The Blosser Carnival Options
#1 Posted : 8/3/2012 7:23:23 AM

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It's been awhile since I've smoked any Salvia, but tonight I had the opportunity to experiment with some straight leaf, a la the Blosser strain. I was a bit apprehensive before loading up, so I took a few minutes to just breathe and relax.

About five bong rips later, there was a droplet of colors in the center of my closed eye field of awareness, which splashed down and then began to curl back upwards to the right and left sides of itself. It was reminiscent of the scene in Fantasia with all the mops somehow. The liquid colors then began curving toward me, and I had the impression of being at a carnival, standing between two merry go rounds.

For some unknown reason at this point I became aware that I had lifted my left arm up and it was now parallel to the floor, bent at the elbow. It felt strangely good to hold it that way, and I began to move my hand back and forth, toward my face, then away. I was surprised to find that when I moved my hand, the color display warped and stretched, following it's movement.

I asked my friend, who I was dictating an audio message to at the time: "How am I controlling the merry-go-rounds?". I love that about Salvia. Things become so... interesting and confusing simultaneously. I also had the physical sensation of being bent into a zig zag, but it was very pleasant.

In any case, it was a great re-introduction, and it served it's purpose. I wanted to get my feet wet again before I quid for the first time. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to do it this weekend. Very happy
"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 8/6/2012 4:39:09 AM

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Well, I tried the quid technique last night, and although I chewed enough to give the fleeting sensation of coming on, it didn't really go anywhere afterwards.

But, tonight I decided to just smoke out of the bong until I couldn't/didn't want to anymore. I'd guess I burned 8 or 9 cones. After a few, I noticed that the mild visuals on the dimly lit living room floor were breathing in unison with me. Pretty cool, but I wanted more, so I kept going.

When I finally set the bong down, I became fascinated with the bubbles rising in my fish tank. Theres a steady stream of little bubbles, and then a rhytmic larger one. BLOOOOP...BLOOOOP....BLOOOOP. The tanks lights were the only ones on, and the edges of the stand and the entertainment center next to it were crawling with moving colors. The steady blooping of the larger bubbles was causing the light in the room to shift as they passed through it, and soon everything solid in the room was breathing in the same rhythm.

Then what seemed to be curved spiders webs of liquid color shot through the room, and something bright, beautiful, and somehow eerie formed at the top corner of the entertainment center. It was the source of the webs, and had an energy to it that was decidely feminine and spider-like. The webs began to pass through me, both in a visual sense and in that weird physical sensation that salvia gives you, and I was being pulled in towards the center.

The spider woman was trying to draw me in...
Shortly after that, the experience faded, and I decided that that was enough for tonight. I went outside to have a smoke, and while I was out there I remembered that there's a spider plant sitting exactly where the "spider woman" was. How odd.

"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."
#3 Posted : 8/13/2012 5:34:32 AM

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There have been a few small doses between my last post in this thread and the present. Nothing major to report, just light CEVs and some somewhat strange thoughts. Tonight was different. I was aware of the whole reverse tolerance thing, but didn't expect it to be so pronounced. Keep in mind that I have been experimenting with plain leaf...

I spent a few minutes trying to get myself into a proper mindset. No "rituals" beyond sitting and breathing, calming my mind. It'd been a tough day for me, and I wanted to get rid of as much garbage as possible beforehand. I began to feel some trepidation about lighting up, and decided it was now or never, so I grabbed the loaded bong and let her rip.

I held the hit in as long as I could, probably something like 45 seconds, and immediately upon exhaling, I was flooded with that strange salvia tingling, accompanied by a ringing in my ears. A rotating tunnel of colored arches rapidly formed in my minds eye, with the center of the nearest end connecting to me just above my right physical eye. The image of this tunnel became very clear, very quickly.

I became aware of three seperate feminine presences, who seemed to be telling me that what I was seeing was the actual texture of reality. "Oh, this is beautiful", I thought, "show me what it's made of", and could actually see myself leaning into the vortex. One of the women, for lack of a better term, told me "you have no choice but to see it now", and the other two just chuckled in a way that came across as being a bit condescending.

At this point, I began to feel the tunnel and its rotation in my body, whirling in a clockwise direction from the right side of my face down to my right hand. I felt that I was being pulled into the tunnel, and could see little bits of myself being drawn into it as well. I became alarmed at this, because the parts of me that were breaking off were becoming encapsulated in the archways, and I suddenly felt unprepared for total immersion.

Fear overcame me, and I resisted the pull, which required a significant amount of mental energy. I either received mercy, or my time was nearing its end, because it worked. I noticed my physical self-awareness returning to a semi normal state, and realized I was drooling on myself and my forehead was covered in sweat. Embarrased

As is my tradition, I began speaking into my phone about what had just transpired in order to preserve the experience, still obviously semi whacked and shaky. It's really interesting to listen to those recordings for me. I usually get a laugh out of it.

I'd just like to conclude this post by saying that the reverse tolerance for salvia can really grab you by the balls if you're not prepared, and now that I know how far it can go, I'll be taking a bit more time to prepare from now on. I want to give myself fully to the experience, and see what salvia has to show me, without fear.
"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."
#4 Posted : 8/25/2012 2:52:28 AM

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Hey. Me again Very happy
I got over "the Fear", and have been smoking pretty regularly. The strange thing is, aside from one particularly odd experience, I keep having essentially the same trip.

The unusual experience had a typical onset, with the pulling in multiple directions body buzz, and the formation of moving arch CEV's. I had the distinct sensation of my head being pulled off, although for whatever reason it wasn't an uncomfortable thing. I was just kind of like "ok, this is happening now. Cool". It got a bit weird after that, but I found it humorous as well.

After my head popped off, I was sucked into the moving arches, and the whole shebang just kind of rainbowed who knows how far, to someone else's home, and I realized that my face was now a part of Someone Else's hallucination. I could actually see them staring at me, and I couldn't help but laugh. Poor dude probably had a weird one. "yeah, man, there was this severed head laughing at me...".Laughing

The rest of my trips have been exhilirating for me. I commonly encounter from one to three faceless, feminie entities, who proceed to demonstrate how they weave together the fabric of reality. It's a bit different each time, and at one point I realized that it was different because of ME and my mindset at the time. Whenever I encounter these beings, I am mentally reaching my arms up with a big grin on my face, exuding love and friendship. I don't know why I was so weirded out the first time I encountered one of them. Possibly because I saw her materialize with my eyes open. I definitely prefer keeping my eyes closed, and having it really dim in my apartment, with binaural beats or something playing quietly.

Anyways, I was wondering...

Does anyone else have essentially the same trip with Salvia? I've read through alot of Salvia experience reports , and don't recall finding anything like this. Maybe I'm an oddball or something (it's been suggested before) Big grin
"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."
#5 Posted : 8/25/2012 4:43:44 AM

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Xaarov wrote:
Anyways, I was wondering...

Does anyone else have essentially the same trip with Salvia? I've read through alot of Salvia experience reports , and don't recall finding anything like this. Maybe I'm an oddball or something (it's been suggested before) Big grin

Salvia experiences seem to follow certain “themes”, then eventually the theme changes.

For me, it started with a “physical transformation” theme: Time after time I was transformed into an inanimate object – a tent, an awning, a broom, a child’s toy, etc.

Then there was the “being pulled down the tracks” theme: I felt like I was always being pulled either toward something or away from something.

More recently, it’s been the “flipping through the pages of multiple realities” theme: Parallel realities are lined up like pages in a book, and I plunge through them, soon forgetting which reality is “mine”.

After a while, the theme changes. There’s no telling how long any particular theme will last, but eventually it will change.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#6 Posted : 8/26/2012 10:16:55 PM

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gibran2 wrote:

After a while, the theme changes. There’s no telling how long any particular theme will last, but eventually it will change.

And so it has.
After the first exhale in my latest session, this microscopic talking dog when trotting by, turned it's head and looked at me with a giggle, asking "did you forget?".

I don't know if it was a couple days off of Salvia that did the trick, or the suggestion that the theme will eventually change, neither of the above, both of the above...

I've read that alot of people don't find Salvia enjoyable, even at responsible doses. Personally, I have alot of fun with it. The weirdness is just hilarious to me, and I often gain a better perspective on my life in the afterglow.
"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."
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