Sunflower extraction final stages problem Options
#1 Posted : 7/31/2012 5:08:47 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi All,

Here is a picture of my extraction following LucidLemoades execellent tek. There are 400g San Pedro used altogether in 4 seperate extractions

This has been dried in a food dehydrater at 70C and that is as good as it gets. If I leave it, it eventually goes a little runny again. Is this correct? Can I use MEK to clean it up right now? Should I do the hairdryer/fan on it a few times over first?

Also how much MEK should I use? 2ml per 200mg seems impossibly small to me. Have I misunderstood something?

Many Thanks

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#2 Posted : 7/31/2012 6:57:59 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Not to worry, MEK'd it and is looking better... though I would say it is a lot more tan than off white
#3 Posted : 8/1/2012 11:55:59 AM
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Hi Everyone,

I am still having problems getting a nice end product and losing loads as I go along. I am probably 2/3rds down on what I started with now. Can there be that many impurites?

Here is a picture of the MEK after a few cleans of the original extraction.

Obviously a lot of impurites have been taken out judging by the colour. I thought this was a good sign. However what was left over was still just as gooey as before after evaporation.

The MEK was no longer getting any colour out of it. So I made a HCl solution and put the lot in there and evapourated and then cleaned twice with acetone and once with IPA. Only a faint tint came over in the cleaning. Here is a pic of what's left under the dehydrater evporating now.

Still dirty. Why can't I get nice white crystals?

Any help please?

#4 Posted : 8/1/2012 12:31:33 PM
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Okay, so the evaporation is finished and I scraped it up and weighed it in. Came out at 1200mg of tanned but powdery mescaline. No goo at last! This was from 400g of old San Pedro I had laying around. Other people seem to get far better yeilds but perhaps my material isn't very potent.

Also I only did 2 pulls with sunflower oil as in LucidLemomades but see that 69Rons tek with d-Limonene does a few more. Perhaps next time I will do more pulls with the sunflower oil.

Anyway, here is a picture.

I read that acetate is stronger in effect to HCl, so if I put all this in some vinegar and evaporate I pressume I'll have a nice mescaline acetate left over?

#5 Posted : 8/1/2012 5:11:38 PM


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the only reason acetate is considered more potent is due to its quicker come up and peak, however hcl cleans much better and can be separated easily into pure mesc with dry ipa and other alkaloids

since hcl is such a strong acid, youd need an even stronger acid to convert it by just adding an acidic solution

the following list shows you the strengths of each acid

pKa - Acid
-8.0 - Hydrochloric Acid
1.27 - Oxalic acid
2.15 - Phosphoric acid
2.98 - L-Tartaric acid
3.03 - Fumaric Acid
3.15 - Citric acid
3.40 - DL-Malic acid
3.86 - L-(+)-Lactic acid
4.20 - Ascorbic acid
4.75 - Acetic acid

this implies that you can not convert hcl to acetate without first freebasing then resalting.

also your pulls with sunflower oil were only 2 and we dont know how much sunflower oil can pull from limited research, i typically do 3-5 pulls with limo, last time i did 2 before i messed things up with an "innovation" and yielded 2 g from some cores i had laying around.

typically cacti powder from a reputable sources is atleast 1% active, so 400g would be 4 g.
#6 Posted : 8/1/2012 5:14:44 PM


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if youre going to use acetic acid and desire a waxy non oily product its best to use glacial acetic acid as store bought distilled white vinegar has impurities that leave you with a resinous goo, much like dmt acetate, but not as bad
#7 Posted : 8/1/2012 5:16:35 PM


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heres a thread of making mescaline acetates like a boss
#8 Posted : 8/1/2012 9:19:06 PM
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Thanks for all your info Mew Smile

I have just done another run but this time use HCl solution instead of vinegar so I can clean it better.

If I wanted to freebase it to get back to acetate do I dissolve in water and add an NaOH solution until a high pH and pull with vinegar?

Perhaps I will invest in some glacial acetic acid to make things a whole lot easier
#9 Posted : 8/2/2012 3:10:43 AM
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DreadyMofo wrote:

I read that acetate is stronger in effect to HCl, so if I put all this in some vinegar and evaporate I pressume I'll have a nice mescaline acetate left over?


your material looks good, i wouldn't convert it

i'd crash it from mek for pure needles of mescaline hcl myself
pm me if you need

#10 Posted : 8/2/2012 4:34:58 AM


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@ dreadymofo

you cant pull with vinegar from naoh solution, it will neutralize, you must first pull the basic solution with your nps then salt out with vinegar if you please


lets talk about your mek xtal method, im curious
#11 Posted : 8/2/2012 4:05:39 PM
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Thanks Mew... could you advise me of a good nps to use. My chemical knowledge is very limited so I need all the help I can find. Actaully I think I only have naptha or xylene, which would be best to use? Oh, and of course the sunflower oil

#12 Posted : 8/2/2012 6:26:51 PM
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I really haven't a clus what I am doing or what is happening here.

I froze my MEK clean to seee if anything participated out. It did and I threw out the rest of the MEK. Here is a picture.

Is this mescaline? If it is, after about 5 minutes it had turned into a MEK smelling dirty brown liquid and looked somewhat oily.

Also, the picture of the mescaline HCl on the scales did a simliar thing and after a day has also turned to a gooey brown substance.

Why would this happen? How can I resolve this?

Ta for any info/advice
#13 Posted : 8/3/2012 12:43:26 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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DreadyMofo, i replied to you via pm...

mew wrote:


lets talk about your mek xtal method, im curious

basically, dissolve crude hcl into as little hot mek as possible, may need to boil it.
do so safely!
reduce volume by boil( or vac if equipped) until mek goes cloudy,
let sit for a day or so in freezer
filter nearly pure needles from brown mek liquid

if you want more detail pm me Smile
#14 Posted : 8/3/2012 7:14:08 AM


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@ dready mofo, im not sure if you dissolved your mescaline into mek then froze it to get that, whats more is i dont use mek at all since acetone cleaning is so effective, if i were to use mek in the future i would do as dg says and dissolve my already cleaned hcl into minimal boiling mek and reduce a bit then freeze, typical super saturation.

@ dg
do you do the acetone washes before the mek rextal and how much hot mek per g of cleaned/uncleaned hcl

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