gibran2 wrote:The true Lady Salvia!
She really is , she is doing the best she can to grow nice and big for me.
The other two as well "I had to say it cos the other two would get jealous
" .
They are all very nice I believe they feel as we do. That's why I will make sure that only good souls will get to know them more. I believe that if you give them to a bed person to grow them or to smoke them or eat them they would really suffer and give that person and me very hard time. That is the responsibility we have towards all plants and all animals.
Maybe that is the reason why some people have very bad experiences with sally. I had quite scary one but it was more that I did not expect how strong the experience would be than the experience its self.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.