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#21 Posted : 2/10/2012 12:26:43 AM

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming

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Yeah jamie harmalas definitely can put you into what seems like that state, although as you said its hard to almost ever verify it, which is why i didn't mention it. It can be in your face however. Also, sometimes its not only a vision of some place/event/thing out there, but your having it before the actual thing happens. Its that non-local aspect of time which really boggles me. For example, i was meditating two days ago and had a sort of hypnagogia dreamlike experience of seeing my cat jump on the bed on the other side of the room. I snapped out of it and a few seconds after i did so she came bursting into my room unusually fast and jumped on the bed in the exact same way.

Joedirt, you shoulda asked him! I can relate to the eeriness though. Here's a creepy one i posted in december in some thread:

hours before the earthquake hit off the cost of japan this year causing the tsunami i couldn't stop thinking about earthquakes. We never ever even have them around here in NY and i've never experienced one, nor do i really ever think about them (not a geology major or anything like that)..but i couldn't stop vividly picturing myself experiencing what it'd be like..and i even asked myself a few times: "why the heck do i keep picturing all this!?" I even thought myself weak minded for not being able to shake the thought. Something in the back of my mind wondered if some sort of precognitive thing was going on though, since i was pretty familiar with it at that point

The next morning no one i talked to seemed to have watched the news or have known about the japan incident that had happened that night, including me. i sat in a spanish class with a guy named jesus (common spanish name) who was joking about how we bombed japan back in the day, and i was getting furious. I had an image, not really a vision, but sort of an involuntary video bubble up in my head of thousands of mangled japanese bodies bursting through the door and smashing jesus into the wall. it bubbled up in a similar way that syncronous imaginings tend to. Then i realized i was imagining them all in water bursting through the door, and thought that was weird since we bombed japan, not flooded it. I again thought myself just weak minded and idiotic for incorporating water into it when it had nothing to do with hiroshima and nagasaki bombings

then ten minutes after class i saw the tsunami news while passing by a tv

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"

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#22 Posted : 2/12/2012 3:32:55 PM


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More phenomena:

I was once 11,000+ ft. up on a mountain in Wyoming, USA with a friend of mine camping. It was night and we had just set up camp. We smoked a joint of cannabis and I drank some water, closed my eyes, and meditated. What I saw I will never forget!

I saw the stars through my eye lids, through the tent, and through the trees outside. How on earth is this possible?
I tilted my head around and watched the stars move perfectly in sync. It was not a hallucination, I was actually somehow seeing them. I noticed that it was completely blacked out where the Earth was, however. I couldn't see the stars through the density of the earth.

I asked my friend if she could see it, and she could too. I've never experienced anything like it and would love to again sometime. I've also never heard of anyone else experiencing this.

Effective Trigger

I used to be big into dreaming and things like wake induced lucid dreaming.
I learned how to eject my consciousness from my body at will when in a relaxed state of being (usually after a combination of a certain amount of sleep, waking up, laying back down)

I learned that while laying down with my eyes closed, if I move my eyes upward to my forehead as if I was looking up, with my tongue touching the roof of my mouth, I can effectively launch my consciousness out of my body at will. I've done this over and over before and for me, it seems like this simple mechanism of the eyes is like a biological key, or trigger. If I relax the eyes I can slip back into my body, and then move then back up and it launches again. Typical loud explosions are heard and felt when this happens as reported in "Astral travel" and I've never been able to control where I end up. It's always been random strange experiences that I do not know what to make of.

And on one rare occasion I was dancing on 500 micrograms LSD with some LEDs on a shoestring at COSM. Someone had just smoked DMT in front of the crowd and was banging on a djembe to the music. My consciousness launched out of my body 15ft. above me and I was looking down at myself, still dancing somehow, and everyone else. I thought to myself...OH MY GOD! Then I ZOOMED back into my body and kept on dancing completely blown away that it had happened.

I always tell people next time that happens I'm looking up, not down...


When I use to use poppy pod tea here and there I would spend hours in trance observing strange scenes of humans doing things that always seemed very real. I could never figure it out, but I enjoyed it very much. It was the main reason I used them, never more than a few days at a time.

DMT eye tunnels
Sometimes on DMT and ayahuasca it looks like I have crawled up to a tube that connects me to other peoples bodies and eyes that allow me to see out of them.
There are numerous reports of people doing this with birds on aya for example, and as crazy as this sounds, I think it must be possible somehow.

Gee consciousness is odd.
#23 Posted : 2/12/2012 4:55:15 PM

Not I

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۩ wrote:
More phenomena:

I was once 11,000+ ft. up on a mountain in Wyoming, USA with a friend of mine camping. It was night and we had just set up camp. We smoked a joint of cannabis and I drank some water, closed my eyes, and meditated. What I saw I will never forget!

I saw the stars through my eye lids, through the tent, and through the trees outside. How on earth is this possible?
I tilted my head around and watched the stars move perfectly in sync. It was not a hallucination, I was actually somehow seeing them. I noticed that it was completely blacked out where the Earth was, however. I couldn't see the stars through the density of the earth.

This reminds me of another time. Smile

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with my wife....actually I was just staring through the TV as I normally do.

Suddenly I felt as though my body fell into a sleep hypnosis like state, yet I was still aware of watching TV like nothing had changed except my body was now asleep and unresponsive for a few moments. It was both cool and unnerving at the same time.
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