Why thank you, and one did indeed click (indications given are the same as those one posted from erowid, thanks for confirming)
So the material tested turned the colours indicated, however the reactions seemed to lack luster if you will.
The marquis turned green as indicated, but the whole drop of solution did not change only specs here and there
(though not much material was sacrificed .. one wouldnt even be able to guess how much was used)
Again, with the mecke, specs changed brown instantly but the whole solution didnt turn to brown .. again about the same amount was used..
The parts of solution that did not change remained the original colour.
These reagents are about 4-5 years old, always stored in the fridge, with the exception of the occasional festival.
Not sure if the testers are degrading (do they degrade with time?) or what...
Any thoughts to pass along.
The Dude
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny""My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too LoudProfile Picture by David Aronson,