2012 & DMT Options
#21 Posted : 9/21/2011 8:57:20 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
2012 is, when you smoke the N,N

This is something I have thought myselfSmile

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:19:19 PM

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Hey tele, so I was just pondering 2012 is N,N and remembered I have always had a glancing thought iv never followed up on. Now over the years I have heard quotes about the bible (though I am not a fan of it). I have thought occasionally about the passage that states the end times will have great deception. So I looked up quotes and one passage says "Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams." and " I will show wonders in heaven above, And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke." this the link. .I am definitely not a believer in the bible, but the book has been around a long time. Yeah though re-written.

Then for some reason my gf said maybe eve was banished from Eden for eating DMT (somehow) from the tree. "But Eve did not eat the fruit of the apple tree—she ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil." http://www.answersingene.../n1/did-eve-eat-an-apple . Now could that tree of good and evil be the tree we get our batches from and have good and bad experiences with???. So my point being this all started from DMT and will a end 2012 when we rediscover DMT again . DunDun...dun.

I know I am reaching here, but why not throw it out there.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#23 Posted : 9/21/2011 11:50:21 PM

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Since this is about dmt and 2012 i'll try and stay on topic, but forgive my ramblings..dreamer-Many of my experiences are similar to this. When breaking through or on aya or mushrooms i am often told that we are on the brink of gaining a much greater understanding of hyperspace, finishing our 'human transitional period' and completing our ape-to-starship metamorphosis..for lack of better language to explain it..(i'm aware more than most how completely insane that sounds..but actually the idea that we are on the brink of a greater understanding of hyperspace makes sense considering the amount of people exploring it now as compared to 10, 100, or 1000 years ago..not to mention our technological advancements which may shed light on ok i'll shut up). It usually comes in the form of fast paced 'downloads' that seem to be some sort of reflection of an eternal hyperspatial humanity that lives in some sort of non-local imaginatrix..(often, the impression in my head is the archetype of an unimaginabley hilarious cosmic party)

Universe Cannon-This resonates with me strongly. The idea of fast past download and the reflection of an eternal hyperspatial humanity that lives in some sort of non-local imaginatrix, the impression in my head is the archetype of an unimaginabley hilarious cosmic party.

This is what I felt when I was communicating with beings during a mushroom trip I had. This is where I feel personally we are headed. We are all entitled to our beliefs.

when you said "we are on the brink of gaining a much greater understanding of hyperspace, finishing our 'human transitional period' and completing our ape-to-starship metamorphosis" and when you said "during these experiences there is also huge hints at how biological evolution is structured on a cosmic scale"

As far as my truth is concerned, and there are different truths in us all, is that the universe is like a ticking clock. As far as my knowledge is concerned there are very particular intervals of time where a huge jump in human evolution occurs which ties into the missing links. Its about energy. The tricky part is that not everyone will partake in this jump, it's a window for the people that are operating at particular frequency. Which would be a hightened state of love and purity. Other people will go into an infinte amount of other earth scenarios

Again these are my beliefs and I press my beliefs on no one.
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#24 Posted : 9/22/2011 12:14:08 AM


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universecannon wrote:
It usually comes in the form of fast paced 'downloads' that seem to be some sort of reflection of an eternal hyperspatial humanity that lives in some sort of non-local imaginatrix..(often, the impression in my head is the archetype of an unimaginabley hilarious cosmic party)

^^^ Exactly this. Very well put! Also, thanks for the Grof pdf I'm not finished yet but so far it's fascinating
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#25 Posted : 9/22/2011 2:48:05 AM

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I have attatched a pdf of a different 2012 document. I would say this document hits about 85% of what I believe. The other 15% is like really specific stuff that doesnt resonate with me. The core message is intact though. enjoy.
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#26 Posted : 9/22/2011 10:23:15 AM

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tomtomtom wrote:
" I will show wonders in heaven above, And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke."

That's coolVery happy
#27 Posted : 9/22/2011 11:27:01 AM

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tomtomtom wrote:
majesticnature, I was also about to comment about what you wrote, though I think it will be a bit over kill now. Ill just say be careful your not separating yourself too much from the here and now my man.

"Certitude is not the test of certainty. We have been cocksure of many things that were not so."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

PrimalWisdom, your post seem the most applicable atm. And sounds like a great trip. Can I ask how much thought you had previously given the 2012 scenario before that trip. Also how much realisticallity (yeah that's right I just made up my own word, what better place than a DMT site) would you place on that experience.

When you say we will become one with earth when frequency change, and the earth will become brilliant white. It should sound fantastic to me but I get the feeling more of fatigue or mundaneness. Script like if you will. Don't get me wrong your trip sounds great and am in no way bashing you. Though when you see how technically simply hyperspace is you...I would expect more/better, not that I am implying they are connected. When you put these things together though, it seems iffy.

Hey man
I tend to be pretty clear minded before my trips and before that one was not thinking about 2012 any more than I usually do, which can be quite often, but more in a sense of wondering what will happen if anything. I tend not to believe most of what’s out there, and have built my own beliefs/understandings from some of the older literature (Hopi prophecies, Mayan writings etc) so on that particular day it did not weigh heavily on my mind, but was probably lurking somewhere in the dark recesses.

I’m not 100% sure I understand what you mean by the last part of your post, but I think you mean it seems a bit scripted/clichéd? I think the reason for this is that this is a snippet of the whole trip, a fleeting memory of what actually happened. I try write them down as soon as I’m back but on this day I was so interested in what was going on that I immediately hit my machine again, having a wildly different more introspective trip, once I got back from that I wrote down as much as I could recall. When I write my trip reports I try write them as story like as possible, and in a manner that’s easy to read/follow for anyone else, I mean you guys must know how time, space and the progression of events in hyperspace seem to meld into one mad, wild ride somewhere over the rainbow. So some of the info is a bit of filler, stuff I have pieced together from fleeting fragments of the experience and tired to put into a linear progression.

As for how much realisticallity (great word btwSmile) I’d place on it… I’m not sure to be very honest. The spice has never lied to me before, it has shown me things about myself I knew, but was too afraid to admit, even to myself. It has also only ever shown me things that pertain to me, never the world as a whole. This was the first time I got the sense that it was telling me things on a global scale. I guess I have taken what I was shown/experienced and incorporated them into my own belief system; being a better person, seeing the light in everything, and helping to share it. I definitely think we are headed for a global “wake up” I can’t say if I fully believe it’s going to happen in 2012, but I do feel we are racing towards the edge of something, and the pace is picking up on a daily basis so I tend to think whatever is happening is coming to a head and will happen during my life.
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#28 Posted : 9/22/2011 11:31:38 AM

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Here's what the mayans wrote about 2012, from wikipedia:

The Tortuguero site, which lies in southernmost Tabasco, Mexico, dates from the 7th century AD and consists of a series of inscriptions mostly in honor of the contemporary ruler Bahlam Ajaw. One inscription, known as Tortuguero Monument 6, is the only inscription known to refer to b'ak'tun 13. It has been partially defaced; Sven Gronemeyer and Barbara MacLeod have given this translation:

It will be completed the 13th b'ak'tun.
It is 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in
and it will happen a 'seeing'[?].
It is the display of B'olon-Yokte'
in a great "investiture".

Look at this picture:


Bolon yokte in the middle of the three in lower portion. Look at the fella on the right smoking his vaporgenieWink

It is from the vase of the seven gods. says this about it:

Vase of the 7 Gods (Naranjo, Guatemala) A council of gods aiding in the setting of the jaguar throne. Here the main actor is God L, the commerce and trade god, while the Jaguar Paddler,
Who is named in the Quiriguá Stela C, sits at the head of the upper row of god, this vase along with the eleven gods mention the war associated god Bolon Yookte' K'uh .The text narrates that “on 4 Ahaw 8 Kumk’u it was set in order, Black-is-its- Center,” (Chan Ahaw Waxak Kumk’u tzakhi Ek’-u-Tan). The name of the location, Ek’-u- Tan, refers to the state of the pre-creation universe as black because the sky had not yet been lifted away from the Primordial Sea.
#29 Posted : 9/22/2011 3:00:51 PM

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Read the authenticmaya quote.

It seems to talk about the galactic center?

War, bolon yokte?

And guy's I'm dead serious the guy on the throne is smoking something. Maybe even D...
Showing handsign "OK", the smoke is good!

Shocked Laughing Laughing
#30 Posted : 9/22/2011 3:21:56 PM

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OK so I downed 30mg from the GVG aided with 20mg caapi and set the god pictures in front of me... It came alive.
Just look at what's happening, the last god of three on right is getting "smashed"(but it could be not)while bolon yokte, and the guy behind him look in awe.
Just the three gods above are very wise and cool about it, so is the guy on the jaguar throne.

This is possible that it's a description of events that happened somewhere in mayas culture, just look at their jaguar thrones for example. It could have been a gathering of gods very easily that got described beautifully in a vase. However, it does POSSIBLY have application of knowledge for our future.
It seems like the guy before bolon yokte gives place for: LIKE THE mayans said, for the time of bolon yokte.

Some weird shit happens when history comes alive. You can try what I tried.

It will be completed the 13th b'ak'tun.
It is 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in
and it will happen a 'seeing'[?].
It is the display of B'olon-Yokte'
in a great "investiture".
#31 Posted : 9/22/2011 3:21:59 PM

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Tele - I can't view the image can you try to relink or upload it directly to the thread? I'd be interested in seeing it.

Majestic - I read 20 some odd pages into the pdf you uploaded and just had to stop as it was far too new-agey for my tastes. I've heard all of this channeled stuff before about the galactic federation, cosmic awareness, planet earth splitting in two, etc. and to be honest, it all just seems to far fetched to believe. Even if it were all true, how is it that none of us here at the nexus have these full understandings on our trips? We're supposed to take the word of a 'channeled' source who claims to know the entire truth where it seems the common theme here at the Nexus involving 2012 is that if something does happen its supposed to be kept mostly secret? I can't think of a more ambigous and sketchy source to try and extract truth from then someone who claims to have a direct line to god. The number one thing I take offense with in these channelings is the continued notion of duality; that the 'bad' humans will go to the 'hellish' planet earth and the 'good' humans will move onto an 'ascended' earth. Isn't this just a different spin on the same thing Christianity has been pushing for hundreds of years? I don't mean to criticize your beliefs, but personally I just can't find much truth in that outcome. I'm much more prepared to accept the notion that it's all or nothing. If 2012 is something, it's going to happen to all of us as a whole, that's the sense I get about it. There won't be a seperation of the good and bad, that just adds to this game of dualism we're evolving past right now.

I hope that doesn't come off as a stab at you, it's not your welcome to believe whatever you choose and if these teaching resonate with you then I'm glad for you. Personally however, I don't feel I can take much stock in these channelings especially since they don't resonate with anything I've been shown while on psychedelics. To each their own though I suppose Smile
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#32 Posted : 9/22/2011 3:31:59 PM

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BEHOLD the awesome mayan gods

#33 Posted : 9/22/2011 3:55:38 PM

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Ok it turns out to be a depiction of the 4 ahau 8 cumku, the start of our current age! About 5 thousand years ago


Another quote from here:

Even if we can determine the Western date of 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, this still leaves open the question of why the Mayas used this day as the base date for the current Maya era. In discussing the Hindu calendar Aveni mentions "a conjunction of all the visible planets in the constellation of Aries, an event calculated to have occurred at midnight on the night of 17-18 February 3100 B.C." ([5], p.130). This is surprisingly close to the year 3114 B.C. of as dated according to the Thompson correlation. Could it be that the Mayas regarded this same group conjunction as marking the beginning of the current era? Since all of the visible planets never line up exactly, it is difficult to give a precise date to when they might all be said to be in conjunction. Thus a difference of 14 years from the result of some particular method of calculation is explicable.

WHOA again

Here's another quote:

Three bundles, a reference to God L’s role as the patron deity of merchants, are included in this scene. Of the three bundles, two are placed in front of God L and are marked with hieroglyphs signifying the phrase Nine-Star- Over-Earth.

from here
#34 Posted : 9/22/2011 4:00:43 PM

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Thanks for putting that up. Interesting. You should try another vape and see if you can go deeper into your theory as I'm a little puzzled by it at the moment.

I agree that the guy on the jaguar throne appears to be smoking something while the others look on. Which one is the bolon yokte? I'm definately rusty on my mayan cosmology.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#35 Posted : 9/22/2011 4:02:01 PM

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Tek wrote:
Thanks for putting that up. Interesting. You should try another vape and see if you can go deeper into your theory as I'm a little puzzled by it at the moment.

I agree that the guy on the jaguar throne appears to be smoking something while the others look on. Which one is the bolon yokte? I'm definately rusty on my mayan cosmology.

As I mentioned, he's the one in the middle of the lower three, the god behind the god who's getting "smashed" or maybe he just looks like that normally(the smashed god)Smile

I'm sure there will be more understanding in the near future...
#36 Posted : 9/22/2011 4:14:59 PM

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I like how the article admits that God L is smoking a cigar, but did they even have tobacco cigars back when the ancient maya were around? Were they known to smoke tobacco? Seems like it's short sighted to assume he's just smoking a stogie lol.

What's really interesting about this whole thing is that no one seems to know anything for sure, yet humanity almost has some hidden sense that things eventually must end or change. I mean, let's face facts here, all across our planet for countless centuries different cultures have been predicting the end of the world (end of the age, end of the world as we know it rather). Are we to assume that this is just some trick of human psychology? That we are all so apprehensive about our own mortality that we assign that same qualities to the universe and our planet thinking 'well if we humans aren't permanent then the universe also must end'? What would be the point in writing about a coming event thousands of years in the past if there wasn't some sort of sliver of truth behind these prophecies.

It's almost like our collective amnesia is breaking, sort of like this all has happened before (or at least that's what my intuition is telling me). It's sort of like Terence McKenna postulated, that there is some end time event that is PULLING us into it, instead of us moving one direction in the future. I like to equate the entirity of human existence to a story book. The characters in the story book have no idea when the story might end, but they could get a sense of it as the plot begins to come to a dramatic tipping point that they can experience. Well, if we are the characters in this story and we as a collective all feel the 'end' is approaching, well maybe that says more than prophecy ever could, who knows?

I had this strange thought earlier today for no real reason (before I even logged onto the nexus) about how strange the universe is and how often we take it for granted. I mean our theories about the cosmos say that is sprang into existence from NOTHING in less than a second. That's a commonly accepted belief in science. If something like that can happen to 'start the story', is it so strange to think that something equally as abrupt and unexpected could 'end the story' as well?

These are intriguing times my friends.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#37 Posted : 9/22/2011 4:24:28 PM

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I wonder about bolon yokte... Mayas knew and wrote about him, and even predicted about him for 2012.
I feel like he's the key character in this matter, as he was depicted in the creation of our current age and was included in the ONLY mayan 2012 prediction.

Here's another quotes from

this vase along with the eleven gods mention the war associated god Bolon Yookte' K'uh .The text narrates that “on 4 Ahaw 8 Kumk’u it was set in order, Black-is-its- Center,” (Chan Ahaw Waxak Kumk’u tzakhi Ek’-u-Tan). The name of the location, Ek’-u- Tan, refers to the state of the pre-creation universe as black because the sky had not yet been lifted away from the Primordial Sea.

The god Bolon Yookte' K'uh is associated with War and Xibalbá, and is the one that will descend on the end of this 5Th. Maya Era, (Dec 21, 2012), he is depicted in the 7 and 11 gods Vases from Naranjo. For description of the wars in the Petexbatún area. See Maya Collapse.

This is from the eleven gods vase where the same theme as "7 gods" vase is present. It has seven same gods, look at the bearded god for example and the same details of his headpiece as in the 7 gods vase:

I think these gods are definately not just made up. Mayans definately had more knowledge about this kind of matters than we do.

Here's another smoker I found(And take a good look at his magic pipe):

(Take a look for more pics:

#38 Posted : 9/22/2011 5:08:10 PM

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Tek wrote:
I like how the article admits that God L is smoking a cigar, but did they even have tobacco cigars back when the ancient maya were around? Were they known to smoke tobacco? Seems like it's short sighted to assume he's just smoking a stogie lol.

I actually think it's a pipe. Just look at the second picture I posted, from the 11 gods vase.

BTW; I found a very good site with good pics of mayan vases:
#39 Posted : 9/22/2011 5:12:52 PM

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Yeah that most definately seems like a pipe in the second image.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#40 Posted : 9/22/2011 5:15:03 PM

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Tek wrote:
Yeah that most definately seems like a pipe in the second image.

Yeah, it's interesting what does the god smoke actually...

Heck I wouldn't be surprised if these guys were 24/7 on DMT, just look at their surroundingsVery happy
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