Soma. Experiences with an ancient entheogen Options
#1 Posted : 11/29/2011 2:03:14 PM

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So I have been in silence for the last few months – the reason is that I started „intensive studies” together wih my partner on the Divine Soma, or amanita muscaria / fly agaric mushroom. Smile We harvested loads of amanitas from an ancient forest in Europe, from the beginning of August until late October. As we had been experimenting with these shrooms a few years before, we were curious of their effect if eaten several times a week.

Our very first amanita experience happened approx. 10 years ago, with mushrooms picked in an other region. These were extremely powerful, we had eaten 10-12 grams each (dried caps), I went into a coma-like state, while my partner was literally in trance, he was supervising me, and going out from time to time to run around a small park that was nearby, as he was bursting with energy. We were both vomiting, he had to take care of me as I was unconscious, and he remembers how effortless was for him to vomit, it was just like spitting. He recalls me being extremely scared of something, I’m glad I don’t remember any of it. Shocked Just the afterglow, that was simply fantastic. After this experience, we succeeded to harvest some more amanitas 7-8 years ago, that had absolutely no effect at all.

Now back to the present, and to our big 2011 harvest and willingness to discover the versatility of this amazing entheogen! Laughing

First trip with these shrooms took place in the first part of August, I ate approx. 10 grams of dried caps (we dried a lot of them, then cut them to small pieces and mixed them). After one hour, I started feeling just a little bit dizzy. I had to arrange something with my neighbor, so I went next door, and found that communication was simply flowing, I felt that I had so much to tell. I’m pretty sure he thought I was weird! Then I came back home and started feeling very dizzy, and my vision became fragmented, images started running out of my sight. This kind of vision is specific for amanitas, as all the experiments that followed this one made me see everything as breaking down into particles, having a specific, warm light and dropping out of sight with high speed. Actually, visions with high speed were particularly present on this first occasion, and this marked the beginning of a deep psychedelic trance. After experiencing everything around me falling rapidly apart, I felt the need of lying down. I told my partner (who had ingested a bit later 15 grams) that I felt really good, but I needed to go to bed just for a few minutes… I closed my eyes and let my spirit be guided by Soma. I had a breakthrough again, yet this time I remember everything I saw and felt, and it was truly AMAZING!!! Maybe my 10-year psychedelic apprenticeship has shown its results, that – even if I seemed to be unconscious from the outside – I enjoyed and remembered all the details of this galactic flight. I’ll try to write down these details, however they cannot reproduce the magic of the trip, as words are not enough to show the power and depth of such experiences. So, after I closed my eyes, the first thing I saw was myself, lying on the bed, not moving. I knew one thing: I was dead, and my soul had left my body. Then I started to see circles, in different colors, they resembled mandalas, and the interesting thing about these was that they appeared in many dimensions. I heard a voice inside me that was telling me all the time to look forward, and never look back. The multi-dimensional spheres started moving at a very fast pace, and I was rolling with them. Meanwhile, memories came up from my childhood, other memories that involved loved ones, and I knew I had to concentrate on not being attentive to these memories, as they would not help my spirit move forward, to another dimension of consciousness. I kept repeating what the voice said, to look forward all the time, and to erase all attachments to this lifetime. Whenever an image, a past-time memory came up, I told myself I had to accept it and move forward – all this time I had visions of fractal-like spheres, that were moving very-very fast. For me, this was the ultimate experience of trance, I was feeling an extreme state of euphoria. Coming back from this experience was also quite outstanding: the two realities (my reality, which was the trip and the everyday reality) started to merge. I saw my partner sitting next to me, and I said, oh my goodness, you are dead too! That’s why I can see you! As he started explaining that nobody’s dead, I slowly shifted towards the everyday reality, and realized the fact that this had been my most overwhelming trip in my life. After a few hours, he told me I was lying there semi- unconscious, with my eyes wide open, for 9 (!) hours. He was asking me several times if I was ok, and I could only say uhumm, and from time to time I said loudly that “this is unbelievable!!”
His experience was very close to mine, however he managed to smoke some pot so he didn’t have a breakthrough. He was enjoying a wonderful meditation for many hours, having beautiful visions and experiencing emptiness – a state I have experienced on many occasions after this deep out-of-body journey.

After this deep experience, we decided to include amanita to our regular pot-sessions. We smoke pot only 3-4 times a week, ritually, with music (mostly ambient and drones), and amanita seemed to be the perfect entheogen to enhance our meditation rituals. Thus, since August we’ve been doing these little rituals 3-4 times every week. We don’t consume as much as we would need for a breakthrough (such a tough experience is enough once a year, in my opinion). My dose consists of 4-6 grams of dried caps, my partner has more. 20 minutes after ingesting them, a slight nausea appears, however as we smoke some pot, it completely disappears. I read somewhere that amanita lifts you to the Heavens, while pot offers you the spirit of the Earth. This is so true, you literally feel you are flying away, not feeling your limbs anymore, and having warm, fragmented visions, while pot doesn’t let you step out / fall unconscious. It feels heavenly indeed. Generally, the amanita-pot combination clears your mind and enhances non-judgment and non-conceptual thinking. So it is not only pleasant for the eye (the visions of the fragmented world, made of particles is beautiful, and it is also seen with eyes closed), but pleasant for the mind also. The feeling of unity, of oneness is always present, as I become aware of the equal importance of all living beings. The whole experience is wonderful, beyond words. I can compare the trip to the ayahuasca experience, as we are regular ayahuasca drinkers. There is an inner death, followed by an emptiness (as if some kind of a lobotomy has erased all concepts created by our reality) and you know exactly where to look in order to see the true nature of things. Yes, this may sound as a Buddhist perspective, and even though we’re not practicing Buddhist religion, this way of seeing things stands closest to me, to us, and perhaps to many psychonauts, who had life- and attitude-changing experiences. Meditation was also a gift from the spirit of plants, ayahuasca opening the gate in this direction, and amanita deepening it. They have both influenced my spiritual life and values in a most positive direction, and helped me become a more humble and thankful person in a relatively short period of time.

Thank you, fellow travelers for reading my report, hopefully it contained some information you had been looking for. It would be great to read your amanita experiences or questions regarding this topic. I’m very interested in all of you who use amanita muscaria regularly, and in those who have combined amanita with ayahuasca (this is our next project). And of course, all feedback is warmly welcome! Wink


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 11/29/2011 3:26:41 PM

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Wow, thank you so much for sharing this experience! I've been wanting to go deeper with aminita myself and reading your report makes me excited about doing so. My only experiences have been with just a few grams at night before bed resulting in some very vivid amazing dreams. Your lucky to have a partner who shares your affinity with these special mushrooms. My girlfriend supports my love of entheogens but would rather not partake herself. That's okay with me but it puts me in a position where taking a large enough dose to have a breakthrough doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. I'm sure if I were laying there for 9 hours semi conscious it would probably scare her too much!

Its refreshing to read such a positive report regarding aminitas. Sound like you had an amazing experience and I look forward to getting there myself someday!
#3 Posted : 11/29/2011 3:45:14 PM

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Beautiful indeed ! this mushroom is a hit or miss thing it seems.
But it holds a lot of informative potential.
Did you notice any reverse-tolerance at all ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#4 Posted : 11/29/2011 10:37:59 PM

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nice report, and great insights. interesting you have had powerful breakthru's and other times no effect at all. this has been my experience as well.

i am wondering why this is so. have you made any conclusions in regard to time of year/season and potency?

how about your collection environment. are you picking near pine/fir trees, or near hardwood/birch? --i wonder if this contributes to potency.

do you always prepare them the same way? what method do you use?

#5 Posted : 11/30/2011 3:37:51 AM
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..thank you drishti for sharing this experience..Smile it's also important work..many 'indole-heads' i know dismiss the notion of a. muscaria as soma, yet i do think much evidence points there (as well as p. harmala - a combo perhaps?)
one of the best amanita reports i've ever read...
#6 Posted : 11/30/2011 6:06:31 AM

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Dreamwalker wrote:
Wow, thank you so much for sharing this experience! I've been wanting to go deeper with aminita myself and reading your report makes me excited about doing so. My only experiences have been with just a few grams at night before bed resulting in some very vivid amazing dreams. Your lucky to have a partner who shares your affinity with these special mushrooms. My girlfriend supports my love of entheogens but would rather not partake herself.

Hi Dreamwalker! Thank you for your comment, I'm glad to see that there are people interested in experimenting with amanitas. Next time, if it's possible for you, try to smoke some pot after you've eaten the shrooms, and don't fall asleep for a while. Simply sit comfortably and observe the visuals that appear mildly, and just contemplate on your thoughts. You'll see that your thoughts come and go rapidly, and you can't stick yourself to any of it. I found this a great way to enhance my daily meditation sessions. It'a just that the amanita simply won't let you stick to one thought, whereas meditating without it is a more difficult concentration task. As far as meditation is concerned, I had similar experiences with ayahuasca, pot, acid and changa. They definitely clear / reset your mind! Smile

It's indeed great to have a supporting partner. I always knew that if I were looking for something from the bottom of my heart, I'd get it, sooner or later. I was 18, when I first smoked pot, and got really interested in psychedelics and their transformative power. I read about LSD Laughing and heard of a guy, much older than me, who was into it. We accidentally met (I was still in high-school) and the rest is history. We got married this year. So, if you really want to experience something, it will happen, eventually, be sure of this!!! Have a nice day! Razz
#7 Posted : 11/30/2011 6:17:41 AM

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rOm wrote:
Beautiful indeed ! this mushroom is a hit or miss thing it seems.
But it holds a lot of informative potential.
Did you notice any reverse-tolerance at all ?

Hi rOm, many thanks for your comment! It's interesting you mention reverse tolerance - yes, we observed that we need less and less to achieve the same effect. I think I'd have a breakthrough from 8-9 grams now, that's why I eat less. Breakthroughs are tough experiences, even if they're highly euphoric, you feel your very lightheaded for 2-3 days after the trip. Another interesting fact is that on the first occasions we needed at least one hour to feel the effect, and now we only need like 20 minutes, and we already feel a slight nausea. It's great this way, they'll last for a longer period of time! Wink
#8 Posted : 11/30/2011 6:36:05 AM

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biopsylo wrote:
nice report, and great insights. interesting you have had powerful breakthru's and other times no effect at all. this has been my experience as well.

i am wondering why this is so. have you made any conclusions in regard to time of year/season and potency?

how about your collection environment. are you picking near pine/fir trees, or near hardwood/birch? --i wonder if this contributes to potency.

do you always prepare them the same way? what method do you use?


Hi biopsylo, thanks for your comment and questions! Glad to hear you're also interested in amanitas. We tried to come up with conclusions regarding this year's harvest, of course I can't say these are the reasons why all of these mushrooms are so potent (we picked a lot, from August till late October, from one area), but I'll try to sum these up.

We picked them in the mountains, from 2 separate and very different forests. They can be found on a hight above 1200 meters, a great alpine habitat. These forests are considered being among the most ancient ones in Europe. The first forest is composed of only large, very old and high pine trees, whereas the other forest consists of younger pine trees and birch trees also. This second forest is a very dense one, and there were so many amanitas there, it was quite a shock to discover it. Anywhere we looked, we saw the shrooms, at was extatic!!! Laughing Yet the potency is pretty much the same for all the shrooms.

We've dried them in the oven, but were very careful no to dry them too much, it's not good if they're crispy. The have to be completely dry, but never crispy. We found that if we ate them just like that, are the most powerful. teas provide a much lighter effect.
#9 Posted : 11/30/2011 6:44:46 AM

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nen888 wrote:
..thank you drishti for sharing this experience..Smile it's also important work..many 'indole-heads' i know dismiss the notion of a. muscaria as soma, yet i do think much evidence points there (as well as p. harmala - a combo perhaps?)
one of the best amanita reports i've ever read...

Thank you, nen888 for your feedback! This divine entheogen is constantly teaching us about the greatest journey, that is into ourselves. Those who don't agree with the outstanding psychedelic effect of the soma, are confused simply because they didn't have proper experiences with it. I think repeated experiments on a long term is the best way to find out how to open yourself in order to receive the teachings of this great spirit.
Did you have similar experiences with this mushroom?
#10 Posted : 11/30/2011 6:52:08 AM

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nice, yea it is really amazing to see the beautiful bright amanita's littering the forest floor. they can fruit like crazy, and i do feel like a kid picking them like that.

My brother has photographed them in the mountains, quite large.

also interesting how you feel that teas make a lighter experience. this makes sense, and i would have to agree, tho alot of people say tea is the way to go.

#11 Posted : 11/30/2011 11:57:47 PM


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drishti, do you have any experience with smoking amanita?? I ask because i am becoming very interested in these mushrooms and for some reason i want to buy some amanita 10x resin and infuse it onto herbs and smoke it...

Is this a viable way to experience this entheogen??

Ill be buying the resin, or some caps, because try as I may, i just cannot find amanitas locally growing wild. Does this seem like a viable option, or do you have any other suggestions???

[size=7]MODERATOR EDIT..PLEASE NO TALK OF TRADING IN THE PUBLIC FORUM!..[/size]please let me know what you think about the amanita resin idea! thank you and much respect to you for going where few have gone, and for giving this ancient entheogen a fair shot!
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#12 Posted : 12/1/2011 11:46:54 AM

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Harmalosa wrote:
drishti, do you have any experience with smoking amanita?? I ask because i am becoming very interested in these mushrooms and for some reason i want to buy some amanita 10x resin and infuse it onto herbs and smoke it...

Hi Harmalosa! Yes, we have smoked amanita, but only the dried form, smashed up into tiny bits. This had a similar effect of being high on weed. Also, consumed in tea form (boiled for 15-20 minutes in small amount of water, then discarded, so only the liquid was consumed) had a milder effect, compared to eating them simply, in a dried form.
I haven't tried the amanita resin, however I've read encouraging reports about it. I think it would be a good idea to try it, not only once, but several times. You have to build up your communication with this plant, like with the spirit of ayahuasca.
Wishing you happy travels, and don't forget to keep me updated on your experiences with the resin! Smile
#13 Posted : 12/1/2011 3:24:33 PM

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drishti, may I ask you, have you ever combined the amanita with trytpamine ?
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#14 Posted : 12/3/2011 12:57:01 PM

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Combining amanita with tryptamines is the plan for the new years eve. I was thinking about eating 5-6 grams of dried amanita caps, and after 2 hours to drink ayahuasca. I want to wait that long before drinking the brew, because I always feel a little nausea from the shrooms, and after 2 hours it's gone, and I'm flying already! However, I'm curious about the physiological effects, as I always vomit and have a diarrhea from ayahuasca during the first 2-3 hours of the trip. Hopefully I won't feel too sick during the first hours... Of course, I'll be dieting a little more rigurously than usual, just for safety issues. I'm definitely interested if anyone here has ever tried this combination. I know that while ayahuasca raises blood pressure, amanitas lower it - and I haven't found any information on the effect of such a mix of substances. A bit of pot would probably decrease the nausea, but I'd rather feel the effect of purely the brew and the mushrooms. Fortunately, I have a few more weeks to do a thorough research on this, before starting the adventure! Wink
#15 Posted : 12/3/2011 3:21:55 PM

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I did an LSD amanita pantherina combos a couple of time :
It unlock a lot of magic. So my next plan was to use the pantherina with ayahuasca including chaliponga.
Some people found this experience very rewarding.
Please report back !!
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
#16 Posted : 12/4/2011 1:30:55 PM

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rOm wrote:
I did an LSD amanita pantherina combos a couple of time :
It unlock a lot of magic. So my next plan was to use the pantherina with ayahuasca including chaliponga.
Some people found this experience very rewarding.
Please report back !!

Very cool report, rOm, many thanks for it! Next weekend I'll try the acid-fly agaric combo, it will be great before combining the shrooms with a classic aya brew (black caapi with both chaliponga and chacruna) for a powerful inner journey. Thanks for the supportive ideas!
#17 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:48:57 PM

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I combined high dose amanita muscaria with a small bit of psilocybin, and it was fantastic. best experience for me with amanita. It was similar to drinking sanpedro -which i have only had one time and it was high dose.

interested to hear effects of aya/fly agaric.
#18 Posted : 12/4/2011 4:58:03 PM

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drishti wrote:
Hi Dreamwalker! Thank you for your comment, I'm glad to see that there are people interested in experimenting with amanitas. Next time, if it's possible for you, try to smoke some pot after you've eaten the shrooms, and don't fall asleep for a while. Simply sit comfortably and observe the visuals that appear mildly, and just contemplate on your thoughts. You'll see that your thoughts come and go rapidly, and you can't stick yourself to any of it. I found this a great way to enhance my daily meditation sessions. It'a just that the amanita simply won't let you stick to one thought, whereas meditating without it is a more difficult concentration task. As far as meditation is concerned, I had similar experiences with ayahuasca, pot, acid and changa. They definitely clear / reset your mind! Smile

I think I'll take your advice and give this a go later this evening. I have quite a few amanitas and some very good, tasty cannabis on hand. I feel that tonight is as good as any.
Thanks again!

Anybody here ever try an amanita/LSA combo?

*Edit* Just realized r0m already reported about an LSD combo which is close enough. Maybe I'll try this next time.
Very happy
#19 Posted : 12/6/2011 4:28:37 PM

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biopsylo wrote:
I combined high dose amanita muscaria with a small bit of psilocybin, and it was fantastic. best experience for me with amanita. It was similar to drinking sanpedro -which i have only had one time and it was high dose.

interested to hear effects of aya/fly agaric.

Smile Smile what do you mean on high dose? I'm asking because I'm not sure how much amanita I should take with the aya. As we make very potent brews, and maybe I won't risk more than 6 grams. Glad to hear this mushroom was so impressive with psylocibin. I tried a few times high dose cubes with acid and I'll never forget the intensity of the experiences, both spiritually and visually. It was like the constant euphoria of celebration, of being in the midst of a carnival Laughing
#20 Posted : 12/6/2011 4:30:28 PM

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Dreamwalker wrote:

I think I'll take your advice and give this a go later this evening. I have quite a few amanitas and some very good, tasty cannabis on hand. I feel that tonight is as good as any.
Thanks again!

Hey Dream! How did your experiment go? Smile
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