hello nexians! currently working on a second batch of Rue seeds using the Tao of rue tek. I am about to perform my manske salting step, and am wondering what is the optimal amount of solution to use to get optimal results? for example, if you have 1 G of harmalas use 300 ml of salt water, 5 G harmalas use 1500 ml etc...
in the tek, it says for the second manske step
Quote:Step 8 - Redissolve
Redissolve your harmalas in a minimal amount of fresh hot water. It will take some heat (not too much) and time for everything to dissolve completely.
is it better to use as little water/vinegar as possible, even if its the first manske?
i currently have approx 5-6 G of harmalas dissolved in 600 ml of vinegar, but wanted to see what experiences people have had with different amounts of liquid. Thanks in advance for your help and insight.