thanks again everyone.
the experience has left me in a strange place really, almost as if i have been given/shown all i need for the time being, especially from a high dose perspective. Its left me with a strange feeling/head space/relationship to reality that i have not had before.
The place i went to wasn't scary at all but i think it was so disturbingly and intensely real that i am a little reluctant to dive back into hyperspace as i know i could go back there, while im not scared of that place it isnt somewhere i would want to go every time.
I have always thought there is more to life than what we are told/think, weird things like ouija boards, telepathy and a few other strange things that dont comply with consensus reality but that have happened to me in my life, the place i went was like the place where these thing were generated from.
i have had a (much) smaller journey since then and i was reminded that spice isnt about the place i went to, and that going that deep isnt the main point to my/our endeavours.
It was a journey where i was shown the lovely, crazy, silly, colourfull things "the pink elephants" to steal a phrase, i was told/shown that the less "epic" experiences are equally as valuble if you know/learn how to look at them in the right way.
I think this is what i will be doing for a while, i think i have had my fill of
for a while
it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???
fool of the year