Well, as fractal had changed his name to jamie and I'm sure others might have along their journey here. I felt it was time to step out of my 2008/9
Dmttripn2space and now advance it to a more suiting Hindu phrase which has been the the single most beautiful phrase that ive used as my signature in my text messages and what I tend to always tell my friends when they ask me what my view/s are on the psychedelic experience and especially the dmt experience....which I always end with
Tat tvam asiIn a few translations but one in the same..the Gita states
Tat tvam asi: You are That
Or more a more lengthy description is that the Self.. in its original, pure, primordial state is wholly or partially identifiable or identical with the Ultimate Reality that is the ground and origin of all phenomena.
* And thanks to The Traveler for doing this for me. Much appreciation friend..