Wait for it--- Urine! Options
#41 Posted : 12/20/2011 4:41:20 AM

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maybe it should be reduced enough that it can be taken in a capsule, then your not drinking piss.
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#42 Posted : 12/20/2011 4:59:03 AM


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I agree with Ray, I would much rather pop a gel cap with piss crystals than drink it Pleased
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#43 Posted : 12/20/2011 6:06:48 AM

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Urinary dimethyltryptamine and psychiatric symptomatology and classification.
Rodnight R, Murray RM, Oon MC, Brockington IF, Nicholls P, Birley JL.

"The excretion of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) was studied amongst 122 recently admitted psychiatric patients and 20 normal subjects. DMT was detected in the urine of 47% of those diagnosed by their psychiatrists as schizophrenic, 38% of those with other non-affective psychoses, 13% of those with affective psychoses, 19% of those with neurotic and personality disorders and 5% of normal subjects. Ninety-nine patients were interviewed in a semi-standardized fashion, and also categorized according to a variety of operational definitions of the psychoses. The operational definitions failed to reveal any group significantly more correlated with urinary DMT than a hospital diagnosis of schizophrenia, but a discriminant function analysis of symptomatology could be used to define a group of 21 patients of whom 15 (71%) excreted detectable DMT. There was a general relationship between psychotic symptoms and urinary DMT, but specifically schizophrenic symptoms did not appear to be major determinants of DMT excretion."

So my hometown has the coolest crazy lady of all time. If I was only I was as bananas as her, I'd totally smoke her urine and probably get SUPER DUPER HIGH!
Then the next time we saw her showering old people in pennies, crawling down main street like a crab, or barking at children(all of which I've seriously witnessed), my friends would be like, "Wow, that lady is totally bat shit." And I'd be like, "You think SHE'S crazy? Well I smoked her pee!" High fives and congratulations would abound.

And here's something I found on erowid about psilocybin and pee pee:

Once ingested, most of the psilocybin is converted into psilocin within the first hour. Most of the psilocin is then excreted within the first 8 hours...but portions remain in the system for several weeks. From Stafford's Psychedelics Encyclopedia:

"High dose studies of rats suggest that psilocin taken orally is distributed througout the body. Concentrations in tissues appear highest about half an hour after ingestion, decreasing rapidly over the next three to four hours. The adrenal glands of the test animals show the highest concentrations after the first hour, until then the kidneys have more. The small intestine, skin, bone marrow, lungs, stomach, and salivary glands also have significant concentrations-- greater, in fact, than those in the brain...
In the high dose study of rats, all but 6 pecent of the psilocybin was excreted within twenty-four hours. In humans, only 80-85% of psilocybin and its metabolites is excerted within 8 hours, in the urine (about 65%), bile and feces (15-20%). Some 15-20% olingers on, stored in fatty tissues; significant quantitites appear in urine up to a week later. A full 25% of the originally administered dose enters urine as psilocin."
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
#44 Posted : 12/20/2011 11:31:36 AM

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No worries HF, it was just a misunderstanding, I know you are not making any absolute claims and are just bringing a subject to discussion. Smile

My question still remains though, why not extract urine if one is after the alkaloids only?
Hyperspace Fool
#45 Posted : 12/20/2011 3:47:55 PM

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endlessness wrote:
No worries HF, it was just a misunderstanding, I know you are not making any absolute claims and are just bringing a subject to discussion. Smile

My question still remains though, why not extract urine if one is after the alkaloids only?

Good question.

Maybe some adventurous soul will come up with a urine alkaloid extraction tek.

My feeling is that if we ascertain that there is no harm in drinking urine, why should we bother with extractions that will likely involve non polar solvents, caustic bases, and a decent amount of focused effort? It is likely that piss drinking is easier and has less potential for error.

For piss that has been saved and might be going rancid, extraction seems like it is for sure the best option... but if we are talking about mid journey drinking it as it comes out, it seems that trying to do an extraction while peaking might be ill advised, while simply peeing in a cup and chugging some of it would be far simpler.

I think a lot of people who have never even tried a bit of their pee, imagine it to be far more horrible tasting or disgusting than it actually is. Granted, piss after an alcohol binge, or when one hasn't been drinking their 2 to 3 liters of water a day can be fairly nauseating... but I must say, a well hydrated piss from a healthy person can be not only painless, but kind of refreshing.

Considering that we live in a culture that finds the human body to be obscene, and natural activities to be shameful... it is no surprise that a majority of people would find this concept abhorrent. Even in a population of open minded psychonauts who tend to have no problem using naptha and lye... piss is still a kind of verboten topic. All I can say is you might be surprised what you can become inured to when you get past your societal programming.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#46 Posted : 12/20/2011 10:27:15 PM

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I think the extraction things Prolly best.

To be honest, I once drank a glass of my own urine once for the hell of it. When I'm on psyche though, I drink so much water, so I wouldn't want to consume 8 hours worth of pee just to be sure I get the right sample.

An extractions probably best.

It wouldn't even need to be to purity. Just a liquid removal that doesn't involve evapping.

Imagine that for a lab odour!
#47 Posted : 12/21/2011 12:05:03 AM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
All I can say is you might be surprised what you can become inured to when you get passed your societal programming.

Is it socialized behaviour though? For the most part, I am guessing an aversion to imbibing urine is pretty much cross-cultural. Sure there are many examples of piss drinking to achieve mystical states by imbibing the urine of bemushroomed priests and clerics, but it may be a lot to assume they didn't need to overcome a stigma, of socialized or biological origin. And the natural world? Not many examples that come to mind of species who drink their own or others' urine. Maybe we are hardwired NOT to recycle our waste... Just putting it out there. I have never drunk my piss, but only because I have not been provided with sufficient reason to do so. Not to say I wouldn't gag, though...Twisted Evil

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#48 Posted : 12/21/2011 1:16:37 AM

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It has been heard of the possibility of fasting for a few days while drinking plenty of water to make sure to be well hydrated, and then having a journey with mushrooms; collecting all the urine expelled within the few hours after ingestion to finally dry them down until you get crystals that can be snorted for another trip!... not tried yet but interesting!

I've read plenty of stuff on the subject and for sure at first I was a bit put off listening to my "cultural programming" but I quickly found out as you stated Hyperspace fool that urine is not a waste product but a regulation of our blood. Later I met and talked to many people who were practicing urinotherapy for healing or maintaining good health.
I one is interested ther is a lot of litterature on the web to have a grasp of why people would drink their own urine and how some are recovering from serious ailment with it.
Keep in mind that if there was not any good use for it why some people would go that far to drink something that would be so gross and alien to us??

On the psychedelic use that's true that it is quite hard to get the right glass that contains all the goodies on the period of the come down... might have to drink a lot...
I like to hear more about this
None of this is really happening, SWIM's mind is so sick and bored than it has to invent all sorts of "abracadabrantesques" stories...
#49 Posted : 12/21/2011 10:27:48 AM
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..good source of DMT, NMT, bufotenine & 5meo-tryptamine if you could extract enough of it..
bush-people know to rub urine on a cut as disinfectant if nothing else available..
#50 Posted : 12/21/2011 4:12:13 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
extractions that will likely involve non polar solvents, caustic bases, and a decent amount of focused effort?

Or just simple evaporation...
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
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#51 Posted : 12/21/2011 5:47:20 PM

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You can find a tons of threads about urine extraction in any other forums dedicated to multi-psychoactives, it's usually goes sides-tract.
But it is correct ot think there should be something in there, like with some tryptamines, phenythylamines, muscimol of course and probably others, so maybe all in different ratio after digestion.
However I decided to simply do less psychs or hunt and grow more !
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#52 Posted : 12/22/2011 8:13:39 AM

odin the one

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ok? plenty of post for the drinking of urine.. but the first time im at a party and some guy who been on a 5 day musshy trip starts passing a jug of his weeks endevors around to get his party started.. well im just going to pass on that one and grab my keys..cause the train just went off the tracks.. i will just keep working hard so things never get that tough... i sure as hell hope this does not start becoming the next new thing..gonna need alot of breath mints for this one....
Rising Spirit
#53 Posted : 12/22/2011 5:15:00 PM

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Many moons ago, I had become so enthralled with the "Yogic Sciences", that I practiced many extreme austerities and did quite a bit of fasting. As Hyperspace Fool states, with enough hydration, it is possible to drink one's own urine and not taste any toxic or stinky flavor, whatsoever. I did this a few times during protracted water-only fasts (those lasting more than a week). I can't say that I felt anything at all from the urine, as I was not using psychedelics under such extreme fasting conditions. Frankly, it's been over 30 years and I never went back to the well. Laughing

Now, with the ritual usage of Amanita Muscaria or Pantherinas... as I understand it, the urine is less dangerous/deadly, in terms of toxicity, than the Fly Agaric itself. It's unwise to eat too much of this entheogen, eh? After all, they are considered "poisonous".

Apparently, all or most of the ibotenic acid is fully converted into muscimol, when exiting the body as urine? It has been suggested that the urine is as potent or even more potent, than the initial mushies consumed and far less nauseating for the system to digest.

And I do agree with HF, none of us should be handling any chemicals while experiencing such delirious and dreamy altered states. I believe this particular circumstance and such immediacy of recycling the Medicine, is specifically when one is still under the influence of said shrooms... and seeking a breakthrough muscimol experience?

So, no high-tech or low-tech extraction procedures (involving the handling of potentially dangerous chemicals) while tripping, would be logical or sanely advisable. As THAT is bat-shit crazy!

Anyway, it's certainly food for thought (or would it be drink for thought?), as far as Amanita journeys. And I'm not just pissing in the wind, as we all know what that gets you... SOAKING WET. Wink

Happy Winter Solstice All!!!

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#54 Posted : 12/22/2011 7:20:17 PM

The Root

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can evapped piss spontaneously ignite ?
didnt alchemists aquire phosphorus from it ?
doesnt japan aquire gold from it currently ?
this has potential whos writing the pisstobase tek atm ?
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#55 Posted : 12/23/2011 5:12:08 AM

illudium Q-36

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Phlux- wrote:
can evapped piss spontaneously ignite ?
didnt alchemists aquire phosphorus from it ?
doesnt japan aquire gold from it currently ?
this has potential whos writing the pisstobase tek atm ?

Does Japan turn piss to gold? Or is that a metaphor?

All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#56 Posted : 2/10/2012 10:04:10 AM
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Wikipedia makes no mention of DMT or other tryptamines or phenethylamines in Urine.
Either because the sources mentioned in the Wikipedia Urine-page never looked for these compounds,
or because they are present in such small amounts they didn't think worthy of mentioning.

Does anyone have any solid information on the average DMT-content of Urine samples in which
DMT was detected? Like: # miligrams/1 liter Urine?

If DMT, or similair compounds, indeed are to be found in Urine, even if only in very small amounts,
it may just be worth it to try. May be quite a piece of work to separate the desirable compounds
from the many other chemicals that Urine consists of, but then again Urine is VERY readily available.

Here's an idea:
Perhaps one could go on a diet, to make one's urine devoid of
unnececairy chemicals. Drinking only water & eating only fruits for
a week or 2 to cleanse your entire body first. Then you could
proceed by consuming relatively high doses of compounds from
which your body can make DMT and similair methylated Tryptamines;
Lots of Tryptophan-rich foods(Egg,Spirulina, Soy beans, Cod fish)
could be eaten & 5-HTP supplements may be taken regulairly for
the next 2 weeks.

The Urine collected on the last 1 to 2 weeks will most likely
be significantly richer in desirable Tryptamines than "regulair" Urine.
Also you could try to collect Urine samples at different times; Morning,
Midday & Night, and collect them in separate containers labelled
Morning, Midday & Night respectively. This way you could do analysis
to determine during which time of the 24 hours Urine is most
#57 Posted : 2/10/2012 10:36:20 AM
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Determination of potentially hallucinogenic N-dimethylated indoleamines in human urine by HPLC/ESI-MS-MS.
..they found bufotenine, DMT, 5-methoxy-DMT, and up to 34 microg/L for each, you'd need a fair bit of urine..
Hyperspace Fool
#58 Posted : 2/10/2012 2:24:30 PM

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These are actually different concepts.

The idea that a person could collect naturally occurring tryptamines from there urine in quantities to make it worthwhile seems a bit of a stretch. Even if you supplement your diet to help with production, it seems like pushing it a bit to collect and deal with such volumes.

However, the original idea of this thread was to collect the urine you make AFTER consuming large amounts of various substances. I imagine nen888's statistics would go up for someone who had recently drunk a significant amount of aya. And even still, the leading contenders for urine recycling would still be the Amanita Muscaria mushroom's active ingredients (i.e. muscimol) and the DXM metabolite DXO... both of which are well known to come out in significant quantities to make redosing relatively easy.

My experience is that psilocybin mushrooms also make for an enhanced piss. How much and which chemicals is unknown... as far as I know, no one has done significant studies on the alkaloid content of people who have eaten 5g of cubensis or more. (much less of some species of fun-guys) Fresh mushrooms also contain the psychoactive ingredient baeocystin (I am not aware of much research into its sibling norbaeocystin). Who knows how much of these compounds are excreted in the urine?

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#59 Posted : 2/14/2012 2:35:21 AM
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..this is a good point (almost typed pint) Hyperspace Fool..
i have read that something like 70% of ingested psilocybin is excreted through the urine..i'll see if i can find the reference..
#60 Posted : 2/16/2012 12:41:12 AM
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I did some calculations and conversions.

Asuming Urine weights about 1 kg per Liter(as water weights slightly less)
(up to) 0.000 034 gram per 1000 gram = (up to) 0.0000034 %
Meaning Urine can contain DMT,5-HO-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and NMT in amounts of
up to 0.0000034 %

( We need more measurements of DMT, 5HO-DMT, 5MeO-DMT &
NMT contents in Urine to be able to calculate more acurate average
percentages of the levels of these compounds in Urine.)

100 000 liters of Urine would yield +/- 3,4 grams
of DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and NMT(3,4 g of each)

Seems like a hell of alot of work for really low yields.
Would probably cost you a fortune to buy the solvents,
acids & bases needed to make extracts and refine these
extracts. Not worth it if you ask me.

Also recycling Psilocybin and such alkaloids from my Urine....
I'd much rather grow some mushrooms and cacti to be honoust.

Perhaps you could add your Urine to Cowshit/Marmite/Riceflour/Straw-cakes
before you Sterilise them in heated ovenbags, let them cool down and
innoculate them with Mushroom spores. Who knows it may just be a great
precursor which the mushroom can absorb from the cake-soil to
make Psilocybin(To boost Psilocybin content) or even have the
mushroom producing new, interresting, analogues compounds with Psychological Activity.

You could piss many times over the cake and let it dry up again, before
you put the cake in an ovenbag and sterilise it. Seems easy enough and
worth a try if you're growing mushrooms anyways.

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