How do I keep messing this up? Options
#1 Posted : 8/5/2011 6:40:51 PM


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I brewed a pound of what was sold as yellow vine but looked much more like red vine, compared to the yellow and red vines I have gotten before. I drove it down to ~300ml which I had calculated to be 6ish doses at 75g a dose. Three of us drank the vine and ~9gram doses of chaliponga. An hour and a half later we only feel the somatic weirdness and a general indifferentiated tryptamine buzz. I ground ~6 grams harmala for the other two and drank the rest of the vine with a second dose of chaliponga for everyone. The harmala was put into an 7 capsules accidentally and split 4/3. My wife took 4 and our friend took 3.

I know the issue was insufficient maoi from the caapi, due to the fact that my wife had a full experience whereas our friend and I has only threshold experiences. My question is: how do I keep making weak caapi? I just can't seem to pull it off, only once have I gotten it. I cooked 3x3hr, used lemon juice on te last two washes, and still nada.

What am I doing wrong or am I just not destined to cook vine?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.

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#2 Posted : 8/5/2011 7:56:11 PM

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same here-what gives?
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#3 Posted : 8/5/2011 8:09:44 PM

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Aya is a tricky one for sure. I've wasted a LOT of aya by brewing it wrong.

I think the key is to not worry about the time as much as the pulls.

I could be wrong here.. if so, some more experienced members please correct me..

But I personally think the ticket is to crush the caapi as much as possible and fill the pot with as much water as possible and boil it down to where it's just barely covering the plant matter. Collect this and do it again at least 3 more times but preferably more.

As long as the liquid at the end of the boil still has color, it's still pulling something.

From my experience it takes about 2.5 hours to boil down a pot of liquid at a reasonable boiling rate. Reasonable being not too low (just simmering) but not too high either (rapid boil)... Somewhere in between...

So if you do a total of 5 pulls it should take roughly 12.5 hours not including the reduction of all of the pulls. I think that the extra boiling time really pays off in the end.

When using the 4:1 caapi it seems that only two good boils are required to get all of the goodies out using the same method.
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#4 Posted : 8/5/2011 10:01:32 PM


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First, what do you mean "4:1" , and I saved the mud from the brew. Do you think that if i did another 2 Pulls on it and took it all as a single dose it would be enough to activate the DMT?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#5 Posted : 8/5/2011 11:50:57 PM

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When I say 4:1 I am referring to the 4:1 ayahuasca extract available from the vendor mentioned in post #18 of this thread

I don't know if the sludge alone would be worth much but I would definitely throw it into the next brew. From what I understand, it's good practice to keep rebrewing any sediment that forms.
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
#6 Posted : 8/6/2011 12:24:56 AM

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I know in the amazon some curranderos might tell you that you have a blockage. The medicine will focus on that first and in turn open you up to be more receptive down the road.

"An hour and a half later we only feel the somatic weirdness and a general indifferentiated tryptamine buzz."

So you did have an experience..just not the crazy sort of psychedelic expereince most westerners expect. Remember, although ayahuasca can definatily obliterate you in that way, that is definatily not the main effect that is sought after amongst the people who use it traditionally. Ayahuasca gives you what you need, not what you want. Sometimes crazy visuals and lightshows are not what we need. I find that physical blocks in the body can become the focus of an expereince at times, and until they are worked through you wont necessarily get into the deeper visionary levels. Open eye visuals etc like that found with smoked DMT are not always present with ayahuasca either..sometimes they are..other times the effects you describe are common until you lay down in the dark in a quiet place. Then the true visions manifest..they are NOTHING like visuals and with open eyes you might not have any visuals..yet still be able to lay down and have amazingly realistic visions. After you work with ayahuasca enough you can learn how to do can actaully go lay down and go into that is something you get better and better at in a sense.

Dont be so quick to assume a particular experience was not successful. Ayahuasca works as a medicine on the body as much as it does on the mind. It is a medicine that goes far beyond what we call "psychedelic" effects. It seems clear that ayahuasca was working on you, however subtle it may have been experienced psychologically. Keep drinking. Ayauhasca is not necessarily a 1 or 2 or even 10 time thing. It is a relationship that developes over time. Be patient. Ayahuasca is so much more than just a crazy oral DMT trip.

Dont worry if you dont get super deep into it at firsst at all..because once it does grab you by the balls that way, you are in for one hell of a freaking ride..ayahausca can blow smoked DMT away like a blade of grass, but it does not necessarily always go that way. When it does you might be somewhat thankful you got to know it in a less in your face fashion first.

Rebrewing the sediment is a good idea as well..I find there is always alkaloids left in it..
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 8/6/2011 12:38:40 AM

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"I know the issue was insufficient MAOI from the caapi"

I can almost guarantee you that was not the case. If you had not consumed enough harmalas you most likely would have not felt anything at all..def not "somatic weirdness and a general indifferentiated tryptamine buzz"..I would say that if it had anything to do with ingrediants it was that you had not consumed enough admixture. Not all chaliponga going around seems to be that potent at all. I have heard of some people having to dose it as if it is psychotria..I have had real potent chaliponga though.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 8/6/2011 1:45:42 AM

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one more thing..are you fasting before you drink? A common misconception is that fasting makes the medicine more does not. Fasting actaully descreases the effect of the brew often becasue the alkaloids get sort of bound up in the liver and are not digested. I find fasting to really reduce the effects. I dont eat any meats or breads or dairy ever so i dont have to worry about eating heavy or low vibrational foods, and I would not recomend having them before a ceremony. I do eat a small bowl of fruits like berries a little while before I drink though. I definatily do not eat alot before hand, but I do make sure I have eaten something or the brew is less effective. This is a consistant thing I find. Many curranderos actaully eat before a ceremony.

Eating some fruit can also help to kick a brew in. Take a few bites of an apple or eat some grapes etc, and maybe even drink a little bit more right after if you are not deep enough. Some say to eat buttered bread, but I wouldnt do that personally. I would eat something healthy and light. A small spoonful of olive oil works for some people.
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#9 Posted : 8/6/2011 2:17:01 AM

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AluminumFoilRobots wrote:
I brewed a pound of what was sold as yellow vine but looked much more like red vine, compared to the yellow and red vines I have gotten before. I drove it down to ~300ml which I had calculated to be 6ish doses at 75g a dose. Three of us drank the vine and ~9gram doses of chaliponga. An hour and a half later we only feel the somatic weirdness and a general indifferentiated tryptamine buzz. I ground ~6 grams harmala for the other two and drank the rest of the vine with a second dose of chaliponga for everyone. The harmala was put into an 7 capsules accidentally and split 4/3. My wife took 4 and our friend took 3.

I know the issue was insufficient maoi from the caapi, due to the fact that my wife had a full experience whereas our friend and I has only threshold experiences. My question is: how do I keep making weak caapi? I just can't seem to pull it off, only once have I gotten it. I cooked 3x3hr, used lemon juice on te last two washes, and still nada.

What am I doing wrong or am I just not destined to cook vine?

maybe i missed this form earlier posts but how did you break up the vine? it seems like an obvious thing but ive seen other people simply try to boil the vine whole. Laughing
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#10 Posted : 8/6/2011 9:03:06 AM


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Ah, you guys said exactly what was kicking around in the back of my head!

And the dearest part of the whole experience that I was trying to deny by this post was realizing how wonderfully sweet it is that I could show my wife this altenate/home universe that I love so dearly. I remembered the way I felt the first time i went in... That certain indescribable crispness tghT is imbued into everything... Actually, this was a really powerful thing despite the subtlety, and I feel ashamed for having describe it as a fAilure.

The visuals/visions dichotomy has always intrigued me, like how there can be such stunningly perfect complex
Geometry and immersment in the sheer glowing awe, while at the same time being totally involved in bizarre and yet personnally meaningful scenarios that I am perceiving in the minds eye.

Oh, I am ashamed! This, and it is painfully darling how deeply connected one can be to such alien forms... But perhaps this means that somehow we are all connected to this blissful blooming thing and the fact that we see it is alien, no matter how pure our joy is, shows our decent from grace into entropy.

How I wish I could take it all back.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#11 Posted : 8/6/2011 9:10:24 AM


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Also, it is interesting to note that at certain point when my wife would (attempt to) describe what she was experiencing and I was just feeling joy that she had seen it finally, this thing so dear to me, I would literally "catch on" to her visuals... It was the strangest thing...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#12 Posted : 8/6/2011 6:28:51 PM

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wow thanks Fractal, what you said was very enlightening for me. I have not given up, I've been just taking the vine alone a few ounces a day and noticing the subtle effects and revisiting the effects that I discounted as nothing because they were not what I expected.

I had a radiation treatment for cancer yesterday, (not to worry, it's not bad), I drank about 4 oz before the treatment and it was a very interesting experience. Nothing too bizarre, just energy helping me to relax. I swear the dr working with me was feeling my relaxation, his behavior changed from the beginning of the treatment to the discussion at the end, but probably just my projection. By the end of the treatment I was so relaxed I felt like my body melted into the table.

When I told the dr what the radiation felt like when it hit my body he seemed astounded, he said no one usually feels anything.

I went to a book store after and was squatting down to look at books and when I stood I got a head rush and almost felt like I was gonna pass out. I think I actually may have slowed my heart rate, thus circulation.

Which reminds me, once, the night before I was to go for a CT scan I tried aya and thought the effects were very subtle. I went in the next day and my blood pressure was low. Not deadly low but usually it's a perfect 120 over 80 and it was like 97 over 70, which concerned the dr. I went for the CT scan they took blood pressure again and it was even lower, just a little, but I felt fine, I actually felt great.

I think I'll continue to take the vine (no admix) before treatments, I have to go for 22 treatments once a day for 22 days, 21 now. I may even take some after treatments in the evening before bed. I'm curious to see if I'll have different symptoms than other patients. Supposedly there are all these gradual effects I may notice. I may after a few treatments, in the evening take an admix of mhrb with the vine and see what happens.

Any ideas? It's interesting to be monitored by drs while doing this.

ps. it was because of DMT and shrooms that I found out I had cancer, they told me, I was surprised but I believed "them". Called the dr the next day, to get tested and much to the drs surprise I actually had a very early detection, stage 1, low grade lymphoma. a fucking miracle imo.
Upon return from hyperspace-"Wow I have a body with arms and legs and everything!"

btw-It's all true!
#13 Posted : 8/6/2011 7:10:24 PM

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Well I am glad the ayahuasca is helping you, and I wish you luck on your path to wellness.

You might find this Ananda Bosman interesting as he discusses the use of harmalas as an effective cancer treatment..
Long live the unwoke.
#14 Posted : 8/12/2011 11:18:19 PM


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that and I totally fucked up my arithmetic and totally underdosed everyone.

remember to double-check and use a calculator or pencil-and-paper. At least I have to.
it should have been 4 doses.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Fairly responsible Kratom user.

"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them."
in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
#15 Posted : 8/13/2011 12:22:50 AM

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I love the Ananda Bosman vids, I showed them to a friend who has leukemia - we are taking micro doses of caapi together and next week we'll try to extract rue. Do you think it's ok to micro take both together?
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btw-It's all true!
#16 Posted : 8/13/2011 12:43:41 AM

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I found this one interesting:
Ayahuasca, Indigenous Medicine, & Cancer: Preliminary Findings - Robert Forte
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#17 Posted : 8/13/2011 1:02:05 AM

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humblebee wrote:
I love the Ananda Bosman vids, I showed them to a friend who has leukemia - we are taking micro doses of caapi together and next week we'll try to extract rue. Do you think it's ok to micro take both together?

I dunno fr your friend but mixing rue or alcs. and caapi sounds algood to me.
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#18 Posted : 8/13/2011 6:53:26 AM

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[quote=fractal enchantment] Post# 6

BRAVO FRACTAL!! You are an excellent ambassador for Ayahuasca!
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