DMT invading Cannabispace Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2012 9:57:01 PM


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I'm not really sure wether or not this is a direct influence of spice or what but it was definitely interesting and I'm hoping I can get some insights on what happened to me last night.

First off the night before last I had my most...lets say "meaningful" DMT experience to date. It wasn't the most powerful in terms of visions but the feeling I got from vaping some harmine on top of an unknown amount of changa was the most meaningful and beautiful thing to come to me from this particular entheogen.

I'm not going to get into details about the experience itself but what happened the day after.
I usually smoke a few bowls of cannabis toward the end of the day and before bed, I have a pretty good tolerance built up and have started to lose the "magic" again. Anyway last night I didn't feel like smoking a bunch so I had my night time bowl to get myself to sleep.

Upon climbing into bed I started to hear strange but familiar "boops and beeps." I listened to the sounds and soon I could hear amazingly well, I heard the rain outside, the faucet dripping, what I believe to be my neighbor playing some video game (his house is probably 30 ft from mine), I heard all kinds of things in perfect clarity, they all formed a sort of symphony. The beeping however seemed to be coming from inside my head, or like a radio wave or transmission from somewhere else. The sound was very reminiscent to the carrier wave I heard the night before only in some morse code nintendo like sequence instead of a long tone.

The other strange thing was that I felt extremely high from the pot even though I had barely smoked anything. Also my head was exceptionally clear especially considering the state I was in. I didn't sleep until around 2 am and had deep thoughts about my life and childhood. Things I have never thought about before became very clear to me and were illuminated in a completely new light.

I just have this feeling that my journey the other night has something to do with this. Does anyone have experience with this?

Still piecing together those 2-3 hours, I almost forgot a key element. After I started hearing the beeping I could faintly see something spinning behind my eyelids, I found that if I rolled my eyes into the back of my head I could see the bottom of what appeared to be a set of machine cogs. There was a large cog spinning a smaller one and I could only see about half of each cog and the point where they interlocked.

After I saw this machinery everything intensified, I was having quite strong CEV's consisting of blurry undulating fractals and spinning "tubes" with overlaying patterns that were hard to make out. This visual activity was going on the whole time I was hearing all the noises and having thoughts of my life and past.
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#2 Posted : 3/17/2012 11:38:43 PM

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interesting I believe this happened to another guy. I think the thread was called "the hexolit method" or something. I wish i could link it but im on my phone.
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#3 Posted : 3/18/2012 5:19:54 AM


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Thanks ayalove, I checked out that thread. I can see where the poster is coming from, If the DMT could have had that much of an effect on my pot high 24 hours later I would believe everything they said about it being able to shoot you right back into hyperspace. This is definitely an area that needs more attention. I saw a video a while ago with Ralph Metzner, I think it may have been a clip from the Spirit Molecule actually but he claimed that his LSD experiences were altered by his use of DMT and that he could access DMT space through LSD.

I know that I've seen other threads around here about spice having an effect on LSD and such but nothing other than the "hexolit method" about its effect on the weed high. I know others here use cannabis I'm really interested if anyone has noticed a change in the high other than me.

I found this thread from 2010 but it seems like its not too common judging by the number of posts.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#4 Posted : 3/18/2012 6:24:41 PM

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I used to see this image of "cogs" when I was a little kid about to go to sleep. I wouldn't see them, but it would be a strong mental picture like a flash, only really being aware of it as an after thought. It wasn't cogs exactly, I don't know what it was as I would never actually remember it, only being aware of it as an after-thought.

The only way to describe it would be like an organic, dirty (grimy?), ancient, biological set of cogs or machinery. So I got feelings of this thing being natural and very old and accompanied with very strong feelings of nostalgia and dejavu.

I am very sensitive to cannabis, and will have open and closed eye hallucinations off very small amounts. On high doses of cannabis, I have seen chrysanthemum mandala sort of objects behind closed eyelids - I have seen folds (leaves I guess you could call them) open up like a gateway to something/somewhere beyond the mandala.

When this occurred, I startled me so much I snapped out of it - I didn't have any hallucinations afterwards.

Note I have smoked DMT only once, and it is an experience that I cannot recall at all - total blackout. Unfortunately, I do not remember if I had this 'opening mandala' experience months before I smoked DMT or months after - but I am almost certain it was before.

Also note, that I have not seen this 'cogs thing' since I was about 15 or 16 - before I had become involved in anything psychoactive - alcohol, cannabis, lsd etc etc

Your post actually resonated with me very highly actually as I have had an almost identical incident happen to me.

I was working at at a summer camp on a farm, teaching English to kids from another country. After I had put the kids to sleep, I went out and had a joint. When I returned to the bedroom - everyone was asleep - and I went to bed and put my headphones on and listened to music.

As I was listening intently, I started noticing as strange electronic beeping and booping sound, like a Nintendo game. I thought it was the music at first, but I paused it and realised I could still hear it. I was a little unnerved at first and then it occurred to me that maybe one of the kids was playing his portable Nintendo under the covers. I got up and crept around the room, and followed where the noise was coming from and it led me to the bathroom.

And I saw that the window was left open... and I could hear the cow bells clanging around from outside.

At the time, it definitely felt like it was coming from inside my head!
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#5 Posted : 3/18/2012 6:48:38 PM

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Breaking through on dmt changed the shape of my subsequent mushroom trips. The same strain of mushroom that used to take 5 grams to get me there, shortly after my first dmt breakthrough, only took about 2.5 grams. The visuals were like full blown dmt visions, and my wife was visited by angels that night during the trip. We both remarked how much we felt like dmt had changed our perceptions, even raised our "psychedelic ceiling" if you will, allowing us much easier and more fluid access to some dimensions of hyperspace.

Franky, every moment of every day was enhanced for months after my first breakthrough. All of my senses seemed sharper, and my emotional well was so full it was overflowing at times. And yes, i did notice that weed became decidedly more psychedelic than usual. As an inveterate smoker for 25 years, this was a pleasant surprise.Smile
#6 Posted : 3/18/2012 7:51:45 PM


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freeradicals wrote:

The only way to describe it would be like an organic, dirty (grimy?), ancient, biological set of cogs or machinery. So I got feelings of this thing being natural and very old and accompanied with very strong feelings of nostalgia and dejavu.!

Wow, ya thats exactly how I would describe it. The cogs were spinning perfectly smoothly but looked old and dirty or more rusty and brownish.

I often see something spinning behind my eyelids when I am going to bed but can't see it only the motion its making. I believe that this spinning object is the "cogs" and I was just able to see them clearly in the state I was in.

I smoke weed everyday and usually it is a lot more than what I smoked when I had this experience so I know what its like to have visions from weed. This time was most definitely different though, it was much more clear and I was having fractal patterns which I NEVER have on just weed. Furthermore it is the same pot I've been smoking for a month now so I have gotten pretty used to this particular strain as well.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has seen the cogs though!

Shiva, I'm sure DMT enhanced your mushroom trips. After all psilocin is closely related to DMT, I can't wait for some mushrooms now Smile
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#7 Posted : 3/19/2012 9:38:23 AM

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I see many times CEV's when im smoking bud and i noticed that DMT had some sort of intensifying effect for weed that lasted for months, usually depending on the intensity of the DMT journey.

At one point, after smoking couple bowls i could easily get into a mindstate that allowed me to see really, really wild CEV's and sometimes i could see entities too, usually dancing in the distance or just making all kinds of funny stuff to amuse me. Firstoff it was actually really scary but nowadays i've learned to enjoy it Smile
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#8 Posted : 12/26/2012 10:18:00 PM

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I smoked cannabis for the first time since a year and it took me straight out of my body into a really hyperspacial place, so I thought I would resurrect this thread as I need to let this out of my system cos my mind has been blown about the potential of post-dmt weed.

I took only 2 little hits from a joint and 5 minutes later I was no longer controlling my body anymore, it was exactly like I was locked into a little control room that had screens where I could watch what was happening in the reality of that body. The biggest and most prominent screen was the one that was showing the view from the eyes, but there were others that were showing it from the perspective of the environment and other people. And there were these little elf-like creatures that would constantly peek around the corners of things. It felt like that body reality was a total illusion and it was just some sort of game, and all the people in it were guardians who were trying to prevent "the big guy" from completely waking up and becoming aware of itself.

Time was non-linear and the frames on the screens were at times changing really slowly so I could inspect each frame in great detail. And every moment I was shown alternate realities where stuff would happen differently like I would die or something bad would happen and then it would return to the main timeline, which felt a bit stronger and more stable than the others. It could be visualized as a sort of feather where all the hairs were the dead-ends of alternate realities. Also my mouth would answer everyones questions exactly the moment they would start asking the question so it appeared to make everyone really scared, but this was most likely just an effect caused by the time distortion.

I was taken home and I kept vomiting for what seemed like an unrealistically long time, and it wasn't until 4 hours later that I came down to actually being "high", and I was really high for 9 hours after that. Which was incredibly cool btw. But those initial effects really messed up my mind and view about reality, and I don't think I want to experience that ever again. It was just way way too real. The power of the mind is truly amazing and it seems like dmt kind of unlocks some pathways for other substances. Freaky stuff to say the least..
#9 Posted : 12/26/2012 10:24:07 PM

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Wow Schloops...what strain weed was that...sound like PCP or something? Surprised

maybe spice really does change your mind?
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#10 Posted : 12/26/2012 10:40:18 PM

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I didn't catch the name of the strain, but everyone else who smoked it were just happily high. I guess I can't say for certain what caused the effects for me as there's alot of variables, in addition to the tolerance thing obviously, but it really felt like it was something that had been activated by dmt, like you could just feel it. The whole space just reeked of that hyperspacial atmosphere..
#11 Posted : 12/27/2012 6:31:46 AM


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for me personally , the cannabis high has always changed with an introduction of an entheogen into my dieta

when i used to smoke cannabis way back i used to just be a little goofy all the time , i cannot say i used to ever get high , so i used to consume cannabis with alchol to get somewhat high

then when i started doing LSD , it kinda added to the cannabis high a little diemensional effect , after that whenever i smoked cannabis , i used to feel a different cannabis high , yet very enjoyable however their were subtle alterations to the high as if a certain diemension had been added to it

then as i started smoking DMT , the cannabis high further changed and gained some subtle alterations

yet i can fairly say smoking cannabis does not give me a LSD like or DMT like trip , it only reminds me somewhat of these states , yet a real trip will never result from smoking cannabis alone

also sativa makes excess thinking possible
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#12 Posted : 12/28/2012 7:17:26 AM

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"it was exactly like I was locked into a little control room that had screens where I could watch what was happening in the reality of that body"

Yeah it is like that..thats a really good description of what a really psychedelic dose of cannabis can be like. For me there is also a weird time echo thing that goes on at the same time.

Cannabis was always like this for me. Psychedelics never made it any stronger(unless they were combined). Cannabis can be as strong as other psychs at the right dose IMO unless you smoke it daily..though its very different from other psychedelics.

I have also vomited from cannabis. I can get just so freaking stoned if I take even 1 hit and hold really REALLY stoned. I will have visual and perceptual hallucinations..I will time travel and other really weird stuff happens that is similar to salvia.

I suspect that one day we will discover some sort of common receptor activity between salvinorin and cannabis..even if it's just somethng minor they share..both being terpenes(but totally different I know). Just that for me there is a sort of link between high dose cannabis and this one really weird aspect of salvia.

In some ways cannabis can be MORE reality dissolving than other psychs..but in a way that boarders on a deleriant(but not, just that it is so warpy). This is probly hard to imagine for people who use it really frequently, like daily. I cant say I seek out that level with cannabis though. Ive been there enough times lol. I once practically jumped out of a moving car and ran wildly off into the woods to freak out for a couple hours after smoking about 4 joints with some people after a few weeks away from it. It was late at night and I had to get away from everythng I was so high. I remember finally stopping and grabbing onto this tree and melting into it as we became one being. Freaked me the hell out.

I have had some really realy really REALLY bad panic attacks with cannabis..I used to smoke about 2 ounces a month..back then all I got was a fuzzy feeling in my head after smoking like 2 there is a gigantic difference between smoking frequently and smoking infrequently.

Even Mckenna talked about how cannabis when used weekly can be a full on entheogenic experience completel with visions.

I smoke a piece of cannabis about as big as a pinhead a couple hours ago in a new glass piece..I got higher than most people who smoke daily would if they vaped like 2g it pays to smoke less Smile
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#13 Posted : 12/28/2012 8:13:14 AM

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jamie wrote:
so it pays to smoke less Smile

Absolutely, same for me.
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