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#1241 Posted : 8/20/2011 3:02:18 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi everyone,

SWIM was running into a problem with the poormans tek. He followed all the instructions except using sodium carbonate instead of sodium bicarbonate. Olive oil was used, and 17g of MHRB (small amount, just to give the method a try).

It all seemed to work out well until the last step, with the evaporation of the IPA. The problem is, that some of the olive oil seems to have been carried over, SWIM didn't use enough caution to remove it completely in the first steps. So now in the petri dish there are clearly crystals - but they _swim_ in olive oil. How can be oil be separated from the spice?

Best would be to use only food grade stuff and IPA to purify this somehow...

Thanks a lot!

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#1242 Posted : 8/24/2011 10:32:59 PM

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if Im using xylene as solvent, and I want to avoid the FASA precips part, can I evaporate all my xylene and recrystalize the sediment?
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#1243 Posted : 8/24/2011 10:35:36 PM


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Yep. Prepare for a long, smelly, toxic evaporation. The more ventilation the better.
#1244 Posted : 8/24/2011 10:38:44 PM

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Why do you want to avoid the salting? I highly recommend you salt with something, doesnt have to be FASA.. Can be FASW, or even vinegar. Xylene is very nasty as house said
#1245 Posted : 8/24/2011 11:47:55 PM

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My salting yield NOTHING. I washed the fumarates/soduim carbonate mix residue with acetone and got no spice at all, no residue at all., but it should be my fault. im analyzing and writing down everything from now on, but anyway I wanted to know if it was possible. thanks guys.
I am with those man who own that particular kind of courage of the interior voyager.
#1246 Posted : 8/26/2011 9:00:47 PM

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If someone is doing Q21s' dry tek and forgets to use boiling water on the salting part but, uses room temperature water instead would it be correct to assume this is now more or less a straight to base situation? In the sense that without using boiling water the bark probably didn't acidify very well and so someone should let the solvent sit on the bark for a good day or so. Perhaps warm it in a hot bath? The solvent is VM&P BTW.
In this world there are adults and there are children. In fact the world is filled with children; they are angry and hurt, frightened and abused, lazy and ignorant, stubborn and hateful. The world hates an adult and they would rather cause their peers to fail at any venture of self improvement before having to step up and improve their selves so as to maintain pecking order and evidence of the lowley opinion they have of each other. The best of them enslave the others so that they all consume and destroy all there lives in order to satisfy their immense greed claiming that they are providing a future for their legacy and never question the possibility of doing better in order to leave a real future for the children they will leave behind on this, our Earth. They pretend that it is impossible and when cornered they admit their apathy saying that they won't be around to suffer the out come. They hate the adults for exposing their immense weekness. The total failure that they call success. Mean while the adults strive to minimize their own impact and perpetually work to undo the damage already done. The adults who already know; they are the children of tomorrow.
#1247 Posted : 8/30/2011 9:54:56 PM

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Hello there,
I just want to know if i have to wait between pulls? the tek i'm following is q21's dry tek2 (the white funfest).
If i have to wait how much? and there was two method for pulls, one is adding naphtha to the muddy thing while the crystals forming in the freezer, and the other is wait until the crystalization is finished then reuse that naphtha. Which one is better? How many times i can pull with the same naphtha?
yeah and one more question, the water here has much clorine in it, would it be a good idea to use distilled water??

this tek seems extremely easy. hope it worksSmile i remember there was a tek on erowid with pictures and wanted to try it but later i read it was totally incorrect.

thank you very much for the informations and the effort of creating a site where there are loads of useful info and helping people!
yeah and sorry if someone asked these questions but i did not find it.

#1248 Posted : 8/30/2011 10:20:37 PM


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with q21's tek you dont have to wait between the pulls i will usually pull about 3 times put it all in one container leave in the freezer for a day or two then repull using the same naphtha been getting very nice results and i recommend distilling the water im sure most others do as well. impurities will make the taste horrible and depending where they are from they can be toxic so take as many precautions as possible to get as clean a spice as you can. i feel like the impurities ground you and its alot harder to blast off with anything other than white on the first hit but changa is a good mix for anything impure. good luck and yes the q21 tek is super easy lol takes me 2 hours from start to finish cookin then about 1-2 days in the freezer i have yet to do any recrystallizations though.
#1249 Posted : 8/30/2011 10:25:18 PM


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endlessness wrote:
oh damn it still this CD test, where did you get this information from???? DO NOT DO EVAP TEST ON A CD, whoever invented that didnt know what they were doing. Do an evap test ON CLEAN GLASS! like a pyrex dish or something. Naphtha will dissolve the material of the cd.

So do an evap test on pyrex dish and see if it leaves residue. If it does, get another naphtha that evaps clean and recrystallize your stuff. If it doesnt, just use it to recrystallize your stuff. Instructions for recrystallization are in the FAQ

lol tbh i dont remember where the cd test came from HAHA but thanks for the help i got my shit straight Very happyDD
#1250 Posted : 9/3/2011 12:20:22 AM
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Howdy everyone, I'm new here and joined to ask a specific question. I'll definitely stick around though, this place has a wealth of information.

I performed a DMT extraction quite a while back using QT's DMT extraction as posted on Erowid ( I left the root bark in the muriatic acid solution as long as it said in the tek, one day the first time and then a week the next two times. The final product was a redish powder that I scraped off the bottom of a dish.

More recently, I noticed that there were notes added to the tek saying that letting the root bark sit for that long is unnecessary, and the simple heating of the solution for 15-30 minutes each time is enough. So I performed the extraction again, this time heating the solution for 45 minutes each time instead of leaving it for a day then a week.

This time, the final product consisted of a little bit of redish wax-like substance (IMO due to pulling in more than just the lighter fluid) and some transparent oil which I was able to absorb onto a piece of paper. Upon heating of the paper in a vaporization device, there was little smoke and I felt extremely faint effects. In summation, it was a failure.

Has anybody else had this issue? Is it something that I did wrong, or are the notes on Erowid wrong with regards to the timetable required? Also, I still have the acid solution mixed with base that I extracted from, as well as the root bark itself that was used. Can any of this be salvaged?

It would be surprising to me if it was something else I did wrong since last time it worked perfectly and only the timetable is different. I already messaged Erowid about this, but knowing them, they'll probably just ignore it as they ignored a previous experience report. I also posted on another forum, but I've never received any responses to anything I've ever posted there before either hehehe. Responses are highly appreciated ^_^
#1251 Posted : 9/3/2011 12:54:20 AM

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Can you give a brief summary of what steps you performed?
The tek you linked to probably suggests something like this (I didn't read it all):

Acidify Rootbark (let sit or heat for a while)
pull with solvent
freeze precipitate or evap

Did you follow these steps? What kind of solvent did you use? How many pulls did you do and how well did you mix the solvent with the root bark mix? Not sure what you mean with timetable. If you didn't through your bark away and the goodies weren't in the solution you filtered off, then you can still salvage your extraction, but it's best to give a bit more info on what you did in a few brief bullet points maybe.

welcome to the nexus in any case!
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#1252 Posted : 9/3/2011 4:14:19 PM
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Here's what I did:

1) prepared an acidic solution using muriatic acid (a fraction of a teaspoon in 50ml of water)
2) put the ground root bark into my crock pot and poured the solution over it
3) heated the bark solution for 45 minutes, stirring from time to time
4) filtered out the root bark using two coffee filters at a time and keeping the liquid
5) repeated the above steps 2 more times
6) prepared a basic solution of a fraction of a teaspoon of sodium hydroxide (lye) per 100ml water
7) mixed the basic solution with the acid solution until it turned gray then black
Cool added some lighter fluid to the black solution, mixed it, waited, and then pulled the lighter fluid layer on top using a turkey baster
9) repeated step 8 two more times
10) left all the lighter fluid fractions in a glass container to evaporate

What I meant by "timetable" was the amount of time this process takes. In the tek it says to let the root bark and acid solution react for a day the first time before filtering, and then a week the two subsequent times. However the notes on Erowid said that these times were unnecessary and the whole process could be done without the wait.
#1253 Posted : 9/3/2011 4:44:08 PM

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with heating you are probably right that you do not need to wait days/weeks before filtering. I imagine 3x45 min. should be sufficient for at least some result.

perhaps you had not added enough base with respect to the amount of acid used. which would mean your goodies have not converted to free base and thus are still in solution. if you have a ph meter or strips perhaps you can check this. Though from the sound - turning black - seems to be the right color... How did you mix the lighter fluid?
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#1254 Posted : 9/3/2011 9:55:49 PM
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I just added the lighter fluid to the bottle containing the black solution, put the cap on the bottle, and then slowly flipped the bottle upside down then upright several times, after which I let it sit until the lighter fluid layer became apparent. This is exactly the same way I did it last time when I let everything react much longer.
#1255 Posted : 9/3/2011 11:01:12 PM

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Well you have some options now:

Should your hypothesis be true, and you didn't let things react long enough in the acid stage then the goods are still in the bark.
if you still have the root bark, that you filtered out you could try to do a direct basification and treat it as a STB extraction. i.e. add bark to concentrated lye solution, let react for 2-24 hours, pull with naphtha.

If the acid stage was long and thorough enough then your goods are in the now black solution you have tried to pull from. Two reasons why you might not have gotten any product come to mind: a) your solution is not based enough meaning the dmt is not in freebase form and thus will not be dissolved by the naphtha. b) you did not mix well enough.

Possible solutions to test would be for a) - add more base and try again
for b) add naphtha again and mix more, for example by shaking. (they say not to but IME there is no problem in shaking, at least when I do STBs I always shake. Never have any long lasting emulsions and I get good yields per pull)

The bark you used this time is the same as the one you used last time?
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#1256 Posted : 9/6/2011 1:44:15 AM

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hello guys, my friend wants to do lazyman's STB tek and asking about if he could freeze precipitate instead of evaporating the naphtha. Because he read that he needs to do about 4-5 pulls and 400ml solvent per pull. That's too much to waste. What if he freeze precipitate and then collect the solvent to further use? then he wants to re-x to grow crystals and purify it. Is that okay? some advice?

#1257 Posted : 9/6/2011 1:51:10 AM

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You can do a freeze precip but you'd want to do way smaller pulls. If the naptha isn't saturated with spice, the freeze precip won't work. Instead of 400ml use 100ml per pull. Just keep pulling until nothing else precips, and then do one last pull and evap that.

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#1258 Posted : 9/6/2011 2:05:06 AM

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sorry i did not say that swim is going to extract from 500g mhrb. that's why 400ml is needed for each pull. or 100ml is enough? if there is the clouding effect then the naptha is saturated with spice, right?
SWIM thought that jars should be used instead of a large mixing bowl because the solvent is evaporating very fast and its easier to mix the solvent and the bark mush by tilting.
#1259 Posted : 9/6/2011 2:20:32 AM

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I haven't used the lazyman tek, but after reading it just now, it doesn't look like a very safe tek, especially for beginners. Also a 500g extraction is pretty hardcore if you're just getting started. It leaves a lot of room for error.

I'd recommend doing several 100g extractions until you get it down. Then move up to 250g extractions. I hope this doesn't sound arrogant but I've been extracting for awhile and I'm sure a 500g extraction would be a pain in the ass even for me.

This guide is what I got started with and works excellent. You can do an extraction in just a few hours excluding the freeze precip.

Either way, I hope this helps and be safe whichever route you choose to go.

And to answer your questions, if you do decide to go the lazyman tek route w/ 500g you might want to stick to the tek and use 400ml. With that amount of bark, it should saturate it pretty good. And you are correct that if there is a good clouding effect, it should be saturated.

If it doesn't precip anything in the freezer, then you might need to evaporate it down some and stick it back in there.

Remember to keep it in the freezer at least 12 hours but sometimes 24 is needed. Also make sure the freezer is on the coldest setting.

Once again, I hope this helps and Welcome to the Nexus. Smile
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#1260 Posted : 9/6/2011 12:21:54 PM

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thank you very much it was a very useful information. did only 1 extraction yet (q21q21 tek 2). If swim wants to use this guide can he use glass jars instead of the plastic kettle? And is it okay to just shred the bark to 0,5" pieces then just destroy the cells with the NAOH+water (lazyman's tek)? (because the MHRB is only availabe in whole part and a household blender is not the best for it)
sorry for the noob questions but swim wants to find the perfect method for extracting a lot of spice to send his friends to the cosmosSmile
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