The walls have coding. Options
#1 Posted : 7/23/2012 2:14:11 AM


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I recorded my second DMT trip on camera the other day, and my trip was insane this time I started shaking before I took the third hit because the world seemed to be sort of fading and glitching out while it was replaced with shapes and symbols flashing repeatedly, I didn't close my eyes for a little bit. When I did hit it the third time I almost dropped the pipe but remembered to lower it to the floor, then I felt my body begin to shut down. It felt like literally every process in by body stopped for a few seconds as my mind shut down and the buzzing I heard slowed and ended abruptly.
When I looked around with my eyes closed, after I came back from that temporary shutdown, there was a sort of code written all over the walls of this room filled with bright light, I didn't see any entities but felt the impression of a collective consciousness, I was trying to pay attention to the code on the walls, flowing almost as if it was the code from the matrix, only there weren't numbers.
Then gravity seemed to shift and I hit a wall and was overcome by the buzzing noises that I could best describe as being dial up modem noises, or similar to them. I was surrounded by a pleasant cocoon of light, and I felt embraced by the collective consciousness for a while. After what seemed like an eternity of this I came back to see my friends, who were just sitting by watching, I immediately tried to explain how I thought I'd somked too much and blacked out the elves, I was really confused about what had just occured because I was still tripping, Then I was trying to explain the feeling I had in the cocoon of light and I bellowed out the strange noise that was running through my head, Making that sound made me feel as if some strong flow of energy had left my body and when I watched the video I found I had mimicked the sound in my head remarkably well, if you want me to send you a few small snippets of the video just pm me. I can't post it on here I guess and refuse to post on youtube.

All in all this was a very frightening experience as opposed to last time, on my pre-breakthrough dose. I really want to take collaborative research up a notch.

Some questions I've pondered: What was the significance of the symbols?
What was that noise, and why do so many people experience it?
Death is an awakening. . . One day it will come.
But you'll search the skies with your eyes in frantic wonder.
You will come to realize the lies you've told yourself for so long to survive.
"We fear something that does not exist."
Not only does death not exist, we ourselves do not exist.

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Electric Kool-Aid
#2 Posted : 7/23/2012 2:43:15 AM

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Awesome! I think we should all record while tripping. Not to post on the net, but to have as research. I think we can learn off of this. Especially when foreign words from hyperspace come out of our mouths! Or things like black smoke or entities that might be in the room with you and seen on the camera!

As for the code. I have seen it lightly only once and it was very faint on my curtain on a light dose of vaped spice. More people might be able to help you later with that.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#3 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:24:37 AM

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Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Awesome! I think we should all record while tripping. Not to post on the net, but to have as research. I think we can learn off of this. Especially when foreign words from hyperspace come out of our mouths! Or things like black smoke or entities that might be in the room with you and seen on the camera!

I agree. Theres alot to be learned from observing ourselves in altered states, no matter what the chemicals being used are. Itd be crazy to catch something otherwordly from a trip on camera, too!
"This concludes our transmission to Oceania. However, listeners in East Asia may continue listening on the following short wave frequencies: 6110, 7230, 9565, 9760, 15160, and 15425 kilohertz."
#4 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:42:36 AM


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i know this code as "god code" it IS the energetic blueprint to physical reality. i saw mine as gold runes, too tried to remember them. this happened when i came back to my body after i though i met god on 7 g dried cubensis, in a dark shower, my first trip.

the symbols that transform seem to be related to a purple pink fluid of a gummy viscosity that also seems to be covering me and everything else. i call this shape populated pink goop "jesus juice" it happens when i smoke dmt or drink aya
#5 Posted : 7/23/2012 11:50:59 AM


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[quote=mew]i know this code as "god code" it IS the energetic blueprint to physical reality. i saw mine as gold runes,

I felt the same way Mew, except my "runes" seemed to be filled with light, EVERYTHING seemed filled with light in that rune room, I didn't pay attention to the color at all because I was busy trying to piece over a few of the symbols and determine whether or not I'd seen them before in the real world, one I remember specifically looked like an 'E' with elongated prongs and a curved backside, sort of like a triton, The part I don't remember about it is which way it was facing.

I'm glad I've found someone who experienced that as well, next time I'll try to draw some of the coding if I see it, then we can determine whether or not it has any serious similarity with other code seen in DMT trips.

Thanks for all the responses. I feel that if there is any "safe" place to post the information I gather, the nexus is definitely my place. Smile

Death is an awakening. . . One day it will come.
But you'll search the skies with your eyes in frantic wonder.
You will come to realize the lies you've told yourself for so long to survive.
"We fear something that does not exist."
Not only does death not exist, we ourselves do not exist.
#6 Posted : 7/23/2012 4:36:20 PM
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The gode code I have seen Is hyroglyphic like a cross between vedic, hebrew, arabic, egyptian and celtic...

I believe it is possible the "mother language" from wich ancient earthly languages are derived.
And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not percieve the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "brother let me remove the speck from your eye", when you yourself do not see the plank that is in your own eye?-Yeshua ben Yoseph
#7 Posted : 7/23/2012 8:11:35 PM


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that's interesting that you said hyroglyphic Eliyahu, I was about to suggest that very word, but I noticed that many hyroglyphs I've seen seem more simplistic than many of the more complex symbols from, say, ancient egyptian language. Maybe the egyptians got their idea to decorate their tombs so elaborately, and cover the walls in this coding, came from natural dmt experiences, or a plant they learned to extract from. The ancient egyptians did have some insane advancements in knowledge it seems, with the building of the pyramids and the development of mummification. Maybe most of this knowledge is just lost.
Death is an awakening. . . One day it will come.
But you'll search the skies with your eyes in frantic wonder.
You will come to realize the lies you've told yourself for so long to survive.
"We fear something that does not exist."
Not only does death not exist, we ourselves do not exist.
#8 Posted : 7/26/2012 11:31:46 AM

imagined clarity

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Forgive making up words up to express.

Q: "What was the significance of the symbols?"

My opinion:

The brain organizes information neuro-graphically. Pictographic-ally referencing connections between dendrites & other associative pathways interconnecting relevance between language, thought, association, time, and recall sorting based upon associative cognitive state.

This is encoded upon time of imprintation, interpolation, and significance placing neurological chemical marker for bridging other constructs fractally like a directory structure 3 dimensionally.

This is observed outside our brains ability to normally process visual data (In how we see in the real world opposed to in our head where data is more tightly dimensionally knotted).

This information visualized by the spatial visual cortex on your brains internal "chalkboard" (imagination) angles into glyph symbolic mathematical architecture congruent with relevancy towards the internal mental construct hierarchy.

This is relevant again to a "systems approach" mental marker "geometrical shape sorting system" where you see shapes showing construct; similar to brain "mind mapping" software helping us most efficiently evolve path of least resistance towards a the most efficient (process & concept) / (evolution/sorting) visualization we can utilize for conveying concepts more clearly person to person in real life.

This internal automatic model relates the relevancy of right brain hemisphere landscape, shape/information recall information into intuitive insight gleaned in normal awareness. I believe our brains intuited this neurological evolution thanks to the frontal lobe.

Genetic inheritance of this adaptation was due to homo-sapien's survival hinging upon our language, shape, time sorting, recall, + ability to predict immediate future.

Consider brain function not normally noticed in normal state of consciousness behind this veil as pure internal language evolved from how well each person's been able to grow in their own brain since birth their own sorting system. Children subjected to fractal zoom video, mind mapping concept based visualization, hierarchical sorting, logic classes in the future may have more intricate fractal visualizations partially from will and intent creating a co-creative synonymous link between the conscious and subconscious construct; the imaginative chalkboard with neuro-chemical architecture finally able to see internal processing of their own brains without the help of DMT like a chemical marker for observance of consciousness's synthesis processes.

This "glyph symbolic mathematical architecture" is relevant to recall assuring real-time automatic subconscious navigation of the brains internal access points.

Significance is your deal when you experienced the process of automatic sorting of ideas, novel concepts, and experiences at the time of experiencing them. Analogous to the "Meaning of life is what you make it/nothing" significance explanation however the right brain compartmentalizes paradoxes handed to it over a lifetime and then expounds upon them fractally subliminally into chopped up meaning and relevance gleaned from lucid mind-states or within contextual dream awareness (recall) states as one drifts back into conscious awareness finds pieces and meaning of dream data sometimes sorted outside of a progressive time frame function. Working the relevance or significance of what sees internally upon tryptamine consciousness, between paradox compartmentalization perspective .

Symbolic construct lends to directions inside ones own head. Write down the symbols, relax, release, and re-engage consciousness but before you come back to focus, imagine imprinting the symbol in the center of your peripheral view the symbol indirectly asking ones self; "what direction does this lead me towards?". Listen to the automatic direction flowing often subtle direction symbolic shape references as a feeling of meaning or interconnectedness. Notice the flashes of pictures in your head.

If you don't get anything, practice with well known iconographs like Crosses, Star of David, etc & let flow state bring you to where you can subtly notice your own internal pictorial associations. In context to internal structure, I see similarity associatively how archetypes and memes are made of several referenc(ing,ed,) (I'll invent word: "referencial"Pleased associations collectively in how the brain sums up concepts in order to give them structural meaning and relevance we can understand consciously (How "god" illogically cannot be understood as a concept, but has arrows pointing towards it or a general direction, direction for approach) but throw all that un-referencable information into a trash can sum it up best approach we can at understanding self concept for higher mind in a word that helps us conceptualize "function orientation" / epitaph without getting too much information causing cortical overload, brain dump shutdown forgetting where we were going, what we were trying to remember, or what we were thinking about like a lofty excuse to sun surf / drift consciousness in order to linguistically harness the power of metaphor.

Thoughts Drifted into god : ->

.. to infer "god" into conceptual shape that can be conveyed with relative meaning to another persons internal visual conceptual understanding / motif representation to "god". With "god" being outside one's self concept, so loose a thing for interpritation the statistical chance of error when contextualizing "god" concept between two brains must be one of the most flawed illogical attempts at a "logical" underpinning of intrinsic concept to infer. No wonder we have so many misunderstandings trying to convey higher self concept through our "version" of what god means to us, variation there in multiplying by times squared the chance for being misunderstood, I can see how frustration arising from this would lead one to fight another out of frustration due to a gross failure to communicate binded by indifference arising from such deeply seeded differences in self concept arising into two completely different senses of "false self" / ego would be the spawning grounds for ego contention where two people with different concepts of god would seem to never be able to agree on anything.

Back on track: ->

If your brain's too tightly wired to access this due to being overly constipated in logic, analytical mind-state, too dismissive of ones own intuition, perhaps self hypnosis could help one.

It's a magic trick sometimes how irrespective how we never in normal awareness consciously imprinted meaning upon shapes our subconscious construct has already automatically over written our own ability to have desire or inclination to logically use symbolic morphology for recall, but our brains do it automatically like a "dirty secret" to keep the mind from gleaning insight into how our brain's right hemisphere really works.

Q: "What was that noise, and why do so many people experience it?"

My Opinion so far:

There are four basic categories of brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta each changing states of conscious function and recall having octaves 7 tones embedded inside of 7 sub-octave tones spirally flowing scoping down into each other fractally visually sorting sound and sight from most relevant sense (aside awareness itself) externally into internal sorting of this data visually/acoustically where this "noise" (DMT carrier wave) can be a tool used to remember how to zoom down to and recall virtually anything you've experiences associatively from the time of your birth to the here and now (visually seen during dissociative trips / NDE / as what I call the "dissociative spiral". Try zooming down into it and you see pictures of memories. In NDE can be television sets recounting memories over surface of orbs as you cruise over top of them recanting lifetimes experience.

Tinnitus ringing's the disconnection of the mirror neurons for sound disconnecting from loci of "what you're hearing out loud in the room while tripping" acoustically amplifying feedback (like mic feedback) from consciousness's normal inaudible background hum into an overwhelming internal "sound in one's head" pulling you into all directions automatically into a non-associative state seeing outside of any single brain-state (like being "in" alpha mind-state for example). This infers all (Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta) states are going on all the time. We can't normally hear the brains natural acoustic spatial multiplexing.

Pre-cursive to "liberation from normal consciousness" experienced earlier on in the process of a higher dosage range DMT trip.

Perhaps so many people experience this due to similarities in how what evolved for interacting with the outside world necessitates sorting systems where what you hear and see are interconnected by awareness states to signal sleep, dream, awareness, loose awareness, and heightened awareness, and survival related information from past events would have to be sorted by mind state experienced during said experience of the organism were to continue to survive multiple life endangering experiences. Evolution-ally sleep cycle brain state normalized into healing the body for survival. Relaxed states allowed lowering metabolism, etc.

Sparing how all inherited via what worked translated into how we got to what we are, I can see that irrespective one's gross lifetime experiences environment, DNA, biology, and similarities there in should be self explanatory as to why so many experience this "noise"; hence dreams being the wasteland of unsorted novel information of importance metaphorical contextually how "god" is a dream referenced "wake from the dream of religion to see reality for what it is", DMT wakes one from consciousness and dream (God) into the sum totality of being outside of space and time (expansion of consciousness to void, time dilation to infinity, and evolution of self concept responsible for the trend where i see the gradual evolution of highly intellectual / knowledgeable spiritual "theist" apologists turning atheist after a godhead / unitive experience brought on due to a high dose freebase DMT experience.

I believe flickering of symbol and shape is due to DMT's constant activation of serotonin receptor sites opposed to what we see in scientific observation of serotonin neurotransmission. Cutting off parts of the brain from each other, cutting off sensory input, and disrupting electrical activity in the brain can all cause flashing of light. Perhaps disruption of the occipital alpha rhythm or interrupting normal pulses from the front to rear of the brain cause similar disruption. Perhaps it's purely related to a physiological bio-electrical capacitance of energy, and then a release of that energy resulting in the perception of the flashing in & fading out effect. I don't know.
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#9 Posted : 7/30/2012 9:09:18 PM


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Thanks blacklist 666, I thought it would be reasonable to assume that these experiences were exactly what you said, basically a breakdown of the mental processes that construct the world around us.

I hope it's something more.

I really think that anyone who sees these symbols should try drawing them, if I ever see them again I will try to concentrate on the composition of the symbols, and the way they flow on the walls.

Like a symbols project, an attempt to transfer some of the things many people see on dmt to paper.

Any idea as to why that "noise" feels so good blacklist 666?
Death is an awakening. . . One day it will come.
But you'll search the skies with your eyes in frantic wonder.
You will come to realize the lies you've told yourself for so long to survive.
"We fear something that does not exist."
Not only does death not exist, we ourselves do not exist.
#10 Posted : 7/30/2012 11:06:59 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Significance of the symbols....honestly...who knows. Incredibly beautiful though Smile

And the buzzing that one encounters as it engulfs them....for me.....has since disappeared when ever I smoke. It seems like once that level of vibration is in synch with your just kinda fades out after the first several strong experiences one has.
#11 Posted : 8/3/2012 12:55:40 AM

imagined clarity

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To ParallelWhispers:

All Opinion:

If the sounds are analogous to access points to memory recall, then I could hypothetically speculate one is experiencing recall to neurological pathways in the brain via serotonin that make access to all levels of awareness flooding in sensory wise akin to synesthesia producing a warm bath of chemicals in ones awareness like a warm blanket of comfort having access to all directions without having to travel any direction to reach awareness; this would trigger all those associative moments where connected meaning (used to bridge similar concepts) would again place one at a warm "OK" moment where one feels release from the frictions of analytical indecisiveness.

That "knowing" state especially being in a moment of time dilation feeling broadening of time while beholding conception of time as infinite and finite simultaneous makes one akin to that "realization" feeling of deeper contentment knowing you have access to the sum of all parts of the pieces used to come to a place where one can find peace at rest within ones self giving you that lightening up, and sinking down feeling simultaneously where you are letting go of consciousness, and elevating perspective without rationalizing associatively without constrain or mental ambivalence or ambiguity, but rather freed in order to cerebrally experience a unitive un-foldment of the vastness inside ones own brain and breadth of experience; in essence a return to the natural state of unaltered consciousness where you allow what comes naturally to go on without interrupting the processes that neuro-chemically go on.

A cascading of serotonin release giving one that religious mystical experience so well documented in religious texts and psychedelic journals simultaneously giving an energetic sound/recall structure upon which to rest ones self. To dissolve away pulled multiple directions by the interplay of sub-octaves upon octaves of interloping sound all the while as you're soaking in remembering the associative pathways into conscious state recall and the language of memory recall / encoding systems within the brain only realized/felt/experienced when simultaneous serotonin receptor sites are activated simultaneously.

This gives one a "spiritual" map if you will into ones own brain. Lighting the way for ease in being off said psychedelic compound in everyday life. to feel more at ease via proxy of subtle memory recall mechanisms normally not inherently experienced or understood by probably anything other than the right hemisphere of the brain.

Thank god for the corpus callosum acting as negotiator between both hemispheres in order for us to more subtly interpolate a medium of exchange between both distinct hemispheres as both have distinct "personality" if you will characteristics, and to dissolve cognitive dissonance in trusting said relationship between hemispheres gives rise I believe to better intuitive reasoning, intuitive recall, trust within ones self, and spacial intelligence by yielding will in order to observe "space" upon which to use to access more portions of our brain to be utilized in order to grow more conscious of what consciousness is in a spatial / acoustic volumetric landscape / language necessarily establishing right relationship towards self as meditative practice of letting go, surfing the serotonin, trusting the automatic mind / higher self; achieving and attaining flow state where in which one can excite neural pathways re-experiencing via recall that "good" feeling as a mental marker.

Anyone's guess really.
I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#12 Posted : 5/3/2014 9:42:08 PM
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Recently took dmt had to of been yellowish dark orange powder i snorted it didnt do anything i smoked it,on top of a bole and tsmoked it and everything was buetiful my eyes were wicked and the tree look like if i was on acid but it wasnt cause iwhat i took it was cause it was windy then i went inside and say divni codes
#13 Posted : 5/3/2014 9:48:15 PM
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i went inside to pack another bole with that stuff and it was dark and i started to see symbols of transformer stuff why i went to this post caue i saw somebody saying decoding the wall codes oh when i was outside talking a hit i look up the stars they where all mpving chasing it eachpther in some way when i took the first hit it was sunset so it was awsome
el pato
#14 Posted : 5/12/2014 6:45:05 PM

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I too have seen the code. At least some form of it.
It was a medium-mild strength trip, although my strongest. The come up buzzing morphed into a very simple, short, looping tune also very similar to dial up. This tone persisted for the length of the trip.
I was floating in the center of a slowly spinning cube and the code was migrating and "compiling" in lines upon all 6 surfaces. Unfortunately the symbols were a bit too small to make out their general family type.
However, at the center of my vision was a female entity showing me flash cards, each with a large symbol. They were all very simple. Hearts, stars, circles and such. She wished for me to focus on her flash cards. I was not told of their significance.
The most peculiar aspect of this trip was that everything visible, was in monochrome. The code, entity, her symbols where either in black or white. With one exception, the code would turn grey momentarily when being "computed" from one black or white symbol to a new symbol of opposite color.

For whatever reason, I have a feeling the "dial up music" is likely connected to the code or whatever is creating it...
"It is my quiet hope that the psychedelic drugs will give us that guidance towards the understanding of the mind. They just might let us see that trail through the dark forest where most of the people who search choose to follow the lighted path." --TiHKaL
#15 Posted : 7/3/2023 6:10:11 PM

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I've been researching this topic for a while now. It's been commonly observed and reported phenomena on many psychedelics, not just DMT. The keywords I see commonly associated would be: code, language, letters, symbols, glyphs, matrix, runes, etc.

In my research, I've found many different "types" appearing with great frequency. This includes similar appearance to Hebrew, Sanskrit, Phoenician, others appearing as runes, many report Mayan/Aztec style, others with Egyptian hieroglyphics, others see Allison's language, etc. Another example would be like Japanese katakana.

Specific descriptors are often used to convey commonly observed characteristics. I see lots of people reporting that it seems the symbols convey information. Many believed the information was being "downloaded" to them through the observation. Many reports believe the symbols appear "alive." Others believe these are the "Akashic records" of lore.

Given how often they appear to be "overlaid" on objects, to the point of running through them, it gives the effect of it being "true" reality, i.e., the code is what the object is comprised of. I've seen many people refer to the symbols as being the "code of our reality", or "language of the universe." It being a "universal language" is another term thrown around.

Certain trip reports speak of entities seemingly stressing some importance/meaning to the code itself. One I've found claims the entities want us to find it because it'll open the doors for interdimensional communication of sorts.

I don't pretend to know anything special about it. These are just my notes from seeking out and reading dozens and dozens of threads over the years mentioning it. I've only experienced the code once myself. And that was after performing the experiment outlined in this person's videos:

I can attest to the claims in this video about the laser making the code visible (and other effects). I can't confirm it means we're in a simulation or speak to anything else the discoverer claims. But the laser experiment legitimately does what it says. Or at least it sends a signal to entities to display the code for us while we're using the laser.

The board doesn't seem active enough to get me full membership so I can't start a new thread. But this thread is relevant enough so I hope people check this out. If anyone feels it's worth discussing with better visibility, I'd love if someone copy/pasted my message into its own tread.

I know it sounds weird and out there, but it is what it is. I hope there's some psychonauts on here willing to try. You can build the laser for less than $20 and the build is easy.
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