this two concepts go back to the same core IMO. freedom is a strong will inside every human being that its almost impossible to supress. we never get to feel completly free. I think there is something that is permanently trapped within the matter that composes our boddy and it feels traped for a life time. that thing maybe our soul or spirit. the never-fulfilness of freedom comes from the life time cage that is our body for our soul.
a trapped soul feels lonely, because it cant directly connect to other souls, neither to the bigger non human souls where it comes from. IMO thats the origin of the eternal loneliness feeling of mankind.
eternal loneliness and unfulfilling freedom are inherent to a human being because he has been given with a soul that permanently wants to go back from were it came from and it manifest its will in a very subtle fashion.
do you guys feel lonely when in hyperspace? or tied to anything that deters your freedom? I dont. i think the psychonaut vanquishes 2 great enemies of mankind: Freedom and Loneliness.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.