Moringa, Health tonic, All in one stimulant Anti Anxiety Nutritional supplement Options
#1 Posted : 6/14/2012 1:23:59 AM

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A plant that contains all the amino acids, protein, a plethora of vitamins and minerals, stimulants as well as flavinoids, could mean an all around health food for energy well being and anti anxiety. Also if you notice when you start reading into it the many uses of it as well, some are water purification, it is even shown to reduce tumors in rats, cattle were shown to increase in weight and milk production.

I just found out about this through a friend, also there are a lot of money traps I see just now as I research this but if someone were to take raw plant and make some extracts for themselves it could be a remarkable health tonic.

It could mean that poverty stricken parts of the world could use this for an all around nutrition supplement.

"There are several reports on
the presence of anti-microbial compounds in
various plant parts like leaves, bark, fruit,
root and flowers (2, 6). A number of plants
have been screened for their antimicrobial
properties especially due to the presence of
phenolic compounds like flavonoids."

"It is recognized for its antispasmodic,
anti-inflammatory, diuretic, obortificient,
emmenagogue and ecbolic properties and
useful in treatment of hysteria, tumors,
leucoderma, biliousness etc."


Moringa PDF

"The moringa grows quickly in many types of environments. Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves contain all essential amino acids and are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals.[4] Feeding the high protein leaves to cattle has been shown to increase weight gain by up to 32% and milk production by 43 to 65%.[5] The seeds contain 30 to 40% oil that is high in oleic acid, while degreased meal is 61% protein.[6] The defatted meal is a flocculant and can be used in water purification to settle out sediments and undesirable organisms.[7]"



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Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#2 Posted : 6/14/2012 1:27:15 AM

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Moringa leaves are highly nutritious and are rich in vitamins D, K, A, C, B6, Manganese, Magnesium, Lysine, Riboflavin, Calcium, Thiamin, Potassium, Iron, Protein and Niacin. Ounce for ounce, Moringa contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges, four times the beta carotene of carrots, three times the iron of spinach, four times as much calcium as milk, three times the potassium of bananas, and more fiber than oats. Moringa also contains all 8 essential amino acids and is rich in flavonoids, including Quercetin, Kaempferol, Beta-Sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic acid and Zeatin.

Moringa is sometimes referred to as the "Miracle Tree" because all parts of the plant are edible and healthy. It can also thrive in tough climates and poor soil. Its combination of high nutrition, sustainability and hardiness has caused it to be promoted widely in Africa to help fight hunger and malnutrition.

This was quoted from a vendor so I didn't post a link, but I can post if I can get around posting the name and not break the rules I believe.

PS if someone is interested they offer 5 lps for 93 bucks U.S. Though I can't comment on the vendor, they seem legit.

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#3 Posted : 6/14/2012 3:00:13 AM
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PS if someone is interested they offer 5 lps for 93 bucks U.S. Though I can't comment on the vendor, they seem legit.

I grow & harvest a old man & sis in the uk are hooked on it.
A fast growing tree 9-12 mths 25ft....round these parts!Razz
It's great for the kids too....the cure for malnutrition.
I blend it up in banana smoothies, but you can slip it in to any of your daily foods with out much notice!
I keep a bag in the freezer and toss it in when the mrs ain't looking!!!Thumbs up

I guess that's pounds?
Seems kinda pricey to me.
The vendor I supply has it at half that price.
#4 Posted : 6/14/2012 3:27:46 AM

You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike

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I meant Lbs-pounds, I can't believe I just heard of this stuff. Does it grow wild were you are our did you plant it?

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#5 Posted : 6/14/2012 3:40:19 AM
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I've started cultivating moringa about 4yrs ago.
Got the seeds from some rastas in st.croix.
Not really known around these parts, but I did discover a much older tree close by my home.....
#6 Posted : 6/14/2012 3:49:43 AM

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Can you say you notice a difference in how you feel when you take it? Have you ever tried to extract or concentrate it in any way?

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#7 Posted : 6/14/2012 5:15:47 AM
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The smoothies definitely are uplifting, but I also add spirulina, fresh mint, ganj (veg leaf) & maca....sweeten with bee pollen.
Never tried an extract, but I'm way behind in my experimentation...Too many other things to play with!!Cool
Cognitive Heart
#8 Posted : 7/13/2014 7:15:31 PM

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Bump! And for good reason.

Just started drinking Moringa oleifera today. Ground up leaves - 1 tsp to start. Exceptional energy boost! Feels very vitalizing to the body. Clear and smooth. Very excited to begin drinking this daily! Every aspect of this tree is incredible! Anyone in interest of engaging and fulfilling their nutritional and energy levels should consider learning and trying this tree.

Here is to radiant health.Thumbs up
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#9 Posted : 7/13/2014 7:58:30 PM

mas alla del mar

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I've been taking it for a few months now. Definitely my favorite superfood, and I can definitely tell the difference on days when I don't have it. Usually take one or two tablespoons daily.
#10 Posted : 7/14/2014 9:01:20 PM
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I've spent some time on a permaculture farm where moringa was a food staple, harvesting, cutting down branches, and picking the leaves...Making raw salads,smoothies, soups, dressings, or stir frys with the flowers..ahh

Cognitive Heart
#11 Posted : 7/16/2014 8:37:33 PM

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inaniel wrote:
I've been taking it for a few months now. Definitely my favorite superfood, and I can definitely tell the difference on days when I don't have it. Usually take one or two tablespoons daily.

I too feel you on this one. I'm now taking 3 tsp daily. Such an adapted edge to health!

MmmMoringa I've spent some time on a permaculture farm where moringa was a food staple, harvesting, cutting down branches, and picking the leaves...Making raw salads,smoothies, soups, dressings, or stir frys with the flowers..ahh

Where exactly did you learn how to harvest? It certainly is a food staple. Is the tree hardy or easy to work with?

'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#12 Posted : 7/16/2014 8:59:21 PM

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Ok I'm jumping on the moringa bandwagon and have ordered 500g today. I've known of it and been curious for a while and start every day with a smoothie so think it will be a perfect addition for those. Would love to grow my own but not sure my climate or living situation would allow it! One day maybe. Looking forward to trying it, thanks for the input peeps. Smile
#13 Posted : 11/17/2015 12:46:52 PM

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So just to revive an old thread, I've been using a teaspoon of moringa leaf powder alongside a table spoon of cocoa powder in my morning smoothies, and I've been feeling really well of late. Could be other life style factors of course, but given we are sliding into a long dark winter here in Scotland my energy and positivity is welcome. Wondering if any others here have used moringa?? A great thing to grow yourself if you live somewhere warm, and a fair bit of science to back up claimed benefits (which does not always apply to these "super foods" by any means). I've attached a review paper if anybody wants to delve into this (there are plenty more research papers accessible via Google Scholar), but I feel this is good stuff worth experimenting with.
#14 Posted : 1/25/2016 2:05:31 PM
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Bancopuma wrote:
So just to revive an old thread, I've been using a teaspoon of moringa leaf powder alongside a table spoon of cocoa powder in my morning smoothies, and I've been feeling really well of late. Could be other life style factors of course, but given we are sliding into a long dark winter here in Scotland my energy and positivity is welcome. Wondering if any others here have used moringa?? A great thing to grow yourself if you live somewhere warm, and a fair bit of science to back up claimed benefits (which does not always apply to these "super foods" by any means). I've attached a review paper if anybody wants to delve into this (there are plenty more research papers accessible via Google Scholar), but I feel this is good stuff worth experimenting with.

Thanks for that paper, will definitely give it a look as I was having a hard time finding a concise literature review. I've recently started eating moringa in dry powdered form but I've been inconsistent in it since it taste like butt Razz I mean, it's not horrid... But in this form it's a bit like kratom. Chalky and bitter. I added it to some smoothies but it's still quite hard to get down. It seems I'll have to get quite creative with this one.
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