WATER is a conduit! Options
#1 Posted : 2/12/2009 9:20:02 PM

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SWIM had read a post a while back saying DMT was a water spirit and decided to explore this concept....though he has a stash of wonderful snow-white crystals, he decided to load up .04 (his usual breakthrough dose) of some dark brown oxide spice and head for the bathroom. he immersed himself in a tub of wondefully warm water and meditated for a spell before invoking the spirit....his breakthrough was the best yet!!

he was a in a wasp hive. the "mother wasps" were tending to their pupaes and SWIM was one of them...i watched and felt the love with which they tended to the helpless young and, before SWIM knew it, a mother was above him. there was a moment where SWIM felt like he could just as easily have his head chomped off as anything....but there was absolutely no fear....SWIM had surrendered completely and looked up at this beautiful, powerful entity with complete awe and love. SWIM was nurtured and loved back to an unfathomable degree....thinking back on it brings a tear to SWIM's eye...
SWIM continually said "thank you" during this silent exchange of information. the mother wasp then told SWIM "the ego will always want SOMETHING"....and SWIM understood. SWIM told the mother he would remember all information she chose to share and instantly a carrier wave of the most beautiful pitch rang through every cell of SWIM's being. it was a feeling of "realignment'" of a celestial body that SWIM wasn't even aware of....until now.
an explosion of beautiful machinery and insect imagery and SWIM asked if their world was more machine than organic. SWIM was immediately taken back to the hive where all was made clear that it was all part of the same energy. all one. in the awareness that all was made of the same energy, the mother informed me that the "conduit" for all exchanged information was water. SWIM instantly became aware that SWIM was in his tub and that the water contained the collective consciousness of all things since before time. it was like the water in TRON....pure energy... and the messages SWIM had been receiving in his previous journeys had been "static and snowy" compared to this experience where he was immersed in the ultimate conductor.

SWIM was now eyes open and saying thank you profusely. he looked at his pipe and noticed there was still a little puddle of melted spice and decided to finish it off in the hopes of extending his giant lungful finished it and SWIM held it in as long as humanly possible....BOOM!! SWIM is in the "playroom" he's read about!!! INCREDIBLE!!! AND, his friends are there!!! another breakthrough???!!! the toy boxes and gears and elves and jack-in-the-boxes were all morphing into what would be considered terrifying faces, but there was not a hint of fear. my "friends" were showing me how funny the whole concept of "fear" was. SWIM watched everything morph and turn on itself and then he said "i understand!!" and he meant it.

SWIM was invited back. he was told he was welcome anytime and there was much to be shown.....

THIS was the journey he always dreamed he would have....he is so moved right blessed.....

...oh, and for those of SWIY who read SWIM's last post about music....SWIM went without and it was SOOOOO much better.....SO much!!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

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#2 Posted : 2/12/2009 9:59:31 PM

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Wonderful experience,

check this out
Meditation to cure Depression.

What It Will Do for You

This meditation totally recharges you.
It is an antidote to depression. It builds a new system, gives you the capacity and caliber to deal with life, and gives you a direct relationship with your pranic body.
How to Do It
Sit with a straight spine in easy pose. Arms are extended straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground. Close your right hand into a fist. Wrap your left fingers around it. The bases of the palms touch. The thumbs are close together and are pulled straight up. The eyes are focused on the thumbs.
Now inhale for 5 seconds (do not hold the breath in); exhale for 5 seconds; hold the breath out for 15 seconds. Continue.
Start with 3 - 5 minutes and work up to 11 minutes. Build up the time slowly.
In time, you can work up to holding the breath out for 1 full minute.
#3 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:05:31 PM

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awesome experience dude

this is how homeopathy is said to work

information for the body to heal itself
it's a sound
#4 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:25:44 PM

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SWIM is absolutely glowing....he also got a gram of THH today....Jorkest, remind me what a good dosage is with smoked spice...was it .015 THH and .015 spice? SWIM wants to go back into the tub again tonight!!

btw-how are the L.O.V.E. badges coming? Smile
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:31:37 PM

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That was brilliant brother.
I gottsta take me a bath : )
I wonder why wasps though!!!
You have to go within or you go without
#6 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:44:39 PM

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that's SWIM's 2nd time with the brown oxide spice....SWIM definitely gets much more organic visions and has made contact twice now using it. it is SWIM's belief that there needs to be a little plant fat/matter for the spirit to connect with many different variable this time music....water.....brown spice....who knows??? for wasps....not sure but it sure seemed perfect at the time! Smile

much love.
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#7 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:47:41 PM

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antrocles wrote:
SWIM is absolutely glowing....he also got a gram of THH today....Jorkest, remind me what a good dosage is with smoked spice...was it .015 THH and .015 spice? SWIM wants to go back into the tub again tonight!!

btw-how are the L.O.V.E. badges coming? Smile

well depending on if you do it sublingually or orally...personally oral is much better..lasts longer and you dont have to worry so much about timing...but orally you have to take anywhere between 100-150mg for decent effects from it..sublingually between say 10 and i dont know maybe 50mg...50 would be a bit much..i think maybe 20-30 is a decent range..

and go with 40mg spice or whatever your normal dose is...because THH doesnt really make it stronger it just kinda stretches it out..and the after glow lasts a bit longer...its really sweet...

but orally is better...especially if you can take a bit of harmine or harmaline with it

if you do take harmine or harmaline with it..use 100mg of THH + 40-50mg harmaline or 60-80mg harmine

or do 80mg thh 30mg harmaline and 30mg harmine...or whatever your preference..

this will make the experience much much nicer

and the L.O.V.E badges are already can pick one up at your local hyperspace L.O.V.E store
it's a sound
#8 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:49:27 PM

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and if you take it sublingually wait at least 10 minutes before smoking spice...and if you do it orally wait about 30-40 minutes
it's a sound
#9 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:49:38 PM

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hey comaprophet- SWIM is VERY familiar with this Dr.'s work with water. SWIM has actually met with and spoken with him (via translator).....he recently made another film simply titled "water" that is profound. SWIM highly recommends it....

as for the impact of words on water- the good Dr. found, if you recall, two words which, when put together on water, produced the most profound crystalline results: LOVE and GRATITUDE.

the day after SWIM read this he went and got the japanese kanji for each tattooed on either wrist. SWIM has devoted himself to living with this vibrational frequency ALWAYS present!!
antrocles attached the following image(s):
Ai - LOVE.JPG (80kb) downloaded 322 time(s).
KanSha - GRATITUDE.JPG (81kb) downloaded 322 time(s).
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#10 Posted : 2/12/2009 10:53:28 PM

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Jorkest- when SWIY says "orally", does he mean "put it in a gel-cap and gulp it down"? SWIM understands how to do it sublingually....does one have a stronger effect?
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#11 Posted : 2/13/2009 12:45:00 AM

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orally has always been a bit stronger for SWIM...but that is because there is so much more in his body..and usually what he does it put it in warm water and then gulps

nice tats
it's a sound
#12 Posted : 2/13/2009 1:05:25 AM

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I am *So* Glad you had such a beautiful experience!

Did you leave the tap dripping, and any alien sound effects?

Also your revelation about time and water is very, very interesting to me. SWIMs personal experiences with lysergia culminated in a sort of escape from time, much of which was spent either "traveling without moving" by running with some tunes on, or in the bath in a sort of timeless existance. It sorta connected something for me, in my head.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
Bill Cipher
#13 Posted : 2/13/2009 2:17:18 AM

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well depending on if you do it sublingually or orally...personally oral is much better..lasts longer and you dont have to worry so much about timing...but orally you have to take anywhere between 100-150mg for decent effects from it..sublingually between say 10 and i dont know maybe 50mg...50 would be a bit much..i think maybe 20-30 is a decent range..

and go with 40mg spice or whatever your normal dose is...because THH doesnt really make it stronger it just kinda stretches it out..and the after glow lasts a bit longer...its really sweet...

but orally is better...especially if you can take a bit of harmine or harmaline with it

if you do take harmine or harmaline with it..use 100mg of THH + 40-50mg harmaline or 60-80mg harmine

or do 80mg thh 30mg harmaline and 30mg harmine...or whatever your preference..

this will make the experience much much nicer


Some questions for you: How long from ingestion to base line with the harmala alkaloids (say, sublingual THH HCL alone, and alternately, sublingual THH plus harmine and harmaline), if one is smoking the spice? How long if the spice is administered orally? The harmine and harmaline SWIM has been eyeing are both 90-95% pure freebase. How does this effect your dosage recommendations? Can the latter two be smoked for the same effect as well, or is this not really an option? Should SWIM expect nausea with these crystallized extracts? After effects? And when SWIY says that it makes the experience "nicer", would he also say that it cuts down on anxiety/jitters? SWIM is going through a rough patch recently with an increasing level of fear, on take off and come down, and sometimes throughout, and is hoping that one or all of these harmalas can help him get back on the good foot.
#14 Posted : 2/13/2009 3:58:29 AM

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SWIM couldnt say how long for sublingually with harmine or harmaline..but with start to feel effects about 10 minutes after taking it..and it may last 1-2 hours..then the come down..but that has nothing to do with the smoking...after you smoke the spice..with the thh in will last anywhere between 10-20 minutes..maybe longer..with a longer come down as well..

and when it comes to your instincts..its hard to dose without knowing the weight..but trust your eyes as best you can if you cant weigh it..

and i guess you can smoke the freebase harmaloids but SWIM has never tried it..and you shouldnt feel any nausea..but its best to eat some bread or some cereal after taking any helps with any nausea..

it makes the experience feel more euphoric and much much less anxious..much smoother..

and SWIM understands the fear..and the harmala's really help to calm you down and get things moving..

just trust yourself..and know everything will be fine..but the harmalas do smooth everything out..slow it down..and make it a bit nicer..if you are ready..which you are if you think so
it's a sound
Bill Cipher
#15 Posted : 2/13/2009 4:16:43 AM

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SWIM couldnt say how long for sublingually with harmine or harmaline..but with start to feel effects about 10 minutes after taking it..and it may last 1-2 hours..then the come down..but that has nothing to do with the smoking...after you smoke the spice..with the thh in will last anywhere between 10-20 minutes..maybe longer..with a longer come down as well..

and when it comes to your instincts..its hard to dose without knowing the weight..but trust your eyes as best you can if you cant weigh it..

Okay, to get more specific: SWIM weighs about 150lbs. If he takes say 15-20mgs sublingual THH, how much oral harmine and hamaline would be suggested, and how long before the sublingual? I'm sorry, you may have already mentioned the timing. SWIM's usual massive breakthrough is 50mg, but as previously mentioned he's been getting spooked the fuck out as of late, so has been riding on smaller doses the past week (and not quite breaking through). Very frustrating, as he is now trying to muscle his way through the fear, which is only making things worse and just feels like the absolute wrong way to go about it. Very hopeful this will make the difference.
#16 Posted : 2/21/2009 7:23:51 AM

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antrocles wrote:
SWIM had read a post a while back saying DMT was a water spirit and decided to explore this concept....though he has a stash of wonderful snow-white crystals, he decided to load up .04 (his usual breakthrough dose) of some dark brown oxide spice and head for the bathroom. he immersed himself in a tub of wondefully warm water and meditated for a spell before invoking the spirit....his breakthrough was the best yet!!

he was a in a wasp hive. the "mother wasps" were tending to their pupaes and SWIM was one of them...i watched and felt the love with which they tended to the helpless young and, before SWIM knew it, a mother was above him. there was a moment where SWIM felt like he could just as easily have his head chomped off as anything....but there was absolutely no fear....SWIM had surrendered completely and looked up at this beautiful, powerful entity with complete awe and love. SWIM was nurtured and loved back to an unfathomable degree....thinking back on it brings a tear to SWIM's eye...
SWIM continually said "thank you" during this silent exchange of information. the mother wasp then told SWIM "the ego will always want SOMETHING"....and SWIM understood. SWIM told the mother he would remember all information she chose to share and instantly a carrier wave of the most beautiful pitch rang through every cell of SWIM's being. it was a feeling of "realignment'" of a celestial body that SWIM wasn't even aware of....until now.
an explosion of beautiful machinery and insect imagery and SWIM asked if their world was more machine than organic. SWIM was immediately taken back to the hive where all was made clear that it was all part of the same energy. all one. in the awareness that all was made of the same energy, the mother informed me that the "conduit" for all exchanged information was water. SWIM instantly became aware that SWIM was in his tub and that the water contained the collective consciousness of all things since before time. it was like the water in TRON....pure energy... and the messages SWIM had been receiving in his previous journeys had been "static and snowy" compared to this experience where he was immersed in the ultimate conductor.

SWIM was now eyes open and saying thank you profusely. he looked at his pipe and noticed there was still a little puddle of melted spice and decided to finish it off in the hopes of extending his giant lungful finished it and SWIM held it in as long as humanly possible....BOOM!! SWIM is in the "playroom" he's read about!!! INCREDIBLE!!! AND, his friends are there!!! another breakthrough???!!! the toy boxes and gears and elves and jack-in-the-boxes were all morphing into what would be considered terrifying faces, but there was not a hint of fear. my "friends" were showing me how funny the whole concept of "fear" was. SWIM watched everything morph and turn on itself and then he said "i understand!!" and he meant it.

SWIM was invited back. he was told he was welcome anytime and there was much to be shown.....

THIS was the journey he always dreamed he would have....he is so moved right blessed.....

...oh, and for those of SWIY who read SWIM's last post about music....SWIM went without and it was SOOOOO much better.....SO much!!!


Wow congratulations. That sounds wonderful. I must try. I hope I will be accepted.
I am in fact a compulsive liar. Anything I say should be regarded as delusional ramblings, and are 100% fictional.
Hidden Glee
#17 Posted : 4/8/2009 11:35:25 PM
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Thanks for sharing your beautiful experience! I humbly offer some thoughts, even though I've yet to experience DMT.

I've been enjoying many reading the experiences people have shared on this site. I've been reading lots of metaphysical material the last few months. I think it's possible that SWIY has an existence, somewhere, somewhen, as a wasp. DMT allows you to tune into it.

Someone here started a thread about experiencing what I took to be existence between physical lives. If time and space are basically illusions it should be possible to re-experience some of our reincarnational lives, and maybe other existences not on the physical plane at all.

I think most spice experiences are influenced heavily by the person's imaginations, fears, expectations. I wonder if it's possible for someone in a good state of mind to consciously set the intention of experiencing one of their other existences with little distortion. Has anyone given any thought to this?
#18 Posted : 4/9/2009 7:16:50 AM

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antrocles wrote:
.BOOM!! SWIM is in the "playroom" he's read about!!! INCREDIBLE!!! AND, his friends are there!!! another breakthrough???!!! the toy boxes and gears and elves and jack-in-the-boxes were all morphing into what would be considered terrifying faces, but there was not a hint of fear. my "friends" were showing me how funny the whole concept of "fear" was. SWIM watched everything morph and turn on itself and then he said "i understand!!" and he meant it.

Dude, I have been to that "Playroom" as well! I had never heard about it until now however. Where did you read about it. It was so magical, with everyone playing, and building things, and inviting me to their games. They were drawing me into their play room where all the objects kind of had a bright shiny candy like appearance. I called it the toy room or something when I experienced it. It was like an offering to come check out what we do in our off time.

I came out of it on my hands and knees in the middle of the living room just trying to immerse myself in it as much as possible.

Now that whole Wasp thing? Thats a keeper for sure! You are very lucky that you could retain so much detail. The visits are always so fleeting for me, or they are chopped up into segments.

Nice report brother! Outstanding! Gonna have to hit the tub next tme!

Happy Journies!
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#19 Posted : 4/9/2009 1:33:51 PM

The Root

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swim has had every atom in his being scrubbed with beautifull spring water in a white room - there were acacia obtusifolia on the tables in the room and flourescent style lighting - swim could breath in this water and has never had such a cleansing beautifull experience.

antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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