Aya / Pharma / Combination of the two? Options
#1 Posted : 1/16/2012 11:05:35 AM

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Morning all Razz I trust you guys are all well, and enjoying the wonders that every day presents us with Wink

So the time of my first Aya journey is impending. I want to make sure it is a success, as I hear about so many misfires / under dosing cases - which I obviously want to avoid at all costs as I have limited funds and resources these days... I just want to get some opinions on the best route to take, I have:

250g White Caapi
50g Red Caapi
25g Syrian Rue
~100mg Rue extract
soon to have a couple of grams(ish) Caapi extract

DMT Fumarate
DMT Freebase
100g(ish) P. Viridis - these look quite old and sorry for themselves though.
10-15g M. Hostilis

I was either going to make a brew with the white / Red vine I have. I want to make a bit extra, so I'm wondering if the 50g of Red vine would be enough? Maybe White is the best option as I have plenty?

Or would it be better to work with extracted alks?

The Red vine yielded ~500mg of alkaloids when I extracted some, I haven't extracted any of the white yet, but plan to do 150g this week for Changa and other Harmala related goodness.

I don't really fancy Rue alks / tea at the moment as I feel I would like to go down the Aya route at least my first few times...

Now for the light - would it be better to weigh up a dose of Fumarate or just make say 10g of Mimosa tea and dose 5g to start off with and top up if it isn't quite hitting the spot? Or should I go for the Viridis, but I am unsure of the dosage for this?

I will also have a small dose of FB loaded in the GVG just in case I should want to add some icing to the cake...

Now here's the thing: I think I have given myself too many options! Help! What are yous guys's preferences when it comes to imbibing the sacred tea? Do you prefer vine heavy or light heavy? I tend to be quite heavy handed with Harmalas when it comes to Changa and I seem to have incredibly deep personal journeys this way, as opposed to Freebase, which seems to be much more of a roll of the dice, and a fair bit more 'freaky'. Does this mean I should aim for the same with my brew?

I understand that it is a real balancing act, and can be just as easy to under do as it is to over do, which is why I am being so thorough.

I am just a little bit nervous / apprehensive of this stuff as well, as I know full well just how powerful it is. I need to press the reset button though and make some positive changes to my lifestyle that I think Aya could greatly help with and accelerate

I weigh 150lbs / 70kg if that helps...

Thanks in advance for your answers, you guys have always done me proud in the past Very happy

Many Loves,

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3

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#2 Posted : 1/16/2012 11:27:30 AM

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That's interesting question, I have thought about trying pharma or aya, too.
I have heard that with pharma it's more similar to long vaporized DMT trip, but with aya it's somewhat different due to some active ingredients that don't show up in the extracted products, such as yuremamine in MHRB.

Has anyone combined MHRB and harmala extracts? I would guess it would cause less nausea?
I would also like to know about how people adjust the duration of the journey with harmalas... Sorry for these questions on your topic purges, but they might help you too.
#3 Posted : 1/16/2012 12:08:42 PM

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That's fine mate, fire away!
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#4 Posted : 1/16/2012 3:42:41 PM

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At first you will likely want vine heavy brews. I used to make the vine and MHRB seperate, then only a tiny bit of MHRB (it goes a long way).

Having said that, I have just made a super brew with a load of chaliponga that I boiled up together. It is much more 'trippy' in a psilocybin type sense, but less dreamy and warm.

Maybe brew up some P.Viridis WITH the vine, then dose mimosa as and when you want it.

It depends what you are after, but if you are new to Ayahuasca I suggest you brew at least the mimosa seperately and start with an either just-harmala brew, or a teeny weeny bit of light (maybe the Viridis will be enough). Just a tickle, as it were. If you want more you can always top up with extra mimosa Wink

Anyway good luck man!

P.S. It really isnt as scary/complicated as you may think, just jump right in! To be honest even if you OD the Harmala a bit, you will likely just purge it out. As a side note, the only White Vine I have ever had was pretty weak, so you may need more of it than the red for example.

I loooove Ayahuasca, she is my friend (or sometimes like a parent that whoops my ass but later I realise why hehe).
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#5 Posted : 1/16/2012 4:25:29 PM

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In my experience with pharma and aya, there is no to little nausea if about 200 mg rue harmalas freebase are taken with light 100mg dmt-fumarate or about 5 grams chaliponga and 25 grams chacruna, or 1 gram psilocibe cubensis.
The same goes to about 50 grams caapi brew but caapi varies much in potenecy and it's easy to do an acid caapi tea which makes ones much more sick.
However a good purge has a lot of beneficials feedback.
So... I would advocate either try some proper pharma or make a caapi brew from 100 grams and drink 1/4 by 1/4 every now and then (or every hour).
If it gets strong enough it can be kept as an ice tea in the fridge and drunk days or weeks laters, or taken as microdose every morning (like 5 grams worth of vine is good morning breakfast).

I like experimenting with either extract or different admixtures and tasty caapi tea.
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#6 Posted : 1/16/2012 5:53:03 PM

Not I

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So this is advice that I'm giving myself....after today.

Today was a rough 2.5 hours of extreme nausea, but without any ability to puke. It was absolutely horrible.
Just as I'd mentally release and enter the deep visionary state a pang of nausea would erupt and force me out of the sate.

I eventually put on extra clothes and got under the covers with the explicit intention of overheating myself and forcing the nausea.
It worked...thank God!.

My advice is this. Take enough harmalas to FORCE a puke. Don't belly up to the edge and look in. Hell no.
Take more harmalas than you think you should... If you are thinking of taking 50grams take 100.

Trust me on this. With aya you REALLY want to purge. You can almost feel serotonin and other 'feel-good' hormones being released
right after the purge. IN fact I'd say it like this. If you aren't up for the purge forget aya. Just forget it. The purge really is a part-and-parcel of the process.

Good luck to you...and remember this. Don't fight the nausea. If you have to get up and do jumping jacks to force it out then do so.

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#7 Posted : 1/16/2012 6:20:00 PM

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Joedirt: If one doesn't want nausea, isn't it just best to take pharmahuasca?

I'm still wondering if using MHRB and caapi extract would eliminate or diminish the nausea?
#8 Posted : 1/16/2012 6:45:08 PM

Not I

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tele wrote:
Joedirt: If one doesn't want nausea, isn't it just best to take pharmahuasca?

I'm still wondering if using MHRB and caapi extract would eliminate or diminish the nausea?

I have never had intense nausea from low dose pharma. As of yet...strangely...I have not tried a full dose pharma so I can't comment from personal experience.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#9 Posted : 1/24/2012 3:48:39 PM

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Ok, so I have a bunch of extracted harmalas and a load of fumarates which are now winking suggestively at me. I am going the Pharma route first time round, but will definitely be experimenting with various brews in good time...

Now dosages, I am a little unsure. I am by no means a hard head with psychedelics , and don't want to blow myself out of the water first time, but I do want a decent experience... a1pha suggested in Chat that I start off with 100mg harmalas and 50 mg DMT - the harmalas are a sort of beige/ egg shell colour, not the purest, but I began to feel effects off ~50mg orally + 10-20mg smoked with some cannabis last night, it was actually rather pleasant, less hazy/ stupifying than a normal stonedness. I think I will try 100mg tonight and see how that goes... Is 50mg DMT a heavy oral dose? I know enldess for instance needs 200+mg Shocked I just don't want to overdo the spice and scare the bejesus out of myself lol... If I go heavy on harmalas will I not need as much Spice, and vice versa?

So yes, moar opinions please!
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"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#10 Posted : 1/24/2012 4:12:32 PM

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I would go higher on the harmalas, specially if they are only beige colour.. Go for 200mg harmalas and 50mg dmt, that sounds good.. Load up your GVG with some DMT in case you dont get here you want to Smile

If you go heavy on the harmalas, you will have strong effects, but they arent exactly a substitute of DMT, they have their own characteristics.. Personally I feel there's too much side-effects from very high harmala dosages so as I mentioned in tele's thread, I rather go for normal good harmala doses and go higher on the DMT, but thats just me.

Let us know how it goes!
#11 Posted : 1/24/2012 5:18:38 PM

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I will be sure to write a TR, I have a feeling this will turn out to be particularly epic once i find my 'sweet spot'Very happy

Cheers for the advice!

The window of opportunity for others to have their say hasn't closed yet btw everyone else, feel free to chime in! x
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
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