Oregano Extract Anyone? Options
#1 Posted : 11/24/2011 5:15:14 AM


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So I was trawling some journals and found this....

Monoamine reuptake inhibition and mood-enhancing potential of a specified oregano extract.

Mechan AO, Fowler A, Seifert N, Rieger H, Wöhrle T, Etheve S, Wyss A, Schüler G, Colletto B, Kilpert C, Aston J, Elliott JM, Goralczyk R, Mohajeri MH.
Source - Br J Nutr. 2011 Apr;105(Cool:1150-63. Epub 2010 Dec 21.

Blah Blah ... "
The present study investigated an extract from oregano leaves, with a specified range of active constituents, identified via an unbiased, high-throughput screening programme. The oregano extract was demonstrated to inhibit the reuptake and degradation of the monoamine neurotransmitters in a dose-dependent manner, and microdialysis experiments in rats revealed an elevation of extracellular serotonin levels in the brain. Furthermore, following administration of oregano extract, behavioural responses were observed in mice that parallel the beneficial effects exhibited by monoamine-enhancing compounds when used in human subjects."


Now I'm no chem extraction tech wiz, but I'll just throw this idea out into the ether

WITH LOVE....hoping someone can make something useful of this...

Anyone heard of an Oregano extract tech???


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 11/24/2011 5:19:14 AM
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..i'm a little shocked!..oregano has for years been my secret high (added in ridiculous amounts to pasta etc.)
but i didn't know any of the above..good one wingchun..Very happy
#3 Posted : 11/24/2011 5:39:52 AM
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Last visit: 27-May-2024's a little i found on oregano constituents..
The essen­tial oil (max. 4%) may contain variable amounts of the two phenols carvacrol and thymol (see also thyme and savory); furthermore, a variety of monoterpene hydrocarbons (limonene, terpinene, ocimene, caryophyllene, β-bisabolene and p-cymene) and monoterpene alcohols (linalool, 4-terpineol) are reported.

and from
Oregano: chemical analysis and evaluation of its antimalarial, antioxidant, and cytotoxic activities.
El Babili F, Bouajila J, Souchard JP, Bertrand C, Bellvert F, Fouraste I, Moulis C, Valentin A.; J Food Sci. 2011 Apr;76(3):
GC-FID and GC-MS analysis of essential oil from oregano leaves (Origanum compactum) resulted in the identification of 46 compounds, representing more than 98% of the total composition. Carvacrol was the predominant compound (36.46%), followed by thymol (29.74%) and p-cymene (24.31%). Serial extractions with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, ethanol, and water were performed on aerials parts of Origanum compactum. In these extracts, different chemical families were characterized: polyphenols (gallic acid equivalent 21.2 to 858.3 g/kg), tannins (catechin equivalent 12.4 to 510.3 g/kg), anthocyanins (cyanidin equivalent 0.38 to 5.63 mg/kg), and flavonoids (quercetin equivalent 14.5 to 54.7 g/kg).

#4 Posted : 11/24/2011 5:44:49 AM


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Yeah - Makes sense now - I just go crazy with it all over lamb chops !!!
That or lamb roast rolled in Oregano - both favourite meals ...
Hmmm, I know what I'm having for dinner...

Net rubarb suggests versions of Oregano Extract have: anti viral, anti bacterial
anti-carcinogenic and anti-oxidant type effects - eg tid bits...

The wild oregano spice includes various plant species. The most common are the genus Origanum, native of Europe, and the Lippia, native of Mexico. Among the species of Origanum. their most important components are the limonene, gamma-cariofilene, rho-cymenene, canfor, linalol, alpha-pinene, carvacrol and thymol. In the genus Lippia, the same compounds can be found.

What I'd really like to find is a way to enjoy this extracts full potential
without having to ingest several kilo of - no doubt - yummy oregano leaves...
#5 Posted : 11/24/2011 5:47:59 AM


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Nice one Nen888

Anyone know of extract proceedures?
The Day Tripper
#6 Posted : 11/24/2011 6:27:32 AM

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Wow, i used to take an oregano oil supplement my parents would give me as a child. I Distinctly remember the burning sensation in my mouth lol. Never knew it had maoi or serotonegenic affects, that's really interesting Cool. Definitely something I'm going to do some more research on and possibly order some oil. It has some interesting uses according to Wikipedia-


The main chemical constituents include carvacrol, thymol, limonene, pinene, ocimene, and caryophyllene. The leaves and flowering stems are strongly antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and mildly tonic.

Thanks for starting this thread Smile.
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#7 Posted : 1/3/2012 7:38:29 PM

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thyme oil is very similar to oregano oil

A few MAOI property having molecules in there.
I take thyme oil from time to time and don't notice anything special, but it is interesting stuff.
#8 Posted : 1/8/2012 11:43:38 PM

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wingchun wrote:

Anyone heard of an Oregano extract tech???

No, but wouldn't it be so cool if someone found a potent tryptamine easily extracted from something so common as oregano? WTF would they do then? Would they then finally admit defeat and give up this ridiculous War on Drugs?? One can only hope we'll discover some new sources from common materials! Maybe they can ban all plants on earth?


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#9 Posted : 1/9/2012 1:34:16 AM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
I take thyme oil from time to time and don't notice anything special, but it is interesting stuff.

Was the pun intended?! Wink
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#10 Posted : 6/10/2012 12:28:39 AM

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It's nice to know common house hold spices have these properties hee hee
#11 Posted : 6/10/2012 1:37:23 AM

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i have been juicing oregano like wheat grass for the super properties...but i cut it into apple orange carrot type of scene cause im scared of it burning me
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge

no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!

#12 Posted : 6/10/2012 3:24:41 AM


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mad_banshee wrote:
wingchun wrote:

Anyone heard of an Oregano extract tech???

No, but wouldn't it be so cool if someone found a potent tryptamine easily extracted from something so common as oregano? WTF would they do then? Would they then finally admit defeat and give up this ridiculous War on Drugs?? One can only hope we'll discover some new sources from common materials! Maybe they can ban all plants on earth?

a common thought i had and the basis of the "dragibus"
#13 Posted : 6/10/2012 5:18:33 AM

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use water as the solvent. it's called "steam distillation".
another more involved/expensive means is called SFE...supercritical fluid extraction.
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#14 Posted : 6/12/2012 9:41:18 PM


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Thanks for thoughts people...

Re Steam Distillation = oregano essential oil extract ? - as available in aromatherapy type shops ? Have tried eating this, or rather covering
some food in it, no noticable effects, Haven't tried smoking the oil, not so sure it smells / tastes all that good...and concerned about oil combustion carcinogens... would need some kind of vapouriser... have tried in normal oil vapourisers, smells great but just makes you hungry...

Perhaps whatever the active bit is in oregano, it is a rather small
portion and would require considerable extraction / concentration?
Maybe have to eat a fair bit over a period of time?

SFE sounds interesting but also like it needs heavy tech hardware...

Maybe oregano goes better with spice, rather than alone?
Then what doesn't go better with spice?Very happy
#15 Posted : 6/13/2012 2:38:47 AM

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Not MAOI's...
Great thread.

Haha first Sweet basil (or pure Methyl chavicol) essential oil (with star anise predose) and now, this.

Oregano and Basil both are ingredients in the infamous "Space Paste"...

Lemon essential oil does pre-emptively remove the seretonergic psychedelics nausea by 5-HT3.

Thumbs up

I wonder what the "special" Oregano extraction method was.

Backyard is pharmacy.

All readable matter in the above post is ficticious.

Any similarities to real life are purely coincidental.

Without prejudice.
#16 Posted : 6/16/2012 11:18:58 AM


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Perhaps one of the changa guru's can give oregano a try ?
Either standalone or in a mix.

SWIM will be pursuing this path, with some freshly dried home grown oregano, soon as it's ready...and will report shortly...

Wow - space paste / jam.... never heard of it till now.... Thanks heaps...Big grin
Seems ol' mumma nature really does want us to access these hyperspaces.

4 parts nutmeg (ground from whole nutmeg)
4 parts almonds (soak overnight and rinse)
4 parts raw pistachios
2 parts cinnamon
1 part cumin
1 part tarragon
1 part oregano
1 part basil
1 part turmeric
1/2 part cayenne pepper
1/2 part black pepper
maple syrup (to taste)

(Courtesy of http://herbs.maxforum.or...egal-psychedelic-recipe/ )

Google rumour suggests it's mostly? the nutmeg which is the active bit
but SWIM has also heard big does of nutmeg are fairly liver toxic ?
The nutmeg liver toxicity may have been more a long term thing???

SWIM gets the feeling a few of these spices might each have a tiny bit of
neurochemical magic in them, possibly explaining why they taste good
in the first place...?
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#17 Posted : 7/9/2012 10:11:18 AM

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mad_banshee wrote:
wingchun wrote:

Anyone heard of an Oregano extract tech???

No, but wouldn't it be so cool if someone found a potent tryptamine easily extracted from something so common as oregano? WTF would they do then? Would they then finally admit defeat and give up this ridiculous War on Drugs?? One can only hope we'll discover some new sources from common materials! Maybe they can ban all plants on earth?

They will never admit defeat; they make too much off prison labor, especially considering how much of the prison system is filled with non-violent drug offenders. I honestly don't believe we'll ever have a sensible drug policy here in the US, or anywhere else for that matter. Too much of the population has been brain-washed to think that "street drugs = bad, doctor drugs = good". Cannabis (taken orally) is just as effective at relieving inflammation-based pain as any synthetic opiate/anti inflammatory, and is far less toxic. But try telling the police you consume for health reasons.
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#18 Posted : 7/9/2012 11:44:09 AM
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Well we now have a situation with dozens of very common native plant species in Australia known to contain DMT - including the national emblem. Many very common in the wild and in cultivation. This didn't stop the Federal Government from putting up a proposal to ban them all.
#19 Posted : 7/16/2012 4:26:57 PM

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try soaking the oregano in alcohol for 24 hours after drying - it will extract the goodies and lend a great timeVery happy
#20 Posted : 9/10/2012 12:30:57 PM


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Sound cool Oilman,

Do I evap the alcohol and smoke the resultant goo?

or just down the hatch with the oregano infused grog?
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