Acacia floribunda Options
#1 Posted : 11/4/2011 7:00:37 AM

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Hi. I wondering if anyone has had any experience with Acacia floribunda . I've recently attempted an extraction of the bark of this species without result. Is this species as variable as some of the others or is it subject to seasonal variations in alkaloid content?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
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#2 Posted : 11/4/2011 7:36:04 AM
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Check post #12 on this thread. It is probably THE best thread for acacia information.

It confirms that floribunda has active tryptamines. The whole thread is a worthwhile read. I take it that you are in Aus then? You might be surprised just how many active acacias there are.

Which tek are you using? STB or A/B? I've found A/B to be so much better.
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#3 Posted : 11/9/2011 7:06:02 AM

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Hi Yes I am in Aus. In VIC.
Thanks for your reply i will check out the thread now.
I am using A/B extraction. Sadly down here i am not aware of as many active species that are pursuable with little environmental impact. Floribundas were planted on mass in gardens down here in the 70's and 80's and it is fairly easy to find them being chopped down at building sites.
I have done two A/B extractions on 2 separate samples of bark with no joy. I may try one on phylodes next. I compared them with the example at the botanical gardens here and they were listed on council planning permits as A. floribunda so i am sure i got that bit right.
Perhaps they are a very variable species?
"You don‘t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." —C.W. Lewis
#4 Posted : 11/9/2011 7:32:37 AM
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Last visit: 27-May-2024 you have a photo of flowers & pods, just to be sure?..botanic gardens and councils have been wrong before..most reports i've heard of floribunda have been +ve...
#5 Posted : 11/25/2011 9:18:41 AM

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No i'm affraid i don't have photos and the trees are now gone. In any case these would have flowered already this year though pods are developing on other specimins nearby. The botanic gardens specimin is located at the Royal Botanic Gardens in South Yarra and they do know their stuff as the state herbarium is located there.
I will get some photos of pods and phylodes with mm scale measurements (length, width, shape, number and position of glands etc) from other specimins nearby and post them.
Next time i think i will experiment with A. mucronata ssp. longifolia ( not to be confused with A. longifolia). I have heard good reports about it and it is also very common and quick growing.
"You don‘t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." —C.W. Lewis
#6 Posted : 11/26/2011 5:42:27 AM
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..i have a little experience with mucronata spp. longifolia, has betacarbolines too..good plant..
A. mucronata spp. disstiflora and another sub-species tested strongly alkaloid positive [CSIRO 1990; Roveli 1967]
..looking forward to hearing how you go..Smile
#7 Posted : 12/11/2011 6:04:04 AM

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hey mate iv had similarly no luck. beginning to wonder whether the info on this species is a bit misleading. I have done 2 A/B extractions on phyllodes that were picked from a full flowered floribunda at the beginning of spring (beautiful tree in flower might i add) and an A/B extraction on 100g bark yielding zilch again. There is a post on the corroboree which is really easy to find stating that acacia has around 0.4% dmt in both the bark and phyllodes. I havent read any other reports of success from this tree, but it does seem like theres not a great deal of info on it. When burning the bark i was quite sure i could smell the slight scent of dmt
#8 Posted : 12/11/2011 9:13:20 AM
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Hmm, I've heard that trees produce less DMT when flowering because they are putting more energy and nutrients into seed/pollen production and such. If that is the case then I suggest you try again when there are no flowers on the tree.
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#9 Posted : 12/15/2011 8:46:55 AM

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Yes good idea Igel i will give the A. floribunda another go in a couple of months when the pods are gone. I know that some Acacia species can be seasonally very variable and was hoping to gain some shared insight into this species from this post which I now have (thanks guys)Smile .

I do know of people that have gotten decent yields from A. floribunda so i am sure it is not to be wholly discounted.

When i finally get a bit of spare time i will definitely experiment with A. mucronata ssp. longifolia as that one is easy tto find and very abundant in many areas not too far from Melbourne and also has good reports. I'll keep you all posted of the results when complete.

All i have gotten so far form my floribunda experiments is some strongly wiered smelling residue and a tiny, tiny bit at that. Hopefully Igel's idea of harvesting later when the flowering / fuiting cycle is done will produce the goods.
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#10 Posted : 12/15/2011 8:56:50 AM

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my floribunda bark extraction was done on bark from a mature tree in late november when it has no flowering at all
#11 Posted : 12/20/2011 1:47:31 AM
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..i'm not sure what was going on with the floribunda you had vitalstatistix..
at the recent EGA conference in vic, acacia researcher J.J. said: "I have never come across a floribunda without DMT.", and certainly be all accounts i've heard it's more reliable and stable than some strains of obtusifolia..but i guess there's always exceptions..
good luck with the mucronata..
#12 Posted : 12/21/2011 10:50:55 AM

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It is possible that the extraction was overheated during reduction on 2 of the attempts but i was super careful on te 3rd as i was trying to eliminate as many possible reasons for the failures. I'm confident that PH was at 4 during extraction and at 13 during the pulls. I'll have another try with floribunda as everyone assures me it is worthwhile pursuing it.
I guess the last lot was harvested from a couple of odd trees.
"You don‘t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." —C.W. Lewis
#13 Posted : 12/21/2011 1:42:39 PM
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Last visit: 27-May-2024 shouldn't need to go below pH 6 - i've seen evidence of tryptamine degradation due to too low a pH, but i don't have proof (as i never go that low)
similarly, it probably shouldn't go above 12 (i've seen alks get trapped with tars at 13)
#14 Posted : 12/21/2011 9:35:04 PM

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nen888, do you mean degradation as in reduce of the yield or formation of breakdown compounds ? If not 6, which pH do you aim for ? If 6 is a no and 7 is neutral, well a bit consufed I am Smile

As base pH, I would speculate that the sweet spot is the buffer point which occured at 12.7/9 for me once. Basically it takes very little (10g or less for 4000ml) NaOH to get to that point but after that you can add moar and moar but the pH doesn't change or changes very little. In short I would speculate that it's safe to get up to that point. Although I don't know if this buffer occurs here.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

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#15 Posted : 12/22/2011 12:59:29 AM
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..i meant degradation into breakdown products..i would say pH 6 is enough to enhance solubility, and wouldn't go below 5..
the base pH issue seems more to do with certain tars and gums in acacia clinging to the alkaloids, thus preventing NP extraction..
there is no 'right' pH, it varies with the particular material, but above 13 does not seem to produce as clean a result, and can reduce
#16 Posted : 3/12/2012 1:00:11 AM

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Hi All,

Been super busy with work and stuff but finally had another crack at the floribunda. PH meter batteries were stuffed so i did an A/B with vinegar, based with excess sodium carbonate and pulled 3 times with shelly. Salted the shelly and crashed 2.59 grams of nice pure white xtals out of it! Reckon i'd get more if i did a few more pulls.
Dunno what was going on with the earlier experiments as the phylodes came from one of the same specimins as last time.

Thanks for all your earlier posts guys.

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#17 Posted : 3/12/2012 8:50:08 AM

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beautiful so glad to hear it! i am just doing another floribunda extraction myself atm on 160g bark
so happy to hear of your success!
#18 Posted : 3/12/2012 8:51:17 AM

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how many grams of material did you use? and did you use bark or phyllodes for this one..
#19 Posted : 3/12/2012 8:54:21 AM

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also where do you get your sodium carbonate from? do you think it would be ok to use the footbath sodium carbonate crystals from the supermarket? hehe and one more question.. was the variety of floribunda you used narrow or broader phyllodes
very interested in how you went about your extraction as floribunda is the best candidate for me. i recently had success on a small amount of dead phlebophylla phyllodes but it is not a viable source as it is very rare and endagered
#20 Posted : 3/12/2012 9:03:37 AM

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would be great if you could post up your extraction process as it would help in aiding mine Razz

very envious of you Smile
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