S.H.E. 2012 kickoff anyone? Options
#1 Posted : 11/12/2011 10:41:25 PM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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I propose a synchronized hyperspace event at 11:59 pm on New years eve of 2011 as to trip into the new year that has so much mystique built up around it. I know a lot of you will be drinking and partying that night but as a much wiser man once said "To defy the laws of tradition, is a crusade only of the brave". Join me if you dare...
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#2 Posted : 11/12/2011 10:45:16 PM


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Of course there will be a SHE on NYE!

There will be a new moon on 12/24 so it will be waxing at this time...

Good way to kick off a New Year [based on the calender everybody in our culture follows]
#3 Posted : 11/13/2011 1:35:59 AM

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He he I believe this is Orion's birthday.
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#4 Posted : 11/13/2011 3:42:07 AM

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Seeing as how I didn't get in on the last SHE, I will be attempting this one. I might go pharma, if I try it once or twice before NYE. Otherwise, I have a tek dialed in that yields a full spectrum product that knocks the socks off of all who try it.Cool
#5 Posted : 11/13/2011 5:04:58 AM

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I am sure many will being undergoing something that night. Smile

Getting very close this year has definitely seemed to fly by.
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#6 Posted : 11/13/2011 11:41:15 AM

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A most excellent idea! I will make the effort to blast off Very happy
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#7 Posted : 11/13/2011 4:16:58 PM

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A perfect date.

It certainly is an anniversary of the day I was born Smile Naturally I will be partying, but I will be very much participating in naughty chemicals. I hope to get onto nexus before the night kicks off. Perhaps a cheeky vape in there too Pleased
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#8 Posted : 11/14/2011 9:52:40 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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Cracking idea, i participated in my first S.H.E. on friday and had a superb journey so i am very keen to join another global event.
I normally try to avoid booze fuelled partys (inc NYE) and normally end up chilling on my own, so this will be right up my street.

I think a full day of entheogenic glory building up to blasting off at 11:59 sounds like a very nice way to welcome the new year. I will certainly be joining the fun, time to book the day off workVery happy


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#9 Posted : 11/17/2011 11:53:05 PM
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I'm game Smile
#10 Posted : 11/27/2011 8:46:05 PM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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8 people, that's enough for me. Hey I've never actually participated in a SHE so how do ya'll time it up. Do you do the timezone wave thing that the traveler posted about or just figure out how to all do it at the same time? Or is it just more the Idea that counts rather than the time? Either way I'm excited. This will be my last jump to hyperspace that I make for some time and I'm hoping It will be a good one.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
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#11 Posted : 11/28/2011 7:28:00 PM


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#12 Posted : 11/29/2011 10:45:21 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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PrimateSphinx wrote:
Hey I've never actually participated in a SHE so how do ya'll time it up.

i think for something like NYE there should be a hyperspatial wave which crashes its way around our planet, everyone makes the jump at midnight, you blast off with your country men and continue the motion toward your neighbours.

However, inspired by DIGITSAMs recent video making/24hr DMT marathon, i might have a whole day of worship at the alter of the spice, take small journeys on the hour throughout the day and finish by intakeing as dose of Pharma, welcoming the new year in epic style.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#13 Posted : 11/30/2011 4:06:58 AM

The Rhythmic Dúnedain

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3rdI wrote:

i think for something like NYE there should be a hyperspatial wave which crashes its way around our planet, everyone makes the jump at midnight, you blast off with your country men and continue the motion toward your neighbours.

sounds like a good plan 3rdI. I definitely don't think I'll be doing the every hour on the hour deal. A little extreme for myself methinks. Anyway its gonna be a good one. Party on wayne
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
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#14 Posted : 11/30/2011 8:31:55 AM

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I want to try. So we don't all try to simultaneously do it real time?
Maybe a particular song too?
#15 Posted : 11/30/2011 10:39:47 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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PrimateSphinx wrote:
don't think I'll be doing the every hour on the hour deal.

dont think i will make it eitherWink

smri wrote:
Maybe a particular song too?

my musical vote would be Devine Moments of Truth, ive only just got into shpongle and this track is grand.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#16 Posted : 12/1/2011 3:04:20 PM

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I completely understand the on the hour every hour part not being quite possible for everyone. However, it would be sweet.

Divine Moments of Truth would be good for me. I might even say a small playlist of 3 never seems to be enough.

I like, besides D.M.T.-

Pretty Lights - Our Time Has Come
Death Grips - Culture Shock

I am open to any suggestions.

Would anyone be up for a test run on the solstice? Dec 22.
#17 Posted : 12/2/2011 10:39:49 AM
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Sounds pretty awesome. I didn't participate in the last SHE, but I will have to for NYE. It turns out I have babysitting; so no kids will be around!
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#18 Posted : 12/3/2011 3:11:21 AM

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So D.M.T. by Sphongle, midnight...but who's midnight?
#19 Posted : 12/8/2011 1:03:10 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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smri wrote:
So D.M.T. by Sphongle, midnight...but who's midnight?

sorry smri, i forgot about this. Im running on GMT, but if we are going on the wave principle then the midnight is your own.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#20 Posted : 12/11/2011 5:41:01 AM

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Not that I have any experience with this, but different midnights seem non-synchronized. I thought it was something we could share in more of a 'real-time'...
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