Astral Lion resin Options
#1 Posted : 7/26/2012 5:00:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been working on perfecting this recipe for about a month now, and I would like to share it in the spirit of love:

Astral Lion
Filtered sweet almond oil
Ethiopian frankincense resin
Caapi leaf extract
Yohimbine HCL (use sparingly, depending on how much you smoke in a sitting)
Peppermint oil
Camphor oil
Evaporated lemon balm extract (or powdered lemon balm)
Evaporated bacopa extract (or powdered bacopa)
A pinch of pure stevia extract (for flavor, also a very mild relaxant)
And of course highly purified spice

The specific quantities of each item can be varied depending on whether you prefer an oily resin that is minimally irritating and must be heated in order to produce vapor, or a firm dry pellet that can be smoked continually once lit. To make a pellet, simply use powdered lemon balm and bacopa rather than extracts. The volume of sweet almond oil can be varied to go from a fairly firm resin to liquid.

Preparation is easy:

finely crush the beeswax and frankincense
gently heat the frankincense and beeswax separately. Mechanically agitate them as they are heated to ensure even melting. Use a small amount of almond oil as they melt to ensure an even consistency. Frankincense will need more almond oil to cleanly melt. When both are fully liquid, stabilize their temperature. Add your lemon balm, bacopa and yohimbine to the beeswax slowly, stirring to maintain an even consistency. You can add them to almond oil then add that oil to the beeswax to simplify this process. If you are going to use lemon balm or bacopa powder, add your caapi extract to it and let it soak in thoroughly before mixing into the beeswax as the caapi extract has poor solubility and will be more cooperative in a binding agent; you could also use an emulsifier such as lecithin. Once the non-volatile ingredients have been added to the beeswax, let it start to cool slowly. When it starts to get a waxy look (while still being mostly liquid) add the frankincense, camphor and peppermint oil, reduce the heat quickly and stir vigorously. If you do it right you should be able to get an even consistency before everything solidifies. If you are having trouble in this step add additional almond oil.

The resulting pellet or oil will have a taste vaguely reminiscent of a honey lemon cough drop, with musty and woody overtones. You will find that the smoke from the oil (and to a slightly lesser degree, the pellet) is very light and produces an unusual lung sensation. This is because the natural tendency of this mixture will be to vaporize rather than combust (as long as you use pure materials). For best effect, do not take overly large hits or too many hits in rapid succession, but build up to your breakthrough with many relaxed, repeated hits. Because this mixture is highly non-polar, the reduction in efficacy when passing through a bong or similar water pipe will be minimal; nonetheless for best results here I suggest using slightly warm water with salts added, as this will pull cellulose and any ionized combustion products out without causing a waxy residue to form in your pipe.

Additionally, I have listed the relative features of the different ingredients so you can decide what ratios are right for you:

Frankincense: provides an emptiness, a receptiveness to the divine, and acts as a mental purifier
Yohimbine HCL: provides a virile energy, a primal wild fire, helps unlock the power of your libido so it can be channeled
Peppermint/Camphor: for comfort and flavor, also counteract some of the negative effects of smoke.
Lemon balm: Brings a soothing energy, a release of stored tension in body and mind, and helps maintain presence and clarity
Bacopa: Redistributes the energy in the body, moving it from the peripheral to the highest points in the central nervous system. Regulates energy flow, smoothing out highs and lows. To use the terms of ayurveda, this concentrates the prana in the upper (crown and brow) chakras, and removes pranic blockages.


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#2 Posted : 7/26/2012 6:11:25 PM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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Sounds like you put some thought into this, props sounds pretty interesting.

Travel like a king
Listen to the inner voice
A higher wisdom is at work for you
Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier
When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite
Every ending is a new beginning
Life is an endless unfoldment
Change your mind, and you change your relation to time
Free your mind and the rest will follow
#3 Posted : 7/26/2012 11:06:24 PM


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im inspired to really develop own recipe after hearing of your fascinating combination. good work, i bet its a real treat
#4 Posted : 7/27/2012 1:25:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 37
Joined: 06-Jun-2012
Last visit: 12-Sep-2012
im inspired to really develop own recipe after hearing of your fascinating combination. good work, i bet its a real treat

Thank you, this warms my heart Smile
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