wow oh wow bufotenine success!! Options
#241 Posted : 12/4/2009 10:09:08 PM

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wow I think boiling in acid water evapping, basing a then pulling with iso did create a stronger extract..I am soo damn tripped out right now..

I just stood under a light eyes closed singing "over the rainbow" for about 5 minutes in complete contentment..wonderful eyelid patterns to acommany me with my songVery happy

haha I love you guys!
Long live the unwoke.

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#242 Posted : 12/4/2009 11:08:50 PM

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what was the ratio of water to vinegar that you used? and at what temp did you boil it at? (Very interesting thread Very happy)
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#243 Posted : 12/5/2009 12:15:55 AM

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I dunno I just dumped some vinegar in..not alot a few tbl spoons..
I dunno the temp for boiling I just did 2 vinegar water boils on the seeds..strained and reduced, based and evapped in front of a fan.

Then I took the same seeds already boiled and did 1 iso extraction, based that and evapped and mixed the 2 extracts together and pulled with the iso..and made changa

I toasted the hell out of the seeds before doing anything.
Long live the unwoke.
#244 Posted : 12/6/2009 1:30:26 AM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I toasted the hell out of the seeds before doing anything.

This seems to be the key to good results. Does anyone have any information on exactly what toasting does to the seeds?
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#245 Posted : 12/18/2009 8:03:20 PM

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has anyone tried vaporizing the impure bufotenine resin from the iso tek..or the changa made from it?...I want to switch to vaping the stuff but I dunno how well it should work..
Long live the unwoke.
#246 Posted : 12/18/2009 8:38:30 PM

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so I went ahead and made that vaporizer extension piece for bongs from a glass dropper piece that amor_fati created in his thread..and it works well!

I vaped a tiny bit of bufotenine changa and it seems a much better way of using it as compared to smoking..way cleaner and it may just be me..but it seems more euphoric.
Long live the unwoke.
#247 Posted : 1/21/2012 2:59:40 PM
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I wouldn´t call bufotenine one of my favorite psychedelic´s because i find it´s effects rather superficial: there was a thread here on the nexus about how a powerfull psychedelic experience can sometimes make you cry from joy or just because of the intensity of the emotions. I think that bufotenine will never make me cry. It doesn´t provoke much emotions in me.

But i do love it´s visual effects.

I don´t do bufotenine very often, because of what i just said and also because of it´s short duration.
But yesterday i smoked some vilca seeds mixed with cannabis and it was the most amazing experience i´ve ever had with it.

First you always have a stage of nausea. To me it feels like a mild nicotine-poisoning, and i realy feel gravity pulling twice as hard. But this phase passes quickly. Then you feel something like a pressure in your head building up quickly and then you suddenly start seeing the weirdest things and having mild aural hallucinations as well.

I have yet to try it with ayahuasca or shrooms, but i bet that combination is very special.

yesterday night after i smoked this stuff, i was in a room with dimmed lights. The room suddenly looked like it was made out of wool entirely and it started to snow inside. Then the wool turned into a sort of lego-bricks and then...there suddenly was a tornado inside the room, wich was made entirely out of mice. The mice flew in circular motions so that they formed a tornado toghether and eventually started spreading throughout the room. In the end they formed a huge funnel around me that spread out until the mice eventually where running in a circular motion over the walls, the roof and everywhere else. After the mice had transformed into fractal-like figures, i saw glistening spirals of glass rotating downwards.
It was all very spectacular, visually.

After half an hour or so, the effects started to blend with the effects of the cannabis i smoked, and i did no longer feel very 'tryptamine´d' but rather very high on cannabis with just some more visual activity than usual.
#248 Posted : 1/23/2012 11:50:35 AM
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I realy like the cannabis/bufo combination. Yesterday evening i smoked some more and it was extremely visual again. The nice thing is that both are relatively short-lasting. It´s like giving a powerfull visual tryptamine-boost to your cannabis. And after about 30 minutes, you very gradually and gently start to normalise until you´re just stoned from cannabis.

Visually, bufotenine is extremely varied in it´s effects: there´s so many things happening in your visual field that it´s simply amazing. There´s a mental effect i´ve also noticed and that is that it makes me look at objects differently: a stone or a loaf of bread can suddenly look happy or angry or sad.

The only thing is that i shouldn´t be tempted to smoke cannabis more often, since i´ve found out about this combo.
#249 Posted : 1/23/2012 6:53:23 PM

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try it with some caapi, and maybe a gram of mimosa at most...the mimosa will fully color the bufotenine experience, without making the experience much longer at that dose.
Long live the unwoke.
#250 Posted : 1/24/2012 9:52:35 AM
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jamie wrote:
try it with some caapi, and maybe a gram of mimosa at most...the mimosa will fully color the bufotenine experience, without making the experience much longer at that dose.

I will definately do that. There have been a few times that i actually had some vilca lying around, when i was on aya, and i was just simply so taken away by the ayahuasca that i simply forgot about the bufoLaughing .
But i can see how a bufo/aya combo would be about the most spectacular thing in the world.
#251 Posted : 1/24/2012 5:31:15 PM

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yeah, the key is to first take 1/3-1/2 of a dose of ayahuasca. Then take the bufotenine, because bufotenine can really synergise with low doses of DMT, even if you barely feel the DMT before you take the bufotenine. The bufotenine visions are more beautiful and DMT like this way, but still retain a bufotenine quality. Then if you want you can try a full dose of ayahuasca with probably will need alot less bufo with an already visionary dose of DMT admixture.
Long live the unwoke.
#252 Posted : 5/12/2019 6:04:08 AM

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jamie wrote:
yeah, the key is to first take 1/3-1/2 of a dose of ayahuasca. Then take the bufotenine, because bufotenine can really synergise with low doses of DMT, even if you barely feel the DMT before you take the bufotenine. The bufotenine visions are more beautiful and DMT like this way, but still retain a bufotenine quality. Then if you want you can try a full dose of ayahuasca with probably will need alot less bufo with an already visionary dose of DMT admixture.

The same is true for LSD.

Tonight i took some yopo on the peak of an ALD-52 trip. I have some yopo sitting, in a jar, wich is a 50/50% mixture of yopo seeds and edible lime. Maybe it's more like 40/60 actually.
It's a bunch of very dark brown grains. I put one under my tongue and just let it sit there for five minutes.

The first thing i experienced was a sense of stimulation. Like a cup of strong coffee maybe, but coming on very sudden after five minutes of no felt effects.

Then i open my eyes. And very slowly my field of vision becomes filled with a sort of 'electricity'. Very much like with DMT, and i also experience some of the euphoria and the blending of senses, how your own counsciousness becomes one with all the visuals. Like how you feel the energy of those patterns becoming the very fibers of existence itself.

And then after ten to fifteen minutes, it quickly fades.

It's almost perfect. If only it lasted longer.

#253 Posted : 5/12/2019 3:31:36 PM

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I was still feeling some effects of LSD when i made that post. When i searched for "bufotenin" on this site, i stumbled upon this thread. The title and the main theme, i thought, realy fitted what i wanted to say as well.....bufotenin/yopo/vilca is a difficult substance to work with. Many people don't get good results immediately. But especially when it's taken if you are already on something psychedelic, tryptamine-ish, it is realy incredible stuff.

I completely get that "wow oh wow" feeling jamie must have had when starting this thread. It is amazing. Very reminiscent of DMT, but very distinct as well.

When taken sublingually, it tends to take a little longer to kick in. But when it comes, it does tend to happen very quick still. Smoking it is still the most effective way.
You are very quickly being transported to another reality. It is pretty immersive, but not to the same degree as DMT. It can get powerfull enough, to take you to another reality though, regardless of whether you've opened your eyes or not. Completely taking over your field of vision.

The euphoria reminds me a bit of cannabis as well.
#254 Posted : 7/13/2020 2:35:42 AM

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This is a great thread and I enjoyed reading through it. Lots of good info and trip reports. I've been experimenting with bufotenine (yopo and cebil) lately myself. First I tried yopo (peregrina) and now I have cebil (colubrina) and found the effects to be similar but quite different. The cebil feels more clear headed. I read that in yopo presence of a higher quantity of compounds besides bufotenine is common, but in cebil it is usually mostly only bufotenine as the main alkaloid, not DMT or 5-Meo-DMT. Both pleasant but I like cebil more.

People report different effects (maybe by using different seeds? my 2 seeds felt of quite different character) but my experience has been mostly of what 69ron reports, very strong visual effects with little to no psychedelic mental effects or bizarre thought patterns. It's quite nice, I feel like it takes me to a similar place visually as DMT does but a bit different, more crisp and clear actually, more 3D and solid stable visions. But once the visionary part is done (totally done after 30 mins or so) there is maybe a light afterglow or light visuals that lasts around 30 more minutes for me. I've played with smoking the seeds straight as well as a full spectrum alcohol extract. Per another users recommendation, grind seeds, sodium carb + water mix and let sit few hrs stirring, then toast to dry, and pull with 95% ethyl alcohol till clear, then infused to mint. The full spectrum is quite good but I feel like there is a little bit missing that I get with the seeds. Main part of the seeds is that it's hard to smoke enough to get a really visionary state, takes many hits of harsh smoke, probably would need 5 seeds smoked in quick succession like 20 solid hits or more to equal 1 bowl pack of infused mint cleared in a few big hits. I wonder if toasting, grinding, and then freebasing the seeds with ammonia and just smoking that would work.

With the whole seeds I am always greeted by a similar visual effect or entity at first. It's this blue, tendrily, tentacley spidery thing (always happens on cebil each time, never seen this visual effect or entity thing anywhere else, I say entity because it feels to come with a sense of presence) which is nice to look at and makes a nice space. That comes at first and with a body load as well, and then once the body load gives way it seems to also visually open up into this psilocybin like visual space, kind of technological and more colorful. If I open my eyes there everything can kind of have that smooth look that shrooms can cause. Takes 5-10 minutes maybe to come up fully and then from there the visionary part lasts like 20 minutes maybe a little longer. Then an afterglow but very sober feeling. Very much back to baseline within 2 hours if not 1 hour. And I like it a lot because DMT can be back to baseline even faster, but often it's not 'baseline' truly psychologically, even if it's all out of my bloodstream and brain I can feel quite thrown off by the intense psychedelia I experienced for the rest of the day or multiple days or longer depending on the intensity. Cebil is quite clear headed during and after the experience.

So here's an example of one of my trips to add to what's in the thread. Ate a small amount of caapi extract beforehand. I smoked two whole seeds and saw that blue spidery thing as usual with a little bit of body load, anxiolytic effects, and euphoria. Then decided I was enjoying it and wanted to smoke more so I grabbed my extract and packed a bowl and smoked it quickly, dealing with the body load/nausea which isn't that bad, I'm not sure if it's lessened over time or if I've just become accustomed to dealing with it and trusting I won't throw up. This was the most visual experience I've had with it yet. Made me want to double my dose and see how much more the space can open up. I had very clear crisp 3D visions, it almost looked like a virtual reality rather than a hallucination, I want to stress they were very clear with a solid quality and apparent depth. I saw an array/series of hard to exactly describe flowing geometric visions of what looked like different rooms of shapes and maybe some recognizable stuff like faces in there too. This part was very DMT like in the visual aspect at least, very clear kind of hyperspace looking visions, still a bit different and probably a bit less mc escher/impossible shape type stuff than DMT. The sense of depth of space was so convincing I tried moving my head to see if the visions would move with it, they seemed to change but I couldn't tell if they were moving with my head. I was playing with this when a sense of presence reminded me of my intention to heal coming into the trip. I saw this fast flash of flowing visions of different rooms and then it seemed to stabilize on one room and stay there. Very 3D looked like a room with corridors in the back, some humanoid figures, 3D geometric stuff around. Felt like kind of an operating table vibe as is pretty common, something being done to me as I lay there and observe the effects the plant is having on me. In the 3D room the main focus was one entity or figure that was harder to make out that felt like it was doing some type of work. Now one thing I will also say is I could open my eyes at any time to make this mostly stop, most of the visions only happen with closed eyes. But yeah kind of just closing my eyes looking at anything that popped up. I saw some lights in front of me flashing, they would flash over certain parts of my body, like my finger or hand, and then my hand seemed to involuntarily twitch shortly after. But it was pretty pleasant, kind of soothing and without much of any confusing mental stuff to accompany the experience. I have also noticed an antidepressant effect after all my cebil trips that just kind of feels like I'm realigned or re-energized. Good stuff I'm keen to try some more in higher doses. Definitely like the full spectrum seeds more though honestly, but it's hard to smoke enough.
#255 Posted : 7/14/2020 10:51:40 PM

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Update just gonna make another post cause that last one was long. Pretty confused right now. Just smoked the most bufo I ever have and not much happened. Did the same dose as above but smoked an additional bowl after. Well stuff happened but nothing like any of the other times. Even with eyes closed. No complex 3d visions like I saw before at all, and not really much of any healing vibe going on. Just kind of felt like I got punched in the stomach a bit for a while but not as much nausea and difficulty smoking as previous times. I did see some subtle figures flying around the room and get some bodily twitches. But mostly see through or darker, not much color at all. Got some mental images of humanoids doing the most ridiculous stuff that I couldn't help but chuckle at even though it kind of felt like they were trying to scare me. Just kind of unpleasant, and even felt a little bit spiritually 'dangerous' or something I shouldn't be doing. Luckily bufo is pretty gentle and doesn't shatter your ego or something so it was nothing like a bad trip on DMT or LSD. Totally different from all my previous trips though. Not something I'd do regularly if it was always like this, or do ever again actually if I knew it was gonna be a trip like that.

Trying to figure out what I did wrong. I took some caapi beforehand but I'm almost out and was kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel so it may not have been much. Also I have stopped using as much rue as I usually do so maybe my reverse tolerance is down. Come to think of it I don't think I've done it previously without harmalas either caapi or rue in my system. It's daytime right now so I'm not sure if that affected it? But that last trip report and my most visual so far was daytime too. Maybe mood you're in affects it? And some naturally are in more of a receptive mood? And perhaps the harmalas help one to get in that 'mood' as well as potentiate it? Cause I'm pretty sure I've taken low or almost as low doses and it worked fine. Could explain why some get little to no effects.
#256 Posted : 7/16/2020 10:54:57 PM

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mooai wrote:
Update just gonna make another post cause that last one was long. Pretty confused right now. Just smoked the most bufo I ever have and not much happened. Did the same dose as above but smoked an additional bowl after. Well stuff happened but nothing like any of the other times. Even with eyes closed. No complex 3d visions like I saw before at all, and not really much of any healing vibe going on. Just kind of felt like I got punched in the stomach a bit for a while but not as much nausea and difficulty smoking as previous times. I did see some subtle figures flying around the room and get some bodily twitches. But mostly see through or darker, not much color at all. Got some mental images of humanoids doing the most ridiculous stuff that I couldn't help but chuckle at even though it kind of felt like they were trying to scare me. Just kind of unpleasant, and even felt a little bit spiritually 'dangerous' or something I shouldn't be doing. Luckily bufo is pretty gentle and doesn't shatter your ego or something so it was nothing like a bad trip on DMT or LSD. Totally different from all my previous trips though. Not something I'd do regularly if it was always like this, or do ever again actually if I knew it was gonna be a trip like that.

Trying to figure out what I did wrong. I took some caapi beforehand but I'm almost out and was kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel so it may not have been much. Also I have stopped using as much rue as I usually do so maybe my reverse tolerance is down. Come to think of it I don't think I've done it previously without harmalas either caapi or rue in my system. It's daytime right now so I'm not sure if that affected it? But that last trip report and my most visual so far was daytime too. Maybe mood you're in affects it? And some naturally are in more of a receptive mood? And perhaps the harmalas help one to get in that 'mood' as well as potentiate it? Cause I'm pretty sure I've taken low or almost as low doses and it worked fine. Could explain why some get little to no effects.

Yes, it seems that on it's own, it does not have as much value by far, as when taken in conjunction with something else.

I have had such darker experiences with it as well. It is definately every bit as weird as DMT is.
Bill Cipher
#257 Posted : 7/17/2020 12:51:04 AM

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dragonrider wrote:
Yes, it seems that on it's own, it does not have as much value by far, as when taken in conjunction with something else.

I have had such darker experiences with it as well. It is definately every bit as weird as DMT is.

I think vaped bufo extract is pretty interesting. The vasoconstriction and nausea are none too pleasant, but it can be a visual feast - and while I wouldn't say there's anything particularly transformative about the experience, for me it's kind of like watching a perfectly rendered DMT movie, if that makes any sense.
#258 Posted : 7/29/2020 4:31:07 AM

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Just experienced some of the harsher aspects of cebil/bufotenine. Smoked some last night and had a great trip, but one of the craziest hangovers I've ever had. I smoked the seeds straight without toasting as I felt they were more potent that way. Maybe about 4-5 smoked plus caapi. Had a great trip with closed eyes, saw some holographic space with a jester girl running around in it. I saw the jester girl as well as some realistic looking humans, as I usually see. A lot of times I see entities plus also concrete humanoid figures. This time I had the thought that she was playing around on the inside of my mind, and the realistic human figures were like photographs of my memories or something. When I would think of something or focus on something whether in physical space or focus on an idea, I would notice the holographic space again, and I felt like I could see the exact spot where it 'connected' to this holographic space. Like oh I thought about this project I'm working on, that's to the left back of the space, and this thing you were thinking about connects over here in the front left. It was like I was looking at a lit up model of my mind somehow. Also got some insight about how to better follow my creative process, and realized I always let myself get burnt out. And that I should take more frequent breaks while not letting myself get too distracted or just be lazy at the same time.

I've gotten slight hangovers/achey from it before but this was on another level. I felt fine when I went to bed but woke up in the middle of the night curled up into a ball, entire body aching. There is this effect of your muscles being seized up which I've gotten in my legs before but my whole body felt stressed/clenched up. I had to force myself to stretch out. It wasn't that bad and wasn't unbearable but I was really on my ass that whole night. It lasted into the entire next day and the acheyness was so bad I didn't want to walk or get up. I ended up sleeping until like 7pm somehow after going to bed at like 1am!!! Lol. Very interesting dreams too. It's night time now and I'm mostly back to normal. All in all really not that bad though, if that is the worst of the effects I get from cebil I'd take it any day over a potentially traumatizing bad trip on another psych. Had a great trip and my mind/mental state was not disrupted at all. Will probably toast them from now on though. I'd mostly be concerned about adverse health effects rather than feeling achey and sleeping in for a day.

I'm not sure if it's not transformative or insightful as others say. It's more subtle and you have to pay attention, but especially when combined with the harmalas I think I get insight from my trips on it. The immediate/afterwards antidepressant effect as well is one of the strongest of any psychedelic I've tried. Recently had a really rough morning after taking some Chali the night before, and was really depressed and thrown for a loop. The type of feeling where the rest of that day and maybe couple days will probably be thrown out of whack. Smoked like a hit or two of cebil and that depressed feeling instantly went away, and I was able to happily continue going about my business for the rest of the day. Once had a dream after smoking some yopo where in the future it was common to have a little mini volcano vape looking thing called a 'wisp' vaporizer which cebil was smoked out of, for the antidpressant/stimulant effect. It was almost as common as coffee Laughing

I think someone said it was like spiritual knowledge in exchange for bodily pain/physical suffering. Which if this was reliably true, I would take it over other psychs any day. I'm still experimenting with it, and it's definitely not as flashy and forward as other psychs, but I think it may have a lot of the same benefits DMT/Psilocybin can have. If the measurable benefits were the same it would definitely be my psychedelic of choice, and I would use only Cebil for the most part. Very easy trip and probably mentally the safest most clear headed psychedelic I've tried from what I've seen so far.
#259 Posted : 8/10/2020 7:09:27 PM

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Hi friends. Ever since I've started smoalking dmt and reading Nexus, I've been very curious about trying bufotenine. Thanks Jamie and everyone else who paved the way.

8 grams Anadenanthera Colubrina seeds were weighed and counted, between forty and fifty seeds. Seeds were heated in toaster oven at 300° F until all seeds had "popped". They jump around as this happens, it is fun to watch. Seeds were then powdered in blender. Seed powder was mixed with 12 grams sodium carbonate. Water was added and mixture was stirred and allowed to sit for a half hour. A strong ammonia smell was noticeable at this stage of the extraction. Paste was dried in toaster oven, then ground back to powder. This powder was put into a small glass jar with lid. Pulled 3x with 95% ethanol, very small amounts, less than 50 ml each pull. Each pull was decanted and filtered through a funnel with loose cotton plug in neck. Pulls were combined and poured over one gram B. Caapi leaves. Changa tray was allowed to sit and evap. Sticky brown with shiny sparkles, is how the leaves now look...

This stuff smells not so great. I'm not crazy about the taste either. I smoked a small bowl last night. I did not experience much physical discomfort, maybe a little nausea. Kept my eyes closed the whole ride and there was definitely some visual fireworks happening. I'm curious to try more of it, a little nervous about overdoing it and turning purple, I don't want to scare my girl.

Anyway. This is my bufotenine changa. Where would I be without the wonderful Nexus? I am very grateful.
Tony6Strings attached the following image(s):
IMG_20200810_104231.jpg (808kb) downloaded 139 time(s).
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#260 Posted : 8/18/2020 1:23:46 PM

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I mentioned to my girl about the possibility of this stuff turning me eggplant purple, nausea bodyload etc... Later on we were going to bed, I brought a pipeload of this to smoke. She became FURIOUS!!!

The nausea and bodyload is a bit much. No purple face yet as far as I know. Visions are very nice and long lived compared to dmt. Half hour or so.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
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