'Known drug-interactions' Wiki page Options
The Traveler
#1 Posted : 1/19/2012 4:55:12 PM

"No, seriously"

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I created this Wiki entry and am still working on it: Known substance-interactions and their effects

Hey people,

In the chat a few of the mods and me were thinking about making a page on the Wiki with information about 'known drug-interaction'. Like how [MDMA combined with a MAOI] is a BAD IDEA and [LSD with DMT] is OK.

This way we can warn users about certain interactions. And I'm not only talking about scheduled drugs but also about medicine. I also like to include good interaction since that will make it a better read for most. Pleased

I suggest we use this thread to name all the combination we know of and state the result of that interaction for us.



DMT + LSD: OK. Effects: Euforic, less anxiety. NOTE: best to take the DMT on the trail of the LSD and not on the peak of the LSD.

DMT + Mushrooms: OK. Effects: Euforic.

DMT + Mescaline: SAFE But.... Effects: The mescaline seems to 'dull' the DMT. So there was not as much effects from smoking the DMT on Mescaline as you would expect.


MDMA + MAOI: BAD IDEA. Effects: Hypertension, Serotonin Syndrome. Death can result out of this combination!


LSD + DMT: OK. Effects: Euforic, less anxiety. NOTE: best to take the DMT on the trail of the LSD and not on the peak of the LSD.

LSD + MDMA: OK. Effects: The MDMA gives a euphoric effect to the LSD experience.

LSD + MDAI: OK. Effects: The MDAI gives a euphoric effect to the LSD experience.

LSD + MXE: Depends. Effects: The MXE potentiates the LSD effects with more visuals but it also significantly alters motor function to the point of immobility at high doses.

Kind regards,

The Traveler



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#2 Posted : 1/19/2012 5:38:59 PM


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Make sure for MDMA you add Seratonin Syndrom for the side effects, and point out how severe the consequences of this are.
Also, point out that not all phenethylamines are contraindicated with RIMA. For example, it is the amphetamine group in MDMA that makes it a no go with RIMA.
Mescaline and RIMA, for example, is perfectly OK.

DMT + Harmala = OK. Oral activation. Potentiation. Slowed-down effect. The two go hand in hand creating a perfect synergy.

DMT + MDMA = OK. Euphoric, not as deep of a trip, but there is zero anxiety present which can be useful and awesome in it's own right.

DMT + LSD = OK. Profound synergy. Really adds another more controlled layer to the hyperspatial flow. Highly recommended @ the peak or after the peak.

DMT + Mushrooms = OK. Another profound synergy that seems to unlock the potential of the mushroom. Either @ peak or after.

DMT + Mescaline = OK. Great synergy here. Potentiates the mescaline and smooths it out.

DMT + EToH = Not OK. I find that combining the spice with a carcinogenic neurotoxin like EToH completely negates the experience and masks it with toxic nullification (Yes, I am quite biased)

DMT + THC = OK, although some people don't like it. If you are a daily smoker it shouldn't be a problem, but if you get anxiety from using THC occasionally it may be wise not to mix it with DMT.

DMT SIDE EFFECTS: Some report disphoria at lower doses. I do not find this to be the case I find low doses incredibly euphoric. Higher doses can be known to go beyond human emotions and concepts. Higher doses of DMT are also known to cause strange bodily hallucinations like the feeling that you have stopped breathing, or that your heart has stopped beating. These hallucinations are common and can be countered with conscious relaxation and meditation prior and during the experience. You do not have to submit, per se, but beware that you may have to let go of certain intensities during the experience. It can easily be the most "intense" experience of your life for some people, and this is *NOT* a bad thing!

HARMALA SIDE EFFECTS: Side effects include contraindication with certain substances. Make sure you understand interactions with substances before using them! @ Higher doses users experience nausea and vomiting, but this also isn't necessarily a bad thing, since harmalas are anti parasitic purging is often considered cleansing to both the body and the mind. Chest pressure is also common with ayahuasca. Feelings of having something heavy sitting on you. This is normal and if experienced just relax and let it be, it's part of the serpents coil.

LSD + Harmala = OK. You MUST make sure you have pure LSD, however! You do not want to mix harmala (RIMA, MAOI) with an unknown drug laid on blotter. It's great taken with a dose or taken after the dose has kicked in, as the vasodilation of the harmala counters the vasoconstriction of the LSD.

LSD + MDMA = OK. Classic Combo. Take at the same time or let the acid kick in then take the MDMA. Profound synergy!

LSD + Mescaline = OK. Nice synergy but it's hard to tell how each drug is affecting each other. A bit like LSD + MDMA but a deeper, so to speak.

LSD + Mushrooms = OK. A lot of people don't like this combination for some reason- both drugs are just so powerful they may not need to go together, with that said however some people like the combo and it is OK to take.

LSD + THC = OK. THC vasodilates the vasoconstriction of LSD especially if taken orally. Potentiates and smooths out the trip. Great for daily smokers. Has been known to cause anxiety in those who don't use THC too often.

LSD SIDE EFFECTS: LSD is a potent vasoconstricting substance. This means it causes an increase in blood pressure by tightening the blood vessels in the body. This can be countered with vasodilating substances. Some find that oral hash completely diminishes the vasoconstriction. I like using transdermal magnesium prior to a dose to also help with things like jaw tension. Also, conscious relaxation, deep breaths, and massage (even done by the self) can help curb tension experienced from the drug. If you feel over stimulated or uncomfortable, you probably need to "Flow", so to speak. Get up, stretch, dance around, laugh, have an orgasm, be creative, play a musical instrument, take a hot shower. Things like this help with getting energy flowing and making meditation easier. Eat a bit of fruit on the come-up if you feel some unease! Many people find cannabis greatly eases the transition, but of course not everybody.


MDMA + Harmala = See above.

MDMA + Mescaline = ?

MDMA + Mushrooms = OK. Profound synergy. Great for meditation and dance.

MDMA + THC = OK. The THC is a neuroprotectant and helps against the neurotoxicity of the MDMA. Take before, during, and after, or whenever you feel comfortable with doing so.

MDMA SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects of MDMA are jaw tension, feeling burnt-out the next day, and it's minimal amount of neurotoxicity.
A lot of people "pre load" with substances that are neuroprotectant before, during, and after the experience. Neuroprotectants include cannabis, nootropics, vitamin C, 5-HTP, and others. Jaw tension can be countered again with transdermal magnesium, conscious relaxation, meditation and massage. As for feeling burnt-out, try to only redose a small amount one time or not at all. Constantly redosing can cause more burnout srensations. Also dosing too high. You might want to touch, hug, kiss, and tell how much you love everything around you, too. Wink
Taking MDMA with MAOI and certain prescription medications can lead to seratonin syndrome and even death so plesse be careful!

Mushrooms + Harmala = OK. Tremendous potentiation. Some have reported far too much potentiation. I love the combo.

Mushrooms + Mescaline = OK. Incredible synergy! I would do this again in a heart-beat, I have broken through on it. Amazing.

Mushrooms + THC = OK. Same rules apply. It's great for daily smokers but could possibly trigger anxiety in those who use THC frequently.

MUSHROOM SIDE EFFECTS: I think the most common side effect I hear about with shrooms is stomach discomfort. A lot of people don't know that you really are not supposed to consume any kind of raw mushroom. It's a rare case in the culinary and medicinal fields where raw mushrooms are told to be ingested. (I can think of a few exceptions, of course.) So for some ingesting the raw material can be very nauseating, myself included. Making a tea or the lemon tek is the way to go. By soaking raw mushrooms in lime juice, the citric acid literally cooks the mushrooms breaking down the cell walls. This is also known as a ceviche in the cooking world. Personally I just slip the shot of lime juice with the mushrooms in it back, it tastes good and I don't experience nausea this way. Some people filter out the mushroom material from the solution. Experiment. Taking too many mushrooms can lead to a feeling of being poisoned, but afaik no one has ever died from taking them on their own. Dose accordingly!

50 micrograms of LSD the day after 1g of good Iboga bark almost floored me. Was profound, meditative, and greatly potentiated.
200 micrograms of LSD the week after 5g of good Iboga bark was incredible. Helped integrate everything Iboga offered. Potentiation noted.

1g of mushrooms with 1g of Iboga bark potentiated ~3x in strength. Was amazing. Euphoric, meditative, deep combination. Great for sorting things out in your life.

Iboga + THC is OK and even used traditionally.

Iboga + Harmala has had mixed reports. Some seem to take it OK and others seem to report difficulty. Seems like everyone reacts to Iboga differently so when it comes to combinations please start off low with everything. Health = wealth!

IBOGA SIDE EFFECTS: Careful with this one! Much research and tests must be done before ingesting this substance. It is clinically proven to slow down a rhythm of the heart beat and has killed people because of this. A heart panel and EKG are common tests preformed before ingesting this substance. Please beware of this and do a lot of research before even considering this very profound medicine! Side effects include disorientation, immobility, nausea, in high doses for very long periods of time. Some people still can't drive a car 1 week after a flood dose, for example.
#3 Posted : 1/19/2012 10:52:33 PM


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LSD + B. Caapi after the peak + DMT / Changa vaporized = OK. Most profound synergy of my life right here! Everything is just "right" and if you have never tried it, you must! Modulate the format to your own preferences, of course! **Breakthrough the breakthrough**

LSD + Ketamine = OK. Great synergy here. Some have found it therapeutic and incredibly meditative and deep. Good combo for dance in low doses, while higher doses incapacitate you into what people describe as a "hole" but I've never found it hole-like. See for yourself. Very entrancing and profound when done right!

LSD + K + DMT = OK. Takes it that much further ;] Mudras are born here.

LSD + K + Changa = Questionable. Heart / lungs didn't feel right. Need more information. Would probably stick to just DMT with this synergy myself.

LSD + Caffeine (I prefer mate over coffee here for some reason) = OK. Some find it too stimulating. Nice synergy. Potentiates a bit and the warm drink is a soothing adventure.


Mescaline + Coffee = OK. Good potentiator, and also gets digestion flowing for faster absorption and metabolization. Helps with nausea a bit as well. VERY social! Some may find this to be too stimulating, others love it.


low dose Iboga + Coffee [+ Cannabis] OK. Very stimulating and tremendous clarity of mind. Don't expect to sleep that night.
With a reminder that everyone responds to iboga differently and should test combos for themselves in low doses ALWAYS!
#4 Posted : 1/19/2012 11:14:49 PM

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Cool thread! Nice work house

This is one of my favorites-(and should be attempted only at your own risk as i don't condone illegal drug use Very happy )

50-100mg melatonin (very meditative and harmala-esque for me. Combines well with others like a mind lube).. a few hours later - lower dose of oral harmalas (preferably caapi) + mushrooms + smoked THC + changa to top it off and push it all through= O__O00_o0k. Amazing synergy. Need to balance the ratios accordingly though. You can leave out the melatonin if your not used to higher doses (they're not really that sleepy like the lower doses though, oddly). I prefer this combo after a day or to without sleep. Sleep deprivation is a powerful means of accessing altered states thats been used for thousands of years, like in the epic of gilgamesh, for example. Thats not for everyone though and works best with a raw, plant based diet. Reasoning for adding in that and the melatonin takes too long to explain but can be found here

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 1/20/2012 12:39:24 AM

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Mushrooms plus cocain Not So Good tends to dull the trip, or even stop it dead in it's tracks.

Mushrooms plus alcohol Not So Good Tends to dull the trip, slower than cocain however. Also, people tend to get negative from this combo. One might hypothesize that alcohol tends to turn the trip in a darker direction.

Universecannon, this melotonin plus psychedelics thing is novel to me. I'm researching it now. I'd hate to derail this thread, but I'd love more info-- any good links you could share?
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

gory dkalz
#6 Posted : 1/20/2012 2:01:45 AM

Donnie Michael Thomas

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I can't really add much that hasn't been said here already. But one thing I can say is changa + caffeine might be unsafe. I had one cup of average strength coffee about 2 hours after smoking changa and I got very edgy and nervous. Coffee barely even wakes me up but I was wired for about an hour. Quite uncomfortable.

Also some less discussed chemicals... 5-MeO-DALT + MXE might potentially be unsafe. While on ~50mg 5-MeO-DALT orally I did a little test bump of 15 mg MXE insufflated and within minutes felt my heart rate go up and felt very dizzy. Thought that I had finally done it and mixed the wrong shit and I would have to go to the ER but it stopped escalating and I just waited it out.

I think this wiki is a great idea and hope I was of some help.
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Aetherius Rimor
#7 Posted : 1/20/2012 2:06:30 AM
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The Traveler wrote:

LSD + MXE: Depends. Effects: The MXE potentiates the LSD effects with more visuals but it also significantly alters motor function to the point of immobility at high doses.

I can confirm this one is a "caution" at least. Did 30mg of MXE in the 2nd hour of 2 hits. That's the only time I've not been at home and unable to verbalize/coordinate movement. Luckily that's what designated drivers are for! Won't combine them again. Definitely stronger effects than same dose of each independent of each other.
#8 Posted : 1/20/2012 6:05:39 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Mid-dose MXE + 1-3 grams of Kratom: ? Effects: Like 10-15 mgs of Hydrocodone.

Mid-dose LSD + mid-dose MXE: ? Effects: Radical and profound potentiation/synergy. 12+ hour trip and much longer to sleep.

The reason my ? marks are yellow is because this thread is completely subjective imo. I really love the synergy of LSD+MXE but I'm the kind of person who naturally chills during a trip, so being pancaked by effects is just an extra plus for me.

Peace & Love
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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The Traveler
#9 Posted : 1/20/2012 8:29:16 AM

"No, seriously"

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Pandora wrote:
The reason my ? marks are yellow is because this thread is completely subjective imo. I really love the synergy of LSD+MXE but I'm the kind of person who naturally chills during a trip, so being pancaked by effects is just an extra plus for me.

Peace & Love

I love to see as much subjective effects as possible. In the end the subjective effects as described will end up with each combination too:

LSD + MXE: Depends.


  • The Traveler: "The MXE potentiates the LSD effects with more visuals but it also significantly alters motor function to the point of immobility at high doses."

  • Aetherius Rimor: "Did 30mg of MXE in the 2nd hour of 2 hits. That's the only time I've not been at home and unable to verbalize/coordinate movement. Luckily that's what designated drivers are for! Won't combine them again. Definitely stronger effects than same dose of each independent of each other."

  • Pandora: "Radical and profound potentiation/synergy. 12+ hour trip and much longer to sleep. I really love the synergy of LSD+MXE but I'm the kind of person who naturally chills during a trip, so being pancaked by effects is just an extra plus for me."

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#10 Posted : 1/20/2012 8:52:20 AM

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Mushrooms + caffeine: Not so good. Caffeine disturbs the mushroom flow.
#11 Posted : 1/20/2012 1:02:21 PM

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2CB + K = Ok. For me. Have seen 2 people lose the plot on this combo, so be careful. For me, it subdues the edginess of the phenethylamine buzz, while adding a trippy colourful edge to the Ketamine. Can get confusing, which I think was why people freaked out a bit.

MDMA + 2CB + K + THC = Similar to the above, moar euphoria, but again please be careful with dosages.


2CI + THC = made me feel sick, smoking anything on 2CI wasn't nice.


LSD + K = OK. Similar to the 2CB combo, be careful, both of these drugs have a tendency to be a bit mind bending, and in combo, expect it to get wild!

LSD + K + THC = OK. You will get lost in the deepest recesses of your mind for quite some time, I love comatose tripping, but it isn't for everyone.

LSD + MDMA + K + THC = OK. Better than OK for me. Have had some of the best nights of my life with this cocktail.


THC + DMT = If I smoke DMT / Changa 1-2 hrs after my last hit of cannabis it is great, if I smoke DMT & Cannabis together it is not so great.

MXE + DMT / Changa = Has been very hit and miss for me, but smoking a dose of changa on the come down of an MXE trip was one of the most profound journeys I have had so far.

MXE + THC = OK. deep, visual, introspective, make sure you don't have anything to do / people to entertain as chances are you will be lost in thought. Did experience a little muscle tremoring, but less than 2CI on its own.

Will add as I remember, but i think that is the bulk of it Smile

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#12 Posted : 1/20/2012 7:06:52 PM

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Just wanted to add on to

LSD + THC . Definitely has led to a bunch of paranoia at times (i'm prone to that with weed alone though) but if combined carefully it can be totally worth it although i never do it anymore (no lsd). If a large amount is smoked at the peak-especially if i have a low tolerance- then it can really catapult the experience into a sort of out of body type thing with full blown 3-d immerse visions, IME

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
The Traveler
#13 Posted : 1/20/2012 11:01:04 PM

"No, seriously"

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I created this Wiki entry and am still working on it: Known substance-interactions and their effects

The DMT section is getting finished, the others I hope to add this weekend so keep your experiences coming in. Pleased

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#14 Posted : 1/20/2012 11:03:52 PM


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Looks great, trav! Thanks!

Maybe also add that a low dose of caffeine can go well with harmalas. If you want to stay awake more during an ayahuasca trip a cup of mate prior or during the experience helps with this. I think even some people use coffee traditionally earlier on in the day prior to ceremony? Need a source for that. A larger dose of caffeine one would most likely experience uncomfortable heart stimulation so stick to a cup or less at first and experiment if this interests you.

Also harmalas can be used to counter caffeine stimulation, for example: Changa smoked after a little too much coffee seems to remove the edge off of the effects and smooth it out.
#15 Posted : 1/21/2012 12:08:50 AM


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A couple things.

For the sake of accuracy it would be better to change THC to Cannabis because cannabis contains hundreds of terpenoids and THC is only one of them.


Kava Kava + DMT = OK. Kava kava is relaxing and aids in dissipating pre-flight anxiety. A warm cup is great after DMT insufflation or vaporization. There is a noticeable synergy between the two and no discomfort or side effects have been noted.

Kava Kava + LSD = OK. Kava Kava after the peak of LSD when it's wearing off is a great way to take the edge off and get some rest. It's very effective and enjoyable this way with no side effects noted.

Kava Kava + harmala = NOT OK. Harmalas are contraindicated with Kava kava.

Kava Kava + Cannabis = OK. Nice synergy. Very relaxing.
#16 Posted : 1/21/2012 1:33:37 AM

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I find salvia mixes very nicely even if you don't enjoy it by itself.

DMT + Salvia = OK. can be extremely disturbing though or unbelievably profound and real.

Changa + Salvia + Cannabis = OK. This is probably my favorite mix. I've had some of my deepest experiences mixing these three including one with multiple breakthroughs one on top of the other cascading deeper with a new universe created and destroyed each time.

Salvia + Cannabis = OK. This is a very therapeutic anesthetic. This kills pain very well and leaves me in a dreamy visionary state without the mind warping dissociating effects that salvia has on its own. As long as you don't go heavy on the salvia!
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#17 Posted : 1/23/2012 10:57:30 AM

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LSD + Harmalas (rue extract) [taken together at same time]- Depends - Super strong synergy, stronger than usual visuals, visions, OBE, but also nausea, imobility and substatial amount of apprehension
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#18 Posted : 1/23/2012 12:52:02 PM

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Maybe also add that a low dose of caffeine can go well with harmalas. If you want to stay awake more during an ayahuasca trip a cup of mate prior or during the experience helps with this. I think even some people use coffee traditionally earlier on in the day prior to ceremony?

For me, a cup of yerba matè + ayahuasca = aweful experience. There seem to be some people who can't take caffeeine and ayahuasca

#19 Posted : 1/23/2012 5:02:47 PM

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I've used moderate to high doses of kratom with lsd and a few drugs in the 2C family. With lsd I don't feel it, even on just one tab unless I have a drink to potentiate it with. I often drink a little bit while I'm tripping though. With 2C's it's great for smoothing out the body load I get from them. I have read, however, that kratom has both SSRI and MAOI properties. One might want to be careful with that, although I've never noticed much.

Nitrous oxide boosts the peak of almost any hallucinogen in a fantastic way. Or it can be used on the comedown to bring back some effects. Or both.
#20 Posted : 1/23/2012 5:29:28 PM


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obliguhl wrote:
Maybe also add that a low dose of caffeine can go well with harmalas. If you want to stay awake more during an ayahuasca trip a cup of mate prior or during the experience helps with this. I think even some people use coffee traditionally earlier on in the day prior to ceremony?

For me, a cup of yerba matè + ayahuasca = aweful experience. There seem to be some people who can't take caffeeine and ayahuasca

Yeah obliguhl I think what you are experiencing is quite common.

This is like daily cannabis users using cannabis with psychedelics and having no problems.
It's usually the caffeine junkies who have no problems with interactions, and people who use it infrequently who find it to be over-stimulating.
Of course this is a generalized statement.
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