find your over-simplifacation of my female friends disrespectful 
 Cloud Whisperer

Posts: 1953 Joined: 05-Jan-2009 Last visit: 22-Jan-2020 Location: Amongst the clouds
soulfood wrote:Further more I find your over-simplifacation of my female friends disrespectful  I was not over simplifying your female friends at all Soulfood I was just going by a statement that you said yourself about your female friends :Quote "I could never figure out if it was a lack of understanding" If your friends have a lack of understanding for your situation then it made me question the type of females that you are friends with and the fact that you choose to use them as an example of females in general. I was greatly offended by your statement and generalization. But any way you feel how you feel, lets just leave it at that then. Much Peace
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
As I said... could have worded the whole thing better.
I do want you to know that I'm not in this thing for confrontation and I don't want you to think I was baiting or anything.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 223 Joined: 08-Sep-2009 Last visit: 10-Jun-2010
back the to the OP, obviously, she hasn't gone that deep into her religion. Magic is only magic when we don't understand it. Jesus used kabbalah, and was then worshipped for it. Does that mean we should worship anyone that practices kabbalah? No. Also, in the bible it says not to have an image of god. Jesus = an image. he is supposed to be something we CANT comprehend or wrap our fingers around, that's a big part why he is so great. also, we are supposed to challenge everything...is she? tell her before she starts throwing out claims etc., she has to realize that her own beliefs are faulty BY HER OWN RELIGIONS RULES. as far as demons existing? well, if we are capable of having a thought of them, they , to some extent, do exist. and they have great powers, but we shouldn't be afraid of them, because then they can control us, rather, we should use their power beneficially and be in control of them. run from dmt? if you look deep into religions, they all have snuffs of some sort that would be used on very specific occasions and were a mix of very specific things...not sure what christianity has, as they pick and choose what parts of the old testament they believe depending on what you're talking about, but yeah. There's demons in everything, there's angels in everything, but it comes down to you. I look into this a lot because im sick and tired of all the bullshit that's spread. also, if she continually keeps putting demons onto the dmt(talking negatively about it to the point where you will experience it negatively), remove her from the dmt equation. i know its sometihng incredible you want to share with the world, but when it comes down to it, how many people in the world are capable of taking something out of dmt? many will go deny the experience, go psychotic, you name it. "We are the analogies we believe." - PerPLexED
PerPLexED is a confused fictional creature. He doesn't know that he is fictional. He doesn't know what fiction is. He doesn't know anything, really. But strives to know it all.
 Cloud Whisperer

Posts: 1953 Joined: 05-Jan-2009 Last visit: 22-Jan-2020 Location: Amongst the clouds
soulfood wrote:As I said... could have worded the whole thing better.
I do want you to know that I'm not in this thing for confrontation and I don't want you to think I was baiting or anything.
cheers. No worries all is good, I'm not one for confrontation. Much Peace and Understanding