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#1 Posted : 7/18/2007 3:18:47 AM

..still lc..

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i have no doubt that dmt could be one of the most useful tools i've come across yet (shrooms are fucking great too) but dmt, yeah i've had a huge range of experiences, some have been outwards where i connect with other entities in other worlds. i tend to come back from these feeling like i've realised something about myself and my existance, and seeing the possibility of what else there could be i get extremely motivated to push this further and explore, etc.. some are a huge rush of creative images, and i come back with the realisation of my creative potential (i love writing music) and these are the experiences that trigger the most euphoric response as soon as i start to reflect... and probably one of the most interesting yet (how can i say that really..) this shows mass potential i took a lovely amount of spice and was this time thrown inwards, into myself i ended up in a room which looked like a mechanical workshop, with about 50 little dudes working very hard - i don't know what they were doing exactly but i knew 100% where i was, this room was a component of my persona, and of all the rooms i ended up in this was my paranoia room (i should have destroyed it then and there) - do we all know what paranoia actualy is? not "someone is trying to hurt me.." rubbish, rather it's about over-thinking, that typical lsd head-fuck way of thinking anyway, so being in this room got it all started of course, [i:482e52f370]'maybe i'm bothering them.. is me being here disturbing them? oh crap what should i do..'[/i:482e52f370] and of course the more i thought about it the worse it got, i distracted one of them and they dropped something, and i tried to help and knocked the poor little fella over and he broke, then a another came to his aid and they both looked up at me.. 'sorry little dudes !!!' but they were cool, i think this kind of thing happens in there.. at this point i decided that's enough and started to back away slowly, i left the room to find that i was floating in space. there was a huge sphere below me like a planet, and coming from this planet were huge poles with rooms on top, there would have been about 50 so i guess that planet was me, and each room is a work center where individual components of my persona are manifested, and the result possibly sent to the planet's core via the large pole thingy.. hehe so, what would happen if i destroyed that room? funny thing is, after seeing it and simply being aware of it, a lot of this paranoia i used to experience has gone. i'd drop acid (sometimes lots) at parties, sometimes (rarely) it would be cool, others it would be a massive head fuck all night where i was my own personal excavator (dig dig dig that hole) now i really wonder how far this could be taken.. who perhaps has thoughts of how to direct the experience? i just know that dmt is sooo powerful, so much could be done.

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#2 Posted : 7/19/2007 4:00:40 AM
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For me personally, I don't find DMT as much of a tool as mushrooms or LSD. It's just too much too fast. I don't come out of it with much insight or a changed perspective. Everything seems to be forgotten and there isn't much to apply to your life afterwards. With mushrooms, you have the time to work things out if needed. You think in a pattern that is out of the ordinary, which can show you new insights on issues or ideas that you never thought of before. In turn these new views can impact your daily life. DMT on the other hand (for me) doesn't have as much use in that aspect. I'm sort of still trying to figure out what i can get from my DMT trips, besides crazy visions and encounters, lol. Perhaps I just need to get better acquainted with the world beyond the veil. It seems kind of addicting in a way. I want to see what else is out there, what is it that lies deeper in the realms of the DMT world? How far can I go? Is there something to learn here? The curiosity is what is addicting, not the drug. Perhaps we are addicted to our own minds and the wealth of information we are tapping into, lol. Cool

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#3 Posted : 7/19/2007 5:20:32 AM

..still lc..

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Joined: 18-Jan-2008
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I completely agree that mushrooms and lsd are tools. I think they are synergistic in nature because (for me): 1: shrooms have a fantastic grounding effect, realigning my energy with nature's and bringing back to focus my own inherant intentions of living, while.. 2: lsd can be used to designify society and synthetic aspects of life (lsd is as synthetic as the society we are living in) so the beauty is (for me), lsd can tear apart any rationalisations i have about myself in this life (career, assets) while shrooms return my aspirations to natures original intentions lsd is the psychedelic atomic bomb Regarding dmt though, do you really think it takes any significant amount of time to change things in your mind, address issues? With the factor of time dilation, in reality you could be gone only three minutes but in that time you may spend an eternity working on your mind for me, sometimes it can be the simplest realisations from a dmt trip that can be the most rewarding and lasthing, such as the time i realised the final-ultimate answer to everything is laughter hehe that was a fun one Very happy it's during the first moments when i return from dmt place that i get hit with these realisations that trigger huge euphoric rushes and then laughter, but sometimes it can go the otherway of course perhaps combining dmt with a maoi would give you more time to focus on an aspect and begin work.. but i think that if you set your intention of the trip before you enter (somehow) then you don't need to be there for long to get the work done how do you suppose you can really reinforce your own intent before entering?
#4 Posted : 7/19/2007 12:35:02 PM
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[quote:87879e38b1="Coschi"] how do you suppose you can really reinforce your own intent before entering?[/quote:87879e38b1] I'm not sure, but it doesn't seem easy, lol.

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