Hard boil too hot? Options
Dr Sway
#1 Posted : 12/12/2008 2:30:58 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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The trouble with clandestine chemistry is the abundance of misinformation and amateur conjecture dressed as knowledge...

One area of consternation and contradiction is that of the boil. At two points in a hypothetical A/B the material gets very hot.

1. The acidified boil of bulk plant material is done (obviously) at above 100 degress C. Common teks also recommend lengthy hot boils to reduce the amount of liquid to handle.

2. Heated solutions are also supposedly beneficial for your NP solvent pull. Blending basified solution and hot shellite in a hot water bath (<100 degrees C) is supposed to increase yields.

So can someone set the record straight on vaporizing of the DMT in any of these steps? Some teks claim to do everything hot, hot, hot and produce good yields. Is it possible to vape your alks at these steps?

If DMT is so easily vapourized out of solution then why doesn't it all evaporate on the first acidified boils?

(PS. Nice forum)

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#2 Posted : 12/12/2008 3:32:14 AM

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When SWIM uses very hot Naptha, he puts it in a mason jar with the Base so that it won't evap out. He doesn't use it boiling hot. Naptha evaporates quite readily without needing to heat.

Now, starting fluid, which is another solvent that can be used for pulls, is another matter. That takes forever to evap.
Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.
#3 Posted : 12/12/2008 12:44:18 PM

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Dr Sway wrote:
So can someone set the record straight on vaporizing of the DMT in any of these steps? Some teks claim to do everything hot, hot, hot and produce good yields. Is it possible to vape your alks at these steps?

If DMT is so easily vapourized out of solution then why doesn't it all evaporate on the first acidified boils?(PS. Nice forum)

Hi Dr,

You need to consider the fact that different states of dmt have different vaporisation temperatures. Freebase dmt vaporises at 60-70 centigrade. Salted dmt (depending on the salt will vaporise at >150 C, maybe 250 C for some of them.

So, one is safe doing prolonged acidic boils, just do not overdo it since one runs the danger of alkaloid decomposition instead of evaporation. Of course if one boils a dmt containing decoction for a whole week (!) I wouldn't expect anything to survive.

As far as the NP pulls are concerned, one runs the danger of vaporising dmt out of a basic solution (the stage at which dmt is freebase and vaporises at a much lower temperature. So 50 C is more or less fine at this stage.

Hope that helps; the nexus is a place where there is no much misinformation. Pretty much all the info found here is very very reliable and trustworthy. Any given misinformation is very often intercepted down!

Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here!
Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!

#4 Posted : 7/19/2011 5:29:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sorry for resurrecting such an old and ridden thread but:
What if SWIM used vacuum and almost no heat to reduce his combined heptane pulls to avoid vaporizing product he is after ? Last time SWIM proceeded like that: 70gr course grinded chacruna was loaded into Soxhlet and run for 6hr with 600ml Methanol which then was reduced resulting in ~50ml tarry soup. That was done under vacuum with minimal heat applied and temperature of solution itself kept constant at 25C. Tarry soup was diluted with 400ml d/o HCL water with PH 4.00 checked with very accurate and calibrated meter. Fine filtered. Defatted 4 times with Heptane (at room temp and 15min stirring), 50ml each pull. Basified with sodium carbonate to PH 10.5. Fine filtered. Pulled 5 times with Heptane (at room temp and 15min stirring), 50ml each pull. Resulted 250ml of clear Heptane (not milky as expected) was reduced under vacuum and 25C. At no point Heptane solution would become cloudy so proceeded to evaporate down to zero with no heat just vacuum. Result: very clean dry evaporating flask, maybe slightest film on wallsLaughing Only reagent grade chems were used. Chacruna leaves came from trusted BBB suppl.
Any suggestions? Please! Did product possibly all evaporated even when vacuum and constant low heat used?Rolling eyes
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