going back to chali.... Options
#1 Posted : 12/22/2009 11:49:12 PM

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um...i don't think so... Laughing

so, i just ordered up a 1/2 kilo of super magical chaliponga and i am looking for the best possible tek. i have to be honest- i've seen a couple other folks looking for the same thing in this room and not getting any response so i'm hoping that some super bad-ass chemist steps forth to tackle this hydra...

here are my foremost querries:

1. obviously, it's looking like an A/B with a bunch of defats...can i use d-limonene for these? and HOW MANY do you suggest?

2. is there a way to get a full-spectrum result? as in- a crystalline product that contains all forms of DMT present? i don't want to isolate N-N from 5MeO, etc..i just want a more "enhanced" DMT experience via this plant....

3. if yes to #2, anything i have to be careful of to NOT mess up the 5MeO? i understand it is more sensitive than N-N...

i would like to experience this medicine very much. it literally came to me in a dream and has been in my head for days....i saw a picture of the plant and it's long, dark-green leaves and i literally see it in my head as i'm working out, cleaning my house, etc.. it really feels like this plant ally is calling to me...

any help from my tek-savvy brothers and sisters is DEEPLY appreciated...


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#2 Posted : 12/23/2009 12:00:06 AM

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I have done A/B exractions on it a few times with naptha..I used it for my first ever changa experiences and my first real deep experiences with smoked methylated tryptamines..

It took many defats many exactly I cannot remember..just that I used lots of naptha!

FASA might be a good tek for it.

It's cool stuff..I like it but at breakthrough style doses it gets strange due to the 5meo..been freaked out a few times..

I use it for aya brews now..and I tried some last night for the first time as a base for some bufo changa and it was very nice..

5meo and NN are both soluble in naptha..not sure if FASA picks up both but I think it does..Jorkest did an extraction a while back on it..if I remember correctly he posted a pic of his extraction and it looked good..better than mine.

I really want to grow this can even quid the stuff.
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#3 Posted : 12/23/2009 12:06:29 AM
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3. if yes to #2, anything i have to be careful of to NOT mess up the 5MeO? i understand it is more sensitive than N-N...

In my experience 5meo appears to be completely unharmed by very high ph over an extended period of time and is totally soluble in the same solvents as NN.
mistakes were made
#4 Posted : 12/23/2009 12:33:29 AM

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I have used Jorkests tek with success on Chacruna. Using FASI instead of FASA in the last attempt yielded good results. No defat was done.

Did a 3x 1hr boil with a little phosphoric acid, reduced down to about 1/2 litre, added lye till the pH was about 11..
pulled about 5 times with 100ml limonene, over a period of about 3 days, kept in warm boiler cupboard.
Saturated ISO was added to the limonene as per the tek.

I have been thinking of doing the same thing with Chali.. I have a bag sitting here waiting Cool
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#5 Posted : 1/2/2010 3:07:55 AM

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A/B without defats has brought this SWIM the emulsion problem he is solving atm .
He successfully extracted Crystals from Chaliponga by freebasing with Sodium Carbonate , pulling with Xylene , Salting with FASA , then washing with acetone and recrystallizing in water .
Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

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#6 Posted : 1/2/2010 5:00:12 AM

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i think fasa is required here - most of chali's spice is in n-oxide form which is insoluble in naptha.
fasa then use the fumarates, or freebase using ammonia or - bring the n-oxides back to life with the zink tek.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

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#7 Posted : 1/5/2010 8:28:05 PM

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I've also use Jokerst's D-Limo/FASW tek to extract chacruna with relative ease!!

I'm sure it would work just fine on Chaliponga too! In fact I think Jokerst tried it on Chali when I had such good results with the Chacruna! Don't remember his results though.

Using the D-Limo/FASW tek you don't need to defatt, because the fats do not migrate into the FASW!!
You just evap the water & use the fumarates for power-Pharma, or basify it & use for smoking...small amounts (5meo in there).

Let us know how it go!

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#8 Posted : 10/7/2011 1:47:11 AM


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I have sucessfully extracted from chaliponga a few times

I used a limtek

(semi)drytek style base with lime
pull into limonine
salt out to fumerates

By basing the fumerates with lime and pulling into acetone
filtering and evapping I was unable to yeild freebase xtals I got goo
so I dissolved the goo in acteone and evapped onto caapi.
I was able to make a nice chaliponga changa which quite honestly scared the pants off me and I won't be working with again

I am thinking if you were to base the fumerates and do a naptha pull and try a freeze precip you might be able to yeild xtals, with a mini a/b on the xtals you may even be able to isolate the NN. This is all just speculation however I never attempted a naptha step.
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#9 Posted : 10/7/2011 1:54:56 AM

Not I

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Chaliponga changa!!!! I think I'm salivating. I've never had 5meo or chali aya....but knowing what I know now I'd like my intro to 5meo to by via changa.

I have a freebee sample of chali that was sent as a 'bonus' gift a while back. Think I might have to do this....I was however considering making aya with it.'s tough decisions.

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#10 Posted : 10/10/2011 7:18:02 PM
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stb -> acetone pull -> fasa

Product yielded chali effects orally with caapi.
#11 Posted : 4/10/2012 6:09:52 PM

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Sorry for bump, but didn't want to open a new thread for this.

I would need opinions about this tek for chali:

A/B cooking in acid water(x3), then reduce water
basify with NaOH
pull with DCM
salt out with FASA

How does it seem to you? I think I would have an impure product, but it could be useful for pharma, at least. Then I can maybe purify with IPA-Acetone washes.

Thanks for every kind reply!

Bad, bad english
#12 Posted : 4/10/2012 11:19:16 PM

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Im not sure how well FASA works with DCM... If it does work, I think its a good plan, and you might even have quite pure DMT because FASA precipitation is selective to alkaloids and doesnt precipitate plant impurities.

Dont forget to let us know the results!
#13 Posted : 4/11/2012 2:44:10 PM

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Do you think FASI or FASW would work better?
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#14 Posted : 4/11/2012 2:48:07 PM

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FASW will work, since its an acqueous solution salting, but the results will be quite dirty I suspect. I dont know if FASI would work better than FASA, maybe both will be the same.. I think you shoudl just try it out with FASA and let us know.. and if worse comes to worse, just evaporate it all and recover your alkaloids in some way or another, the DMT wont run away.

good luck!
#15 Posted : 4/11/2012 3:35:48 PM

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That's good point, thanks. I'll post the eventual results = )

Just another little thing, how about a defat before? I've never done one (with MHRB, cacti and so on is not necessary, so I'm not really into it)
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#16 Posted : 4/11/2012 3:40:57 PM

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No need to defat if doing FASA, thats the beauty of it, it bypasses this step because only alkaloids precipitate and not the fats.

Good luck!
#17 Posted : 4/15/2012 2:03:47 AM

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maybe writing to much today, but how could I, as mentioned here.

And before I forget it, I did sort of a Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime with naphta this time using chaliponga, wich I have 500g of, that is also interesting, quite, but very different, much more bodily and less visual, I wouldnt say weirder, which I read other ppl calling it. Still have some of that aswell.

So first, I'm not at all a
super bad-ass chemist
more of an experimenter.

I've read a lot about extraction apparatuses like a Soxhlet extractor when extracting chaliponga. Cant seem to find the thread.

Obviously I dont have a Soxhlet extractor. I actually bought it for aya brews, but I did try freebase extraction, using a blender and a magic hand to make it as small as possible (cant really powderize it, for me it remained small pieces of leaves), and then basically doing a AB/dry with CaOH, leaning on any dry-tek like Q21Q21's. Because small leave pieces dont "mousse o chocolat" up as much as MHRB powder would, even in a drytek a coarse strainer for keeping the small parts out of the solvent was something that looked and worked good. Naphtha was used and freeze precipitation was done, all in all it worked reasonably well.
#18 Posted : 4/24/2012 7:58:52 AM

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never thought to quid chali.. i gotta try that.
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#19 Posted : 4/24/2012 12:39:53 PM

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I have done quite a few extracts on Acacia phylodes (leaves). I usually cut it up with scissors. No need for a blender as the leaves are thin and not dense and thick like bark. I can get away without defats even though many folks say that Acacia phylodes have plenty of fats. I find if I boil it too much that the fats make it into the acidic polar soup but if I fill the pot with acidic solution and adjust to about pH 5 then bring it to just below boiling and let it sit for 24 hours that only minimal fats make it over. I do 2 x 24 hour soaks, filter then reduce and basify to pH 12.5. It can be boiled for the reduction just so long as the pylodes have been filtered out. 3 pulls on very warm soup with shellite (naptha) and a freeze preicipitation get mostly nice white xtals though there are some oils and yellow spice at the bottom of the glass. A second freeze precip gives me all white spice.
Don't know for sure if this will work on chali but if it works on Acacia phylodes it just might.
Heres a photo of my last first freeze precip.

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#20 Posted : 4/24/2012 12:47:18 PM

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thanks for sharing!

Did you try doing a third soak to see if any alkaloids are left?

What acacia is that, what season was it harvested, and what kind of yields are you getting? (info for another thread but now that you posted here, im curious)
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