I feel this deserves a seperate thread from the phthalates one.
I read in the book Emergency by Neil Strauss that one should not store plastic water jugs on aconcrete surface as this will cause toxins to leach from the plastic. So, I've been wondering for some time--one of the principle components in cement is lime. Pour some muriatic acid on concrete and it will sizzle just like the baking soda and vinegar from your 7th grade science project volcano.
Internet searches into the matter yield up vague and conflicting information so...
Anyone have any knowledge on the matter? If it merely is the alkalinity of the concrete causing a reaction with the platic then we have more than just solvents to worry about, we also need to worry about our lye and lime.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.