How do you guys feel about cell phone radiation? Options
#1 Posted : 1/5/2012 1:22:36 PM

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Or for that matter, the high amounts of EM radiation in general that we are exposed to nowadays? I have seen studies that say it's safe, and others suggesting it may not be. Here's a couple articles that concerned me:


I thought about some ways to avoid the EM radiation from cell phones:

-Don't use your cell phone often.
-Limit the time you talk.
-Text instead of call when possible.
-Use the speakerphone or an earpiece.
-Turn up the volume and hold the phone as far away as possible while still being able to hear it.
-Get a radiation-reducing attachment for your phone.

Then I thought about how often I listen to music/brainwave synch CD's on my headphones, how close the speakers are to my brain. EM radiation, even though is non-ionizing, is everywhere, and I'm concerned about long-term cumulative effects.

At worst, it could be increasing our cancer-risk, at best it may be totally safe, but in the middle could it be interfering with our mental abilities or even psychic awareness?

What do you guys think?


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#2 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:29:34 PM


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I think worrying does more damage than this stuff.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd rather live this way.

I just accept that this is a part of our world now. When cancer comes I will smirk, content with the life I had. I am just a product of the environment anyway- no need trying to remove myself from it.
#3 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:53:47 PM


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I've always hated talking on the phone anyway. I only send texts, I never call anyone, and anytime I do have to speak to someone for whatever, I always keep it under two minutes.

And I don't really think the "When cancer comes I will smirk" is a very healthy attitude. I'm more of the mindset of: "I won't get cancer or anything else because I don't use my body for getting sick." And it works: I don't get sick, ever, for any reason. Not so much as a cold. I don't believe in it.
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#4 Posted : 1/5/2012 4:00:16 PM


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Why is it not healthy? It's basically inevitable nowadays. I'm pretty sure I will get it, and when I do, it won't bother me. I think that's perfectly healthy.

Human bodies get cancer on a daily basis. It's the immune system that fights it off. Sure I consume massive amounts of turmeric and black pepper and dont talk on the phone for long periods etc. but that still doesn't stop me from laughing at the inevitable death that looms overhead.

So technically, you're just fooling yourself with your mindset. You actually do get cancer. You're just strong enough now to keep it at bay. Someday, however, this may not be the case. Smile
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#5 Posted : 1/5/2012 4:43:44 PM

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I had a friend who had a tumor in her ear(well sort of behind it) from talking on the cell phone so much, and she had to have surgery to get the thing removed. She was super freaked out at the time. Cell phone radiation is no joke, niether is owrrying about it.

I got rid of mine about 8 months ago and to be honest, it's absence is a blessing. Never missed it.
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#6 Posted : 1/5/2012 8:42:32 PM

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I do believe that cell phones have some sort of influence on our being. But I'm not sure to which extend.
What I do know is that I do not have a cell phone and do not need one. I talk to customers on the phone whole day long for work, so that is the last thing on my mind during my spare time.
It's funny to see how some folks cannot live without a cell phone though, like it's some sort of extension of there ear Smile
#7 Posted : 1/5/2012 9:14:05 PM

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I'm sorry to break anyone's bubble but long term exposure has definite biological effects. Calcium ion channels (amongst others I think), general cellular membranes lock up when exposed to even "relatively weak" EMF radiation. Cells suffocate in their own waste, can't get the normal amount of nutrients, oxygen and metabolites trough the cell membranes. And do not, I repeat do not just believe what I say, any serious research into this matter should confirm this. There are people in this world that are toxic to a degree (with heavy metals for example) that they act as human antennae. Some of them cannot handle even the slightest EMF radiation without feeling fairly sick. Electrosmog.... research it PROPERLY and come to your own conclusions!

P.s. for anyone that is able to sense subtle energy (poo poo me what you want if you think such things are huey, I don't care), you can prolly SEE/feel (in whatever manner) the effects of incoherent EMF radiation on biological organisms.

But yes stress (from fear or whatever source) is the biggest killer of all, so worrying over cell phones can be worse that the actual radiation in some cases!

Who is M.G.K.?
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#8 Posted : 1/5/2012 9:22:58 PM

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cell phone radiation is near microwaves frequency. It does cause harm at accumulated exposure, this is obvious, but hey, let's downplay this ( says the media), we've got too many sexy phones to sell...( and we are making a killing, erm TRUE!!) Twisted Evil
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Ice House
#9 Posted : 1/5/2012 10:08:08 PM

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I dont have a problem with it. It goes right through me, no problem.
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#10 Posted : 1/5/2012 10:42:13 PM

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12 years ago hardly any of us had cell phones. Now most do. We know they are harmful, yet we still buy them and pay monthly for them, many of us experience anxiety at the thought of loosing 'em. Addictive bullshit, what it is.

For work reasons I kind of ouhgt to keep one....then again, I bet I can get away with it. My escape plan is to get rid of one phone, get a land-line, have me and my g/f share one cell. After that I'll decide if my business will be alright without any cellular.
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I appreciate your perspective.

#11 Posted : 1/5/2012 10:51:55 PM


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Pretty much any action is addictive. Saying cellphones are addictive is like saying facebook/the internet/social forums/face to face contact is addictive. Cell phones are a tool, just like cocaine can be during eye surgery.

Your brain makes the addiction not the intimate objects/molecules.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#12 Posted : 1/5/2012 11:32:34 PM

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When something is habitual and also causes a problem is when we say "addictive BS". Cellphones are certainly habitual and cause health problems. I stand by my original statement, though your clarification has been noted.

I liken the celluar addiction to the petrol addiction.

Both were fairly recently introduced to our lives. 100 years ago we didn't have cars. Now the majority of us can't live without 'em. And plastic, and agriculture and ect ect. Recent advents, that are killing us, and we're aware of it, and we do not change our ways. Yep, the two cases seem similiar.

And what about the bees, no-one'es mentioning them? I love me some raw honey, paint with encaustic, and well, enjoy flowers and fruits, man bees is important to me. I believe round-up has been found to play a signifigant role in declining bee populations, but the jury is still out and AFAIK cell towers may be a contributing factor to the dissapearing bees.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#13 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:11:50 AM

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M.G.K. wrote:
I'm sorry to break anyone's bubble but long term exposure has definite biological effects. Calcium ion channels (amongst others I think), general cellular membranes lock up when exposed to even "relatively weak" EMF radiation. Cells suffocate in their own waste, can't get the normal amount of nutrients, oxygen and metabolites trough the cell membranes. And do not, I repeat do not just believe what I say, any serious research into this matter should confirm this. There are people in this world that are toxic to a degree (with heavy metals for example) that they act as human antennae. Some of them cannot handle even the slightest EMF radiation without feeling fairly sick. Electrosmog.... research it PROPERLY and come to your own conclusions!

how about post some refs from peer-reviewed journals to back up your claims

microwave radiation is known in the scientific world to excite dipole forces, and the extent of it is amplitude-dependent. the amplitude of signal emitted from a cell-phone is rather miniscule, likely not enough to interfere with intracellular functions
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#14 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:17:20 AM


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Well is seems to me the problems you have are more with the way our society is structured than the technologies we use. These things aren't going away anytime soon. I think restructuring should occur, but these tools are just that, tools. We may be overusing various resources and rushing towards oblivion, so yea maybe we could slow down and change how we view a lot of items as disposable and vital. I don't think that there is anything wrong with cordless phones (satellite phones though more expensive may not have the same drawbacks as cellular, though I am not sure on this). Either way once we (humanity) has something I don't think it should be thrown away. Just modified to be less harmful.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#15 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:26:13 AM


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Ice House wrote:
I dont have a problem with it. It goes right through me, no problem.

Very happy

Phone radiation probably isn't as bad as the bombardment of radiation from the sun we get.
#16 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:40:23 AM

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DeMenTed wrote:
Ice House wrote:
I dont have a problem with it. It goes right through me, no problem.

Very happy

Phone radiation probably isn't as bad as the bombardment of radiation from the sun we get.


microwave radiation is not ionizing radiation; UV is weakly ionizing, and X-ray and gamma are strong ionizers. MW is on the opposite side of the spectrum from visible light, low energy EMF.
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#17 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:43:09 AM

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jamie wrote:
I had a friend who had a tumor in her ear(well sort of behind it) from talking on the cell phone so much, and she had to have surgery to get the thing removed. She was super freaked out at the time. Cell phone radiation is no joke, niether is owrrying about it.

How can you confirm that cell phone radition was the cause for this?

I'm not too well informed on the matter so I'm not being a critic as much as enquiring, but if I got testicular cancer, I wouldn't blame it on my shorts (bad analogy, but please humour me Smile )
Ice House
#18 Posted : 1/6/2012 12:46:31 AM

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Bedazzle wrote:
We know they are harmful


Show me some proof that cell phone radiation is harmful. Not speculation. PROOF!
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#19 Posted : 1/6/2012 1:36:34 AM


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Aside from the possible health risks, it just blows my mind to think about about how much information is floating in the ether around us at all times. Text messages, wifi, mobile networks, radio and television signals, radar, satellites and GPS, etc... It really boggles the mind to think about the sheer amount of it all.
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#20 Posted : 1/6/2012 2:23:16 AM

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Proove them harmless. You can't do it either. New "medicines", new pesticides, dangerous technologies, of all sorts tend to be deemed safe for the public until prooved toxic.

We know they are harmful

Disposable crap, that we do not need, that everybody buys, made in some factory with a smoke stack and a pipe emitting into the river, and each unit is replaced once a year. Do I need to cite sources? Disposable crap seems rather harmful, on general principle., from a sustainability viewpoint that is...

The EMF's...I could cite up a million sources, and write up a very scholarly dissertation on the matter, and still the matter would be debatable. Those profiting wouyld certainly debate it. For example, I could cite studies on cancer studies, studies on cancer cluster, cite anecdotally the fact that this guy online, jamie, sais his friend got some wierd mounth cancer. Scroll up, I think it was jamie.

I could cite studies about cell phone related traffic accidents.

Man, I could cite a whole lot more than that, and it would be a lengthy read.

Do I have to likewise proove the internal cumbustion engine and petroleum to be harmful, as the orinal "we know it's harmful" quote was clearly in reference to both cellphones and petrol?

~OR~ I could just be a grown-up and change my position from "know" to "rather suspect".

And that's what I do. Suspect.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

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