I've experienced two distinctly different varieties of cielo--one was probably chock full of harmaline, I purged like I have never purged in my life and had visuals without admixture that made me question the purpose of using admixture at all... I would sell a piece of my soul to have some of that cielo again (it told me, "I wasn't prepared to learn the secrets." :evil: )
I think some people DO use yellow/cielo interchangably... but I have also read that cielo is "sky" Caapi, used for magic.
Furthermore, the cielo I am using now, is actually apparently white vine, but the people my vendor gets it from said use the name interchangably. I really like this one, but I also love white Caapi, so, go figure.
I guess you have to be there.

I can only wish I were there.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test