Note: Some of you probably are already familiar with most of what Im posting, but there are some newbies to it.
Someone asked what can we do about all this. Here's what yours truly has to advise, take it or leave it, I'm not fixated on them.
1. Make it your intention to co-create your reality. Even if you cannot imagine it, have a hard time believing that it is possible, make it your intention to simply entertain the idea that you can have a hand in the way the world is. I'm not talking about holding that intention for a few hours or days, I'm talking about permanently. It has to be nurtured the same way your physical body needs food. Every day, multiple times a day.
2. Use your entheogenic experiences with the intention to connect to Divinity/Genius/God/The Highest within you. Some people do rituals to facilitate this, including me. There are all kinds of ways to do this, singing, playing an instrument, drawing, tennis, running, chanting, pranayama, yoga, anything rythmic and repetive.
3. Forgive yourself - Forgive yourself. For what you may ask? That's something that cannot be put into words and has to be worked out within each individual. Dig deep within yourself, stand in front of a mirror on a regular basis, and ask yourself to forgive you. "I"m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you".
You may recognize this from the Ho'oponopono and Huna Mind information. Most of the people promoting it are lame scammers who want to make money off it and who don't have a clue about it, but there is enough information available online for free from just reading the articles without having to go beyond that to buy anything.
These traditions, among so many , were aware that all of our troubles externally are a reflection of forces and energies within each of us and all of us collectively that were at odds and fighting within. You are in effect petitioning the Divine within you for forgiveness, and thanking it for forgiving you, since there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to take away the infinite love it has for you and lastly you are thanking it for forgiving you, for loving you, for life itself.
Even if you don't do it exactly as outlined here, the mere intention and act of searching within yourself to correct and improve upon who and what you already are will go a long way to changing things in this world.
4. Lastly, STOP thinking that you're just one person and that it won't matter what you do. Truth is stranger than fiction, and truth is that you ARE magick!! You have so much more power than you ever imagined!! Power to heal yourself, power to heal others, power to be a big part of healing this world, so big you may be the only one to realize it quietly in the privacy of your own home while jamming to the bass guitar, but you know it through and through and there is no need to tell anyone else. It is not something you do, it is something you are. This is not the stage magic nor the charlatan trickery.
Healing of perception is what is needed for everyone on this globe, all 7 billion of us and beyond. Now how do we start a blazing wildfire of healing of our perception??
How do we raise the roof of our minds? How do we stretch our perceptions?
This isn't coming in the way any of us ever imagined. It's gonna be fire and brim stone, huge somethings falling out of the sky, UFO landing, Quetzacoatl returning, etc while at the same time just another day of working and paying the bills, with absolutely no change from one day to the next, while at the same time something totally beyond comprehension.
For some it will pure hell, Armageddon
For others it will be a saving and redemption, a return to all that is good.
Imagine a train track that splits into different tracks and directions. You may see chaos all around you, but you can be at total peace, knowing exactly what is happening, why, and where you're headed.
In every moment there is now more and more event happening. In every moment there are more and more possibilities, opportunities and choices you can make. In even moment there are more and more doors opening.
The most important place to start is with our perception, which is everything.
Feel free to discard, add to, subtract and modify to these ideas.
Thanks for reading.
"Talent does what it can, Genius does what it must"