2012 & DMT Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:14:01 PM

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Some people have reported experiences with DMT that are somehow connected to the "whole 2012 thing" / ending of mayan calendar on 21.dec.2012. The trips conveying some sort of message about that famous date...

So I would like to ask you to write any experiences that were somehow connected to "2012" to this topic... Will see how this goes. Maybe themes about the future are not so common...
Personally I think just that let's see what/if anything happens, but if there are some experiences connected with the date, I'd be interested to hear them.


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#2 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:26:35 PM

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AAh great question factious mr tele, I will be watching to see how this plays out. I did look this up before and found this.
Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#3 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:36:24 PM


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DMT takes NOW and extends it into a temporary eternity.

Doomsday prophecies are nothing new. 2012 doesn't mean anything. It will pass, and 2013 will be here, now.

People will be using DMT that entire time.

People like to make connections to things in their head, but in reality, they aren't always true.
#4 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:37:58 PM

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tomtomtom wrote:
AAh great question factious mr tele

Very happy

As to my experiences with the D, 2012 and mushrooms, I've never had any direct visions, only couple times a strong feeling that something is coming to a conclusion and it's something big. What it is, I don't know yet.
But I think I'll try to get a message(if there is one), by thinking about 2012 before blasting off, maybe there will be a message of some sort...

DMT takes NOW and extends it into a temporary eternity.

I think now is eternity itself.

And I don't think 2012 is a doomsday prophecy.

But as some people have been getting messages about that theme, I want to see if there's more and not quit this discussion before it gets started. I know NOW is NOW, but the subject is interesting
#5 Posted : 9/20/2011 9:45:54 PM

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This question has puzzled me for some time actually. Since Terence McKenna had a revelation that ended up pointing at 2012, part of me has always thought that the two were related somehow. There was this post on a different website from a Salvia user who claimed he had a prophetic vision on Salvia of hyperspace colliding with regular space so the two would become one, ushering in the end of what we call history. Personally, having been to hyperspace so many times I don't see how this is possible but you never know.

Whenever I've asked my guides about it, they tend to play tricks on me about it. Such as I've asked if 2012 means anything to which was revealed to me"

"Humans are the one's who attach significance to magical dates... it's just a number."

And just about as soon as I'm ready to accept that, it's almost like there is laughter or some hidden joke I'm not privy too and the message comes:

"But who really knows, it could be something..." and I always get the psychic impression I'm being winked at, even though I see no face wink at me.

Curiouser and curiouser.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#6 Posted : 9/20/2011 10:08:25 PM


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As I've mentioned before, for the past year or so every time I break through I encounter jesters that tell me very clearly on December 21 2012 we will be jumping into hyperspace forever. They are very adamant about it and there is no mistaking the point of their message.

I don't believe that at all, I'm not predicting any kind of miraculous occurrence on that date, if anything I'm putting my money on the bombs dropping before hedging my bets on any kind of collective ascension.

Still, my experiences tell it quite differently; it's just enough to leave that trickle of doubt at the back of my mind that constantly reminds me I have absolutely no idea whats really going on here.

I just water my plants expecting nothing and trying to be ready for anything. We'll find out soon enough Pleased

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

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#7 Posted : 9/21/2011 1:26:17 AM

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I've never had any dmt trips that suggested anything about 2012 or doomsday but I have had a lot of mushroom trips with a eschatological undertone to them. I don't think that the world will end in 2012 at all but I do think we would need some sort of cataclysm to shake people out of their current state of being. The people in the world cannot continue living as they do today with the upper 1% controlling the whole world. My hope for 2012 is alien contact but maybe that is just wishful thinking(I hope not). Pinchbeck had some good ideas no matter how whacky some parts of 2012: the return of quetzalcoat is. anyway

they live, we sleep
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#8 Posted : 9/21/2011 9:20:42 AM

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Awesome thread!
I know the Nexus has a rule about no conspiracy theories, but I feel the 2012 phenomenon is a little more than a simple CS it’s a whole belief system, well for me anyway.

I tend to get the urge to write when I’m on low dose vaped spice or changa, the urge is stronger on changa and I seem to be writing without thinking, it’s like the words flow through me. I have written some rather strange things and a lot of it seems to be about preparing for something, the date 2012 has come up a few times, but the majority of the stuff is about letting go, accepting the inevitable, preparing myself for the time when hyperspace and our world collide/merge, about everyone been one, communing with each other on a deeper level, remembering something important that we have all forgotten etc. During my breakthroughs I have had some experiences also pertaining to 2012. One of my strangest and favourite trips goes a little something like this:

I was shot through a wormhole of spinning light and energy, and arrived in a massive hall, there were very auspicious looking entities standing in a circle around a massive orb of light, it was spinning and humming and the whole room was resonating with the hum. I tend to vibrate a lot in hyperspace like my molecules are all resonating to an imaginary tuning fork and in this hall I was practically vibrating apart. I hovered near the top of the hall, content with watching the “ceremony” suddenly all the entities turn to look at me and the next thing I’m in the circle with them. I looked at the orb and realised it was Earth, but glowing and vibrating. I don’t remember asking anything but the entities were talking to me. They told me the Earth was heading for a massive change and what I was seeing was a model of the earth during this change. The info seemed to flow out of all of them, like a song in a weird gobbled gook language – I have spoken in hyperspace before and it sound the same, it’s what some would call glossolalia, sounds that mean nothing but everything at the same time. They proceeded to say that what we perceive as time (the frequency at which earth vibrates) was speeding up, and eventually it will be so fast that the earth would appear as a bright white light. And everyone on earth who could vibrate at the same frequency would become one with the Earth, I must have looked/seemed confused at this point because they went on to say that the Earth has a consciousness and that this was quite rare as far as planets go. They said I should have noticed that and the subtle changes around me, i.e the anger the Earth seems to displaying at the moment (earthquakes, floods etc.) due to our lack of love for her, the Earths light spectrum should have lost a lot of it yellower qualities and would have been replaced with a whiter light, time should be moving much faster for us, and this will continue to happen until everything occurs at the same time, past, present, future will all be one point in time, and at that point we all become one with the Earth, each other and the source. I asked what the source was but before I could get an answer I started to drift back towards the ceiling of the room, and before I knew it my lounge was in front of me. I immediately took another deep drag of the spice and had a completely different trip, but I have never been able to shake the feeling that that was a pretty important message.

After that I have had a few more experiences telling me to let go, be the light, be everything, we are all one and none etc…

I haven’t written anything for a little while due to cutting back on my spice use, but I read the stuff I wrote quite often, and one line that I underlined repeatedly reads: ”The time is now, let go of your bonds, move towards the light, do nothing but be everything.”

I know many will say that this is probably just my subconscious putting my hopes and fears about 2012 into perspective for me during a psychedelic experience, but I tend to disagree. Only time will tell what will happen and I’m pretty happy to ride the last wave until it breaks.
Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
birthing golden vibrations,
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#9 Posted : 9/21/2011 10:21:16 AM

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Cool stuff friends Cool

Bring some more!
#10 Posted : 9/21/2011 1:21:03 PM

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Not specifically pertaining to 2012, but there was a mushroom trip I took one time where I slowly, and I mean SLOWLY pulled out of my body into hyperspace. This was such a slow effect that I could almost understand how the process of how 'going out there' worked, but not quite. As I pulled out of this membrane thing that was made up of all lights, the entire membrane itself was alive and looked at me smiling. This was the extent of my trip, as soon as I had pulled all the way out into hyperspace, I slowly began to descend back into my bedroom and as I was doing so I had a message conveyed to me:

"These are your first steps. Your baby steps..."

For some reason I've never been able to get over those words. Logic dictates that if those were my first steps into hyperspace then they would be followed by additional steps, and baby steps should be followed by adolescent and adult steps at some point in my future. Then I started to wonder if the reason I was shown the 'going out' process so slowly was perhaps (this is probably just wishful thinking on my part) but perhaps it was a preview of a process we are growing up or evolving into, and maybe 2012 is the culmination of that process.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
#11 Posted : 9/21/2011 3:49:28 PM

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Primal wisdom- YES, this is thee message. You have the message brother. People are describing this message in different ways. We will be lightbodies. We will be ascended. What I am trying to tell people is that this 5 year period 2010-2015 is a wave of energy that is coming from the aligning of the entire universe. Ultimately you create your experience through your imagination. It is up to you WHAT you experience always, but in this 5 year period you have the advantage to co-create with the universe using that energy. It is a WINDOW. You may ask, how do I create my future? You have to understand that our existence is a vibrational frequency and we can shift into any frequency we desire. How do you do that? You do that by taking 15 minutes a day and you vision and FEEL, most importantly feel, the experience you wish to experience as if its happening now. This process is LITTERALLY brain surgery. You are shaping your antenna. You are tuning it, so that you can tune into a certain frequency. You need to give it time, belief, and an openness to receive in order for your reality to manifest.

People keep reffering to 2012 like "I dont know if its a doomsday or heaven" the truth is it is both and everything in between. It is an infinite amount of circumstances. Thats why your aliens snicker at you, because to them we are silly.

2012? Magic number? HEHEHE you silly humans you dont realize you are a collective conciousness and that you are co-creating, with the universe itself, your reality, as individuals, through your daily thoughts, actions, and feelings.

That being said, my message and your version of the message have strong common themes. My teachers have also said that this is a very rare event and that many civilizations will be watching. My teachers say that we are in the 4th dimension (depth, width, height, time) and that we are going into the 5th dimension (depth, width, height, time, the ability to move in and out of time and space and more)

The messangers arent going to give everything to us on a plate. They want us to be curious and to discover on our own. This is why they winked at you. They are putting down a bread crumb trails made of hints, facts, and knowledge.

We all have different truths with in us. It is a matter of connecting with your divine truth. It will never mislead you. It's about finding the truth that resonates with you.

I would like it for people to read my post here if you havent-;t=25438&find=unread
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#12 Posted : 9/21/2011 5:08:47 PM

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majesticnature wrote:

2012? Magic number? HEHEHE you silly humans you dont realize you are a collective conciousness and that you are co-creating, with the universe itself, your reality, as individuals, through your daily thoughts, actions, and feelings.

So you are talking as separate from humans?

Anyway majesticnature, I don't know why you speak so certainly about what you think is going to happen, but I wasn't asking for that into this thread.

ONLY experiences that have arised through the use of DMT (and possibly mushrooms or cacti) are the matter of discussion here. I don't feel like those experiences will make one speak as certainly as you speak so I don't think this topic is a place for "prophecies". That is, talking about the future with certainty.
EquaL Observer
#13 Posted : 9/21/2011 6:29:13 PM


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All I know is that if nothing happens, things will start happening as the new-age crowd loses it's excuse to procrastinate and start doing...something...

I've had ecstatic trips in which I've felt the dawning of great things to come... but now perhaps I see it as becoming over-excited at the magnitude of the experience... or McKenna has interfered with my trips through suggestion too much...

Who knows really, it's these mysteries which keep me going Smile
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#14 Posted : 9/21/2011 6:56:56 PM


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majesticnature, you sound so sure of yourself like you've got this all figured out...

I'm interested to know exactly who these teachers you keep referring to are.

And I'm not too sure how much stock I'd put in Bashar, there are several threads here about that particular fellow

The fact of the matter is no one really knows what the future holds, and yes it is in our hands and most assuredly what we do collectively will determine how it plays out.

What if nothing profound happens and 2013 comes and goes just like the previous two thousand and twelve years did? Remember how silly all those Y2K fanatics looked? How bout those folks that predicted the rapture a few months back?

Maybe something completely profound and beyond our wildest imaginings will happen, but its probably prudent to not sell the farm and run to the mesa to welcome the saucers just yet.

1 year and 3 months till we all find out for sure Cool
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#15 Posted : 9/21/2011 7:25:59 PM

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majesticnature, I was also about to comment about what you wrote, though I think it will be a bit over kill now. Ill just say be careful your not separating yourself too much from the here and now my man.

"Certitude is not the test of certainty. We have been cocksure of many things that were not so."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

PrimalWisdom, your post seem the most applicable atm. And sounds like a great trip. Can I ask how much thought you had previously given the 2012 scenario before that trip. Also how much realisticallity (yeah that's right I just made up my own word, what better place than a DMT site) would you place on that experience.

When you say we will become one with earth when frequency change, and the earth will become brilliant white. It should sound fantastic to me but I get the feeling more of fatigue or mundaneness. Script like if you will. Don't get me wrong your trip sounds great and am in no way bashing you. Though when you see how technically simply hyperspace is you...I would expect more/better, not that I am implying they are connected. When you put these things together though, it seems iffy.

Like Eve, are we eating from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil
#16 Posted : 9/21/2011 7:40:07 PM

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I have had a few trips where I felt like things were going to reach a culmination of sorts resulting in a huge population drop, it really wasn't a metaphysical notion but just ecological patterns of population dynamics and resources that implied it.
I think though that the attention that 2013 is getting is going to result in apocalyptic activity, mass suicides, riots etc.

I say 2013, because a lot of the 2012 stuff goes to the very end of 2012 in late December.

Still I don't know that the world can't or won't end, it just seems improbable to me.
#17 Posted : 9/21/2011 8:36:35 PM

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tele wrote:
majesticnature wrote:

2012? Magic number? HEHEHE you silly humans you dont realize you are a collective conciousness and that you are co-creating, with the universe itself, your reality, as individuals, through your daily thoughts, actions, and feelings.

So you are talking as separate from humans?

Anyway majesticnature, I don't know why you speak so certainly about what you think is going to happen, but I wasn't asking for that into this thread.

ONLY experiences that have arised through the use of DMT (and possibly mushrooms or cacti) are the matter of discussion here. I don't feel like those experiences will make one speak as certainly as you speak so I don't think this topic is a place for "prophecies". That is, talking about the future with certainty.

Yes, please forgive me if I have come off a bit arrogant. It was not intentional. There really is no such thing as telling the future, but I believe in something more akin to an energy weather forecast. My certainty in my own beliefs reflect a bit of a pride in my own truth. This is not the way to share a message and now I see that. I think it was because of my own excitement just exploding out of control. I am willing to listen to any and all positive and contructive feedback. I would like to point out that my beliefs were never intented to be hardpressed on to anyone but rather to make others consider a different point of view on things. When you touch your own truth it is a powerful thing and you just want to share it with the world.

With respect I would have to disagree and say this is the correct place to talk about things like 2012, it's nothing more then communication and we should not be afraid of good quality communication. I think we should stay open to all possibilites on this site. I will agree to a more gentle approach.

My certainty comes from a thing I like to call connecting the dots, and in the nature that I apply this principle, it is more intuitive then scientific. My certainty about this also came from a recent mushroom trip that you can read here. I appreciate your understanding in this time and wish everybody the best in their journey regardless of whatever. Here is the link, a WORD OF WARNING it has strong 2012 talk.;t=25438&find=unread
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#18 Posted : 9/21/2011 8:46:27 PM

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i came across an article by Stan Grof recently which i haven't read in a year or two..its on this topic, and i found it really interesting http://www.stanislavgrof...012.HumanDestiny.Rev.pdf

dreamer042 wrote:
As I've mentioned before, for the past year or so every time I break through I encounter jesters that tell me very clearly on December 21 2012 we will be jumping into hyperspace forever. They are very adamant about it and there is no mistaking the point of their message.

I don't believe that at all, I'm not predicting any kind of miraculous occurrence on that date, if anything I'm putting my money on the bombs dropping before hedging my bets on any kind of collective ascension.

Since this is about dmt and 2012 i'll try and stay on topic, but forgive my ramblings..dreamer-Many of my experiences are similar to this. When breaking through or on aya or mushrooms i am often told that we are on the brink of gaining a much greater understanding of hyperspace, finishing our 'human transitional period' and completing our ape-to-starship metamorphosis..for lack of better language to explain it..(i'm aware more than most how completely insane that sounds..but actually the idea that we are on the brink of a greater understanding of hyperspace makes sense considering the amount of people exploring it now as compared to 10, 100, or 1000 years ago..not to mention our technological advancements which may shed light on ok i'll shut up). It usually comes in the form of fast paced 'downloads' that seem to be some sort of reflection of an eternal hyperspatial humanity that lives in some sort of non-local imaginatrix..(often, the impression in my head is the archetype of an unimaginabley hilarious cosmic party)

during these experiences there is also huge hints at how biological evolution is structured on a cosmic scale..those visions/feelings are the most difficult to language. whatever all that means or what validity it holds i don't really know, its just something i've experienced..and while what we read and think can heavily influence the experience-sometimes its very hard to see how its possible that my mind is making all of this up on its own, especially when taking into account the astounding synchronicities that can occur in and around these experiences that many people have which seem to spit in the face of statistical probabilities. But its all open to so many interpretations..i've spent hundreds of pages trying to sort the pieces of the life puzzle out but it always gets rearranged eventually..theres no point in believing one particular interpretation. brief background:

From the ages of maybe 4-7 i had a re-occurring dream which was was fleeting, bizarre, familiar yet alien, and impossible to explain or even remember save a tiny glimpse of a fractured feeling. the power and love encountered in this dream though left a big impression on me.. during that time, like most kids, i lived close to the if life was a fun dream where anything was possible; a la the more active right brain typical of childhood..but for some reason i always had this undigested intuition that around the time i was around 20 or so we would all wake up from this illusory dream..(i broke through at 18 and i'll be 21 by 2012)i never really understood this, and i still don't..and am very open to the idea that i'm deluding myself, trust me here Razz

while lying in bed at night around age 10, i would sometimes have very strange visions of an endlessly morphing liquid blob that i could mentally 'coax' out, which would then seamlessly shift into different emotional expressions of various humans and other beings that i 'was' while laying down in this laughing/crying state of was extremely strange for me but the sense of being right where i needed to be in life was palpable.. after it would fade, the feeling of that re-occurring dream i'd had many years ago would be glimpsed again, only to soon be forgotten once more. these experiences didn't fit into any model of life i'd encountered in western society at that time, so for the sake of alarming my parents and destroying my own sense of sanity i put them into the back of my mind and forgot about them until just a few years ago when i had more right-hemispheric experiences via psychedelic plants..but i wont get into that much since it would take hours.

The reason i mention all of this is because when these tryptamine 'download' experiences occur (particularly with aya) which have a very futuristic undertone, afterwards and sometimes during it i can enter into childhood memories and relive them, including the memory of that reoccurring dream i'd had as a very young kid..but this time it goes so much deeper and the meaning is illuminated through visual and mental connections to countless other things in a big jaw-dropping web of understanding. the other night this happened to a degree i'd never experienced before and it was so outrageously beautiful and humbling i'm still sort of shaken up by it. i can't believe the dots that i was passively observing my mind connect between the things i was experiencing, memories i as reliving, and much else. i wish i could explain this better :evil:

all personal reminiscing/delusions aside, I try to remain agnostic about these things..but i entertain a lot of possibilities regarding where humanity will be in 2, 10, 100, and 1000 years or more, since its endlessly fun and interesting

i don't know if any huge event will happen in 2012..but personally i doubt it..i just try to remain open, but not so open that my brain falls out.. i like to juggle as many possible interpretations/scenarios in my head as i can without getting too clingy to one particular one.. EXCEPT perhaps the one where nothing at all happens, since this is the most likely possibility and is the most useful to my/our existence here and now in this moment on planet earth which is in a very sticky situation indeed- the earth and its inhabitants need all the love and attention we can give it at this point..

this is one of the reasons why i feel that all the 2012 hype, regardless of whether its true or not, is unhealthy since it can influence people to think that we should just sit around, not strive to better ourselves or the earth or anything, and wait for the end of the world or the ufos to scoop us up off our dying planet. its always way more complex than we realize..and it does us NO GOOD to get too attached to any one interpretation and put it up as our own personal dogma. beliefs are so limiting (yes, i know, i believe that sentence! ooohh the agony Laughing )

wow..i'm so sorry for the long winded post..i got carried away

<3 yall

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#19 Posted : 9/21/2011 8:48:14 PM

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majesticnature wrote:

With respect I would have to disagree and say this is the correct place to talk about things like 2012, it's nothing more then communication and we should not be afraid of good quality communication. I think we should stay open to all possibilites on this site. I will agree to a more gentle approach.

This is the correct place to talk about 2012(I didn't claim against it), but what I meant is that there is no need for anyone to share "prophecies" here. That is, to talk about future with certainty.
Just to share their experiences about DMT and 2012. And so far there have been nice posts...
Thanks for your contribution anyway
#20 Posted : 9/21/2011 8:49:24 PM

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