Is Yellow Caapi the same as Cielo? Options
#1 Posted : 8/18/2011 1:30:36 PM

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First of all, forgive me if this question has been asked....

I'm about to order some whole yellow caapi from Maya (new stock). So it will be my first experience, and I think I read that the yellow caapi is best for starters. But I also read some people mentioning cielo/yellow, as one strain.
The cielo (shredded) on maya is a bit more expensive then the yellow caapi, is this an indication that the cielo is a bit more potent?

Thanks Very happy

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#2 Posted : 8/18/2011 2:15:53 PM

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They are separate strains, and yes, cielo is often more potent.

#3 Posted : 8/18/2011 2:37:24 PM

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I am still experimenting with different caapi strains. In my experience I have found Cielo (from Maya) to be strong, but nice at smaller-medium doses (30-60g). However when I dosed around 100g of Cielo I purged like crazy, puking probably 8 times and feeling extreme nausea for quite a while. So, I think Cielo is great, just don't over do it. Enjoy!

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#4 Posted : 8/18/2011 3:42:50 PM

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thanks...didn't notice the existing thread.

I think I'll go for the yellow...I like the idea of a whole piece of vine Smile
#5 Posted : 8/19/2011 8:07:35 AM

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I've experienced two distinctly different varieties of cielo--one was probably chock full of harmaline, I purged like I have never purged in my life and had visuals without admixture that made me question the purpose of using admixture at all... I would sell a piece of my soul to have some of that cielo again (it told me, "I wasn't prepared to learn the secrets." :evil: )

I think some people DO use yellow/cielo interchangably... but I have also read that cielo is "sky" Caapi, used for magic.

Furthermore, the cielo I am using now, is actually apparently white vine, but the people my vendor gets it from said use the name interchangably. I really like this one, but I also love white Caapi, so, go figure.

I guess you have to be there. Razz I can only wish I were there.
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#6 Posted : 8/19/2011 8:56:04 AM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I've experienced two distinctly different varieties of cielo--one was probably chock full of harmaline, I purged like I have never purged in my life and had visuals without admixture that made me question the purpose of using admixture at all.

heh heh, you summed up my experience with large doses of harmalas, and I think answered your own question. Admixture is a great thing because in order for harmalas to become really visionary/psychedelic, you'll probably have to get sicker than you've ever been. This is not fun for most. I once ate about 12g of Syrian Rue. The purge was unimaginable. There were some beautiful moments, but most visions were of my insides being dried out and dying. Also, the psychedelic effects wore off after about 2 hours, but I felt like I had the worst flu ever for about 12 hours.

hmmmmm.... now that that experience is well behind me, I kind of have fond feelings for it. It was in fact, rejuvinating. Harmalas are healing. Maybe I'll work with big doses of harmalas. Some caapi fans seem fond of drinking it until they throw up. But if I take huge harmala doses again, it will be extract. I will not endure rue barf again.
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