DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 157 Joined: 28-Sep-2010 Last visit: 04-Oct-2013 Location: out there
hows it going guys. Basicaly, i love my acid, but im not an old head; i recon some of you guys will have more experience in these kind of situations or similar.
I have a friend who wants to trip on some acid (known to be nice, moderately strong clean blotter). However, some time last year he was admitted to a psychiatric ward for drug induced pyschosis. He had been a heavy weed smoker as well as doing MDMA, 4-mec and a few others way too often.
however, when i tripped with him on mushrooms during this period he was okay. Since then, he has been on medication and is almost all better; aside from certain social aspects. but then, it takes a while to adjust to socialising sober when you were always high for so long. that much i know.
now he keeps asking to do it, and keeps saying he's got to do it at some point in his life.
my question to you guys is what are the risks of causing another episode? what would you do in my situation? my belief is i can advice but its not my place to 'choose' what he ingests, but my ideals are really being put to the test.
any advice or perspectives are really welcome.
also, i know his medication could be an issue (possible SSRI) presumably if he stopped taking them for a week (tappered) it wouldnt effect them?
what do you guys think?
 DMT-Nexus member
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heavy cannabis use and heavy mdma use can both do that to a person. I have seen it personally with both. I had a good friend in high school, and I was also good freinds with his brother..they both smoked tons of cannabis and his brother was very smart..he stopped going to school becasue I think it really bored him and he just sat at home smoking vials of hash oil..and eventually he got a little loopy and delusional and had to go to a mental hospital for like 2 months. I have seen people completely change for the worse with constant heavy MDMA use as well. Never seen this happen with people who just use mushrooms. I dunno about LSD.. I would still be *VERY* careful and concider any medication they are on. Better to be safe than sorry. Long live the unwoke.
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
What drug induced his psychosis? Theres lots of different drugs that can induce it, it doesn't have to be a psychoactive drug.
If it is a psychoactive drug then ime the best cure is to stay away from all psychs for at least 6 months probably longer.
I was sectioned under the uk mental health act 10 years ago through abusing benzodiazepines which made me suicidal so i was sectioned for my own safety. That experience plays no role in my dmt use today. If i was sectioned through psychedelics i would most definitely have major second thoughts about using lsd. Lsd can be a very long and traumatic trip! Is it really worth it?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 79 Joined: 20-Dec-2011 Last visit: 13-Feb-2012 Location: United States
From my own experience, and what I've read, people with mental illness and LSD don't usually mix well. It does'nt sound like your friend is mentally ill though. But perhaps you should talk him into getting over his pshycosis some more b4 hand. Also I think it depends on how much he plans on taking. If it's just average blotter a hit or 2 should'nt affect him. As opposed to dropping 4 or 5. Or maybe if he take half a hit first just to be safe. I usually do that if I get cid that I have'nt had b4 before I take a large dose so I can judge the strength and quality.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 114 Joined: 14-Nov-2010 Last visit: 21-Dec-2016
I would never ever give acid to someone who has had a psychosis. The risk is too high. You should tell him that he should be aware that the trip could throw him right back into that psychiatric ward. Knowing this could also ruin his whole trip... If I met the guy I would advice him a big no no. Everything I write as Tordyveln is made up. I lie all the time.
"Thanks so far for being patient, no doubt you obviously share our contempt for the 1984 Gestapo Mordor Matrix agents style gits that are fucking up our world." - Pissed off mimosa seller
 DMT-Nexus member
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I think the risks of precipitating a psychosis as a result of taking hallucinogens in someone with a past history of drug-induced psychosis should not be underestimated.I also believe that it matters very little if the original psychosis was precipitated by cannabis and MDMA; the risk with any 'psychotomimetic' agent taken subsequently is hard to quantify but the potential consequences make it a big 'No,No' in my book. I would also advise against stopping any prescribed medications without medical advice. I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.
 DMT-Nexus member
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I would avoid. It sucks, but not as much as seeing him go back to square 1 again... Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
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 DMT-Nexus member
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I don't know man, but it seems like a bad idea. This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 157 Joined: 28-Sep-2010 Last visit: 04-Oct-2013 Location: out there
yeah, i to be honest, i aggree woth the general concensus here. The risk is huge and based on previous issues, i would doubt anyone could go into the experience with the right mind set.
for what it matters, i think he was sectioned for cannabis use. I guess ill just have to really talk him out of it. its a shame, when we were a lot younger we always talked about dosing together! guess times change.
but then at the same time, i have read suggestions that LSD was originaly thought to possibly treat pyschosis? maybe it could do some good? who knows...
thinking about it, its all a bit too risky i recon. maybe next year!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 10-Dec-2011 Last visit: 02-Dec-2012
There is a correlation with hallucinogen use and the onset of schizophrenia. While it does not seem to be a causal relationship it would be in your friends best intrest to avoid hallucinogens if he enjoys his current sanity. If his only psychotic episode is a direct result of drug use it is less likely that he will have complications, however the psychotic episode could be an indicator that he is pre disposed to unpleasant experiences. The harm prevention side of me says avoid mixing psychosis and hallucinogens. @ DeMenTed (and anyone else that dosen't know): All drugs, by definition are psychoactive, thats what makes them drugs. I believe what you meant to ask was what class of psychoactive the person consumed. A [sychotic episode triggered by stimulants is very different than a psychotic episode triggered by hallucinogens but both substances are psychoactive.
Posts: 1740 Joined: 10-Jan-2010 Last visit: 05-Mar-2014 Location: Inside the Higgs Boson
Yeah thanks lysergicIV, i never quite thought of benzos as psychoactive but i was wrong. Thanks for clearing that up 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 39 Joined: 10-Dec-2011 Last visit: 02-Dec-2012
No worries, It is a common misunderstanding but people (especially people that experiment with psychoactive) should be made aware that any substance the put in their body that effects neurotransmitters is psychoactive.
 Lysergic Feline
Posts: 303 Joined: 04-Dec-2011 Last visit: 10-Apr-2014 Location: deep within a black hole
as someone who has taken a lot of acid (high doses mainly) and had more than 2 psychotic meltdowns on high dose lsd (pretty much literally batsh*t insane) i cant say that i would recommend it. im certainly not sane in any sense. dont know if i was before but im definitely not the textbook definition now. im a perfectly functioning individual and no danger to myself or others. but frequent high dosing of lsd has definitely changed me fully. my thinking and cognition is not linear whatsoever and im a bit nuts. im not saying that like "oh man im so kewl im a bit coocoo" or some attention seeking BS, i genuinely feel as though i am far more eccentric than most people i know. my psychotic trips were insane. literally. very intense. i have a tendency to go big or go home, and i feel as though i would be called what some people refer to as a "hardhead" acid-head (i dont like to label myself but u get what i mean). my mind can handle a hell of a lot and i have been through and put myself through some extremely difficult situations and experiences. tempered like steel so to speak. if however your friend has been so bad to the point of NEEDING to be admitted to a psychiatric unit i would definitely err on the side of caution. the fact of the matter is you simply DO NOT KNOW what on earth the lsd experience can bring to the surface in some individuals. personally if it were me i would have nothing to do with it, and let him go about it by himself if he wants to risk it. its like if you come across someone who has fallen in the street. i would call an ambulance but no way in hell am i touching them. they could sue me if i cause damage or injury or i could go to prison or be in very big trouble if they died after moving them. not the same thing but its the same principle. would you want to be responsible if it all goes completely tits-up mental for your friend and blows up in both your faces? be careful. you know your friend more than us. if he is feeling better, and he WILL do it regardless of with or without you, i would recommend tapering off the SSRI's (nobody wants serotonin syndrome) and starting with a low dose. maybe a quarter or half of a tab to start with and see how he takes to it? LSD can be the most divine heavenly kickass experience. or it can be a multidimensional carnival mindf*ck funhouse ride of terror, twisting and turning through schizophrenia-land. set and setting, are the 2 MOST IMPORTANT things with LSD IMHO. be safe amigo <3 Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
Posts: 207 Joined: 11-Mar-2010 Last visit: 18-Mar-2024
Just make sure that its a happy trip. Play some good music that reminds you guys of happiness and cuteness. Make sure your friend doesnt over think things, and dont take too much.. if you do decide to dose with your buddy. As for the SSRI part, ide give it a good two weeks after tapering it off. Im sure there will be traces of his meds left in his system after one week. X
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 793 Joined: 23-Oct-2011 Last visit: 22-Aug-2014 Location: arcady
Bad idea.....and having him stop taking his meds, yikes.....back to "square one" again---- But if you wereto give this friend the LSD they ask for, I'd have some some CNS depressents handy, just in case. I'd plan it out. You would be the sitter for a person with psychotic history.. I'd be ready to talk 'em through it, play the appropriate music, maybe have a gentle depressent like a beer handy, a stronger depresent like a xanex, a comfortable chill spot, a generally interesting and fun environment. This is serious shamanic work here. Don't F around. (I think you already know that, I still had to say) "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.
Posts: 367 Joined: 16-Feb-2011 Last visit: 18-Sep-2017 Location: in your Mind
As mentioned before. As long as he stays abstinent from extasy and ganja he should be fine if he does not play with very high doses. blessed be all forms of intelligence
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 206 Joined: 12-Jul-2010 Last visit: 15-Oct-2024
I would say wait. I've never been admitted to a psych ward but I've been taken to the hospital for too many mushrooms, and later experienced that exact same trip, as if I had never left, after smoking a huge dose of salvia.
Sure LSD can probably help people with psychosis, but the drug itself isnt going to do it. Its like Bedazzle said, its Shamanic/psychoanalytic territory, and most deffinately wont be fun if you try to focus on healing him.
On the other hand, if you try not to focus on healing and focus on just having a good time, you may get just that, but whatever the underlying causes of heavy drug use/psychotic breakdown could easily bubble up and catch you both unawares.
Another aspect though, could be that he needs it and he knows it. I try to dose as infrequently as possible, about 3 times a year, and susally my subconscious knows when I need it before my conscious mind ever did which manifests as me wanting to do it.
I'd say wait until he's off of the current meds. You both have the rest of your lives (assuming your young) to trip together. No point in rushing it.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 29 Joined: 27-Oct-2009 Last visit: 11-Feb-2012 Location: In a swamp
If he really feels like he needs to it might be intuitive. Maybe that trip will be something incredibly positive that helps him process the psychosis. He might find it somewhere else and do it without you, if you don't want to be the one to enable him personally, understandably so. Do what feels right to you