Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines Options
#181 Posted : 7/20/2012 11:11:38 PM

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minxx drank 10g of the muricata 2 nights ago and said it was very much like the white B.caapi vine we used to drink..only much much more potent..she said that the 10g was at least on par with 50 of the white..

No extra long lasting effects or anything..identical to B.caapi other than the potency thing.
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#182 Posted : 7/20/2012 11:49:53 PM

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I've been meaning to update on the A, anisopetala, might as well do it now Wink

Two weeks ago I tried the A. anisopetala again in a larger quantity than the first time. I took 50g (120ml) followed by 125mg dmt 20 minutes later. Shortly after consuming the anisopetala, I took a shower. While in the shower, I felt similar body/head sensations as harmalas, although it felt a little different. While in the shower, I noticed my vision was slightly different than normal. The candlelit bathroom looked slightly sharper and the colors were somehow affected (more vibrant, without being bright is the best I can describe it).

Upon getting out of the shower, I felt what could be described as light harmala effects, but in the lit rooms of my house, while walking around, I can't say it was not placebo, as i had only drunk the brew some 15 minutes prior.i drank 125mg dmt fb dissolved in a small amount of lemonade and went to the bedroom to lie down and put on some music.

At this time, I realized I was feeling quite warm, despite the fact that the AC was on and I was above the covers. I lay in bed listening to music and unfocusing my mind for a while. I may have dozed off somewhat. When I opened my eyes again, I noticed the flames of the candles in my room were ringed with a starburst pattern, but I had no other noticeable visual effects. I was still very warm and may have had harmala-esque tracers, but i could not make much out in the dark, other than my vision felt tweaked/distorted, but not in a tryptamine sense, nor a truly harmala sense. I felt good, if relatively unaffected beyond the very mild sensations previously described.I continued to lie in bed, letting my mind wander and drifted off again.

I remember waking up in the morning and feeling as though I had experienced very intense and weird dreams, but I was unable to recall anything from any of them; I merely had the impression of it. As soon as I got out of bed and onto my feet, I felt slightly off-kilter, like the physical sensations from a moderate to higher dose of harmalas. As I started the coffee and took my shower, I noticed that I was having mild waves of the harmala-esque body sensations. I experienced these sensations on my way into and while at work in the morning. Sometime around midday, the sensations had diminished beyond my notice.

In talking to my gf, she confirmed that I was significantly warmer than usual throughout the entire night. The residual effects the following morning are rather interesting to me. I don't recall ever experiencing this with harmalas, at least not in the same fashion. I plan on trying some caapi tonight and to try the same brew again with 25g of A. anisopetala added to it in the near future. I also plan on trying a higher dose of just the anisopetala with admixture, but I want to plan it so that I have a clear morning the following day.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#183 Posted : 7/22/2012 8:05:23 AM

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Thanks for those experience reports. I've just received some Anisopetala and plan to explore it as soon as I have some free time and will add my experiences.

I'm assuming that everyone's been preparing it just like Caapi? I usually do 3 X 3hrs with a splash of vinegar...This should be ok, no?

#184 Posted : 8/16/2012 4:51:43 AM


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Today I finally received the shipment of 1kilo "yellow" caapi and 1kilo "Red" Banisteriopsis muricata from a well known and from what I could tell respectable vendor. (in a homeland security bag.Laughing I could really see what went down in customs- "hey bill wtf is "B.caapivine" Pff yeah right that's COCAINE! CUT IT OPEN BOYS! WE'RE ALL GETTING BONUSES! ... Big grin Smile Surprised Neutral Crying or very sad it's just a bunch of wood, sir." )
I'm really excited to be working with ayahuasca again, it's been almost two years since I have successfully had this ally, and almost a year since I have cooked! For one reason or another, in the past year no matter how hard I tried, I just COULD NOT get it right, but maybe that was for the best after all who knows.

I was just pawing through the vines, getting a look at them and fishing out any cool-looking pieces (it's mostly chopped up already) and noticed that both varieties, which are obviously different colors and supposedly different species, have large knots which I thought was characteristic of the variety of caapi known as caupuri... but am I wrong about that? Is that just a morphological difference with little influence on strength of the vine? And is it present in other species of Banisteriopsis, such as muricata? And if this knotting isn't supposed to be present in B. muricata, is this perhaps some Red Caupuri and the other is Yellow caupuri? And one last thing to confound it all - the vendor told me upon my initially inquiring about caupuri vine that He was completely OUT OF that sort of ayahuasca.

I'm not really that upset or even too worried about it though as it's all ayahuasca of some sort and I'm sure it will be good!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
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#185 Posted : 8/16/2012 8:04:28 AM

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Can you take some pictures?
#186 Posted : 8/16/2012 12:53:23 PM

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AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
I was just pawing through the vines, getting a look at them and fishing out any cool-looking pieces (it's mostly chopped up already) and noticed that both varieties, which are obviously different colors and supposedly different species, have large knots which I thought was characteristic of the variety of caapi known as caupuri... but am I wrong about that? Is that just a morphological difference with little influence on strength of the vine? And is it present in other species of Banisteriopsis, such as muricata?

I'm not really that upset or even too worried about it though as it's all ayahuasca of some sort and I'm sure it will be good!

Pictures would be much appreciated and would go a long way in seeing what's up.

A few points of clarification:

B. caapi (yellow) and B. muricata (red) are different species, not varieties (assuming of course that a given vendors ID's properly and is not making color distinctions for marketing purposes). Assuming we know who you ordered from, marketing isn't an issue, afaik.

As far as Western botany is concerned, there are no varieties of B. caapi. D. McKenna supposedly described the two "varieties" that are commonly referenced, but there is no original source material for this as it is a conference lecture that is given as the citation for these possible varieties. That being the case, jumping ahead to talk about "red caupuri" is rather premature.

With both B. caapi and B. muricata, we have afaik, no phytogeographical data with which to compare the suggested morphological data and look for locations/habitats to determine to what degree, if any, interbreeding is taking place between different populations of these vines. Without this data, imo, any differences in the appearance of B. muricata cannot be confidently stated to be anything beyond morphological variance and even in the case of B. caapi, it can't be stated with certainty without putting blind faith in D. McKenna's single lecture from 16 years ago.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#187 Posted : 8/16/2012 9:15:51 PM


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Here's the pictures, although I misplaced the really good knotted piece of the muricata I found another that suffices as an example. The vendor smashes his vines before shipment, so I'm assuming most of the knots would be smashed to bits. Anyway, here they are:

(oh the Red Muricata is on the left and the Yellow Caapi is on the right. The only thing is the muicata's knot is hollow and the caapi's is solid...)

I've done some research and am about to do a bit more, but I do have this question: Am I correct in thinking that "caupuri" means "knotted" and "ourinhos" means "smooth"?
I was reading yesterday that in some parts of Ecuador smooth caapi is "Men's" ayahusacsa and curvy (which I assumed meant knotted?) is "women's ayahuascsa".
Thanks guys! I am really glad that the collaborative research area got started!
AluminumFoilRobots attached the following image(s):
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#188 Posted : 8/16/2012 9:43:48 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Wow...that does look drastically different than any of the vine I've had...or seen pictures of on the Nexus.

Would you mind labeling the pictures or otherwise elaborating on which vine is supposed to be which (or were they not labelled)?

Also, if you could get any straight-on pictures of the cross-section of the vine(s), it would be great to have for comparison purposes.

This is interesting stuff, thanks for posting AluminumFoilRobots Smile
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#189 Posted : 8/16/2012 10:35:13 PM


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Huh, which one? The red one?

Here's the cross-section. I notice that the yellow caapi has the rose-pattern of veinous tissue, while the red "muricata" does not have this pattern. Is that normal with the muricata that you all have received?

The First picture is the "Yellow B. Caapi" and the Second is "Red B. Muricata".
AluminumFoilRobots attached the following image(s):
DSC_0013.JPG (2,579kb) downloaded 300 time(s).
DSC_0016.JPG (2,634kb) downloaded 300 time(s).
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#190 Posted : 8/16/2012 11:19:10 PM

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Yea, the red...the yellow's cross-section looks fairly similar to what I have, I think. I'll double check when I get home.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#191 Posted : 8/19/2012 8:25:29 AM


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So is this what muricata's cross-section look like? It doesn't have the vascular rose-pattern that caapi does? I'm just worried that perhaps I was sent a kilo of mislabeled stuff... this isn't just some random vine, right?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#192 Posted : 8/19/2012 2:31:18 PM

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I've never seen the muricata cross-section in person, so I don't really feel qualified to comment, but here's a post where jamie attached a pic of the muricata he got. Hope it helps.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#193 Posted : 8/19/2012 3:46:07 PM

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looks like muricata to me..the cross section of muricata is basically the same as just need older sections of vine to really tell..brew will be red I am almost certain.
Long live the unwoke.
#194 Posted : 9/9/2012 4:56:36 PM
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So had to cut down my monster Stig.
Here's some pics.
Zaka attached the following image(s):
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#195 Posted : 9/10/2012 12:12:46 AM

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Awesome pictures! "Stig" ?
#196 Posted : 9/10/2012 12:32:28 AM

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That's a beautiful vine!!!

I assume stig refers to Stigmaphyllon you have any information on its activity/effects, Zaka? It would be really awesome to add more and more of these obscure ayahuasca plants into the body of research, even if its just based on subjective experiences and such. Smile
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#197 Posted : 9/10/2012 2:36:31 AM
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SnozzleBerry wrote:
That's a beautiful vine!!!

I assume stig refers to Stigmaphyllon you have any information on its activity/effects, Zaka? It would be really awesome to add more and more of these obscure ayahuasca plants into the body of research, even if its just based on subjective experiences and such. Smile

Indeed a Stigmaphyllon of some species..
Not had any feed back from the vendor other than it's a interesting rope!!!
Gonna have to test it before I try it, somehow?
#198 Posted : 9/10/2012 12:40:28 PM

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Zaka wrote:

Not had any feed back from the vendor other than it's a interesting rope!!!
Gonna have to test it before I try it, somehow?

Sounds like a good candidate for GC-MS if endlessness still has access and is willing...
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#199 Posted : 10/7/2012 1:22:31 AM

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I just recieved some of the red caapi melcat mentioned, i was wondering if anyone new for sure wether it is caapi or muricata?
Frusciante attached the following image(s):
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#200 Posted : 10/7/2012 3:27:44 PM

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That looks like muricata to me but hopefully some others will chime in to confirm.
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