Has Anyone here had any experience MiXing Rue Tea with Caapi Tea ??
I have about 15 grams of Rue seed
A very small piece of Caapi vine about 2 - 3 grams, it looks to be off a very young plant also!
i am thinking about a PHARMAhuasca.
I have taken RUE by itself before, about 5 grams of seeds, only simmered though never ground up, and only drank the water - i had very very pleasant calming effects and warmth and you could call a calming buzz and cleansed feeling.
What you think of mixing the Rue and Caapi ?
for a pharahuasca.
I have never tried Caapi.
i will never get hold of more than i presently am in possession of, where i live now any way!
Or how much more do you think i would get from the Rue seeds, if i ground them down in tea and drank the seeds and all? - Think this would be plenty to facilitate a Pharma ??
"Given enough Time even Hydrogen starts to wonder where it came from, and where it is going"