Hello, this is ...[and here I finally discovered what SWIM means on this forum, a concept that I find for the very first time, and find totall awesome, edited the previously written post, to the correct form
this is SWIM's first post here, and given some previous visions and trips on the matter SWIM thought it would be a good thread for an introduction
The brain is indeed a wonderful machine of emotions and information, a house of colors, a gathering of entities playing a beautiful game with each other.
SWIM has never tried dmt, but does like riding Salvia, and is also growing a little Phalaris for later dmt extraction
And it's from one of the Salvia trips that SWIM got some very interesting info, regarding the brain and its functions and its structure. As you may already know, Salvia is a strong dissociative, in the sense that it detaches one part of us (the 'me' we are usually here as), and physically seems to move it to one region of the brain, while leaving a wide wide space for new entities or personalities to come and take charge, for the duration of the trip. In effect you are 'taken outside of yourself' for a while, and shown how you look like from the perspective of another entity, within your body, you see how you are definitely not your body, just something that controls it most of the time while awake.
In one of those trips, SWIM saw/felt a lot of info coming from what looked like those cliche grey aliens, with huge heads, large black eyes and immense knowledge of the uses of the brain inside, each lobe, hemisphere, eye/brain and brain/body connection, and many other probably far beyond our reach and/or anatomy.
It was shown that the left side is more logical and the right one more artistic / holistic (known in regular mainstream science today) but also that the left side is more 'aimed' at material matters, living down here, while the right side, if properly educated, has the ability to access levels above the material realm, where the colors come from, and the vast fantastic lands that SWIM's sure all of you have tested many times in many ways
Also for quite some time SWIM was shown that both itself and the people around it (friends, strangers on the street) normally have a great imbalance between the 2 hemispheres, as our long years of public schooling and the daily focus / activities only on material things tend to empower the left side to a disproportionate level, while neglecting the right side altogether. Like a muscle unused, we are left ignorant of the fantastic art that is all around and above us, the meanings and synchronicities that enrich our life at every moment. This leads to a lack of harmony within ourselves and the energy we give off, the entities we attract to communicate with us, and so on and so forth.
Entheogens can however, at least temporarily, 'reconfigure' the way our brains work, ordering everything correctly, showing us different patterns of neural activity, and as we experience entheogens more and more often, our brains learn to produce more and more of these patterns naturally, getting us closer and closer to a good optimal balance between left and right.
Hopefully SWIM'll get to extract some dmt from its phalaris arundinacea soon, so that it can see what dmt teaches about the brain. From what SWIM has seen, the Salvia guides knew quite a bit
This is a great forum btw, and it's one of the few sites on these matters that SWIM can access from work