Working with sexual abstinence Options
#41 Posted : 7/31/2011 4:42:53 PM

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then it becomes what you call RIDING THE ORGASAM
your whole body becomes overly excited and bliss can be felt everywhere for no reason ,i feel at times like i am being pulled up and a gentle feeling of floating starts for no reason

Feels like a really drawn out orgasm!

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#42 Posted : 7/31/2011 6:24:47 PM

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I have not had sex in almost two years, and I think there is a very good possibility that I will never have sex again. I have learned more about myself, and worked through more emotional issues than I ever would have had I been in a serious relationship the past two years.

Each person has different issues and problems to overcome. As a result, I feel each person should adjust their rituals in whatever way leads to the most positive personal growth.

I masturbate about once a week or so to prevent the innate sexual desire from overtaking my life. For me, abstaining from sex is the result of my decision to stay single so I can continue to work on myself, not because I feel avoiding orgasm will help me mentally, physically, or spiritually.

I will admit that I have had "one-night" stands in the past, but having sex just for the sake of sex made me feel about as dirty as a night of cocaine use (as a result, I don't partake in either activity anymore Wink )It may sound morbid, but I look at masturbation as a task like laundry (and ironically, one of these tasks often leads to the other Shocked )

I think it is an absolutely beautiful thing when two people can come together in the act of love-making and exchange energy for the mutual benefit and spiritual elevation of each other. Fractal Enchants and Minx's relationship is like a living work of art that can help spread love throughout the world.

On the other hand, I'm sure many people could/have benefited from completely avoiding orgasm for a period of time. Whatever works!

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#43 Posted : 7/31/2011 7:13:46 PM

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to above: sexual abstinence can relate also to masturbation. Most probably will not refuse a good night with a partner right away Smile
#44 Posted : 7/31/2011 7:41:01 PM

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Good words everybody!

@Tele, what you said about the one night stand bothers me. I've always felt like one night stands are pretty much like masturbation, they're great And all but I really have seen no point in them. Don't get me wrong, I'll take sex over masturbation any day but in the end what was really accomplished? I feel that if I'm in a situation that may lead to sex during this period I will actually be able to turn it down. Normally I'd totally go for it, but not now. And I mean abstinence from all sexual release.

For those of you that mentioned nocturnal emissions, do you count that as a failure of abstinence? I've personally never had a wet dream. Not sure i ever will. My dreams take on a sexual note around the time I'm waking up so maybe that's when it'd happen. Sometimes waking with morning wood is uncomfortable, especially now since I don't want it.
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#45 Posted : 7/31/2011 9:22:59 PM

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To above: I didn't refer to one night stands, I referred to sex in general. I've never had one night experiences myself, so I don't know about that.
However I think one should definately get to know the person well before spending the night with the person, at least that's what I would do before "doing it".
#46 Posted : 7/31/2011 11:25:19 PM

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Oh Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree that getting to know someone before sex is what makes it rewarding. I've had one night stands before, usually when drunk, and afterwards I feel nothing was accomplished. Nowadays, sex with someone that is not in a relationship with me is after getting to know them for a time. Sex is way to personal to just do it to get your rocks off.
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#47 Posted : 8/1/2011 7:18:58 AM

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Jin wrote:
i have worked with sexual abstinence , sometimes going for 60 days or so , generally i have sex or masturbate weekly atleast , i like using the energy to my advantage during the week when i am working as this energy helps a lot in work and everything , and weekends are like releasing time

also when going on abstinence for long periods , all i can say is it is dangerous in a way , i call this energy mad energy or madness itself when your filled to the brim with it , i have felt so powerful and angered i could have beaten down a dozen human beings by myself (and i am really a peaceful guy), also during long periods of abstinence i have noticed my whole body becomes overly sensitized or just feeling bliss all over in the body for nothing , marijuana and a vegetarian diet is a must if you are planning to be abstinent and also one has to control his sleep to better control his nocturnal emissions , 4 hours of sleep is the ideal time if your are planning to be abstinent otherwise sleeping for 6 or 8 hours definetly leads to nocturnal emissions (also the more time you spend being abstinent truly , the lesser you sleep)

this kind of thing is good if you wanna ride the orgasm , for that is what sexual abstinence is , if you're totally abstinent and also control nocturnal emissions , then it becomes what you call RIDING THE ORGASAM
your whole body becomes overly excited and bliss can be felt everywhere for no reason ,i feel at times like i am being pulled up and a gentle feeling of floating starts for no reason , at times it feels like the universe will just open up and i will be pulled to another diemension automatically (though it has not happened yet ) , also mind starts working really differently and sometimes its hard to control oneself (specially for me ) because the energy is really mad and can lead to controling you , so be careful , its harmless but can be dangerous for the unprepared , it is mad energy just pure raw power , remember its only power , pure power so be careful

heh heh, yeah man, you know what I'm sayin. In my bout of abstinence, I would go through nights that were like endless orgasms. I would be semi asleep, basking in this realm where my whole body felt like it was in permanent orgasm. I was lying there panting and drooling. It was mad. I didn't even know such a thing could happen. And dmt is like a sex supercharger for me as well. Combining those two things have led to universe shattering experiences. The visions I would have. Oh my goodness!!!!!! But after a few weeks, my mind and body became so flooded with sex hormones, I didn't want anymore of this "abstinence".

Having said that, I'm ready for another bout of "abstinence" for August. It's interesting reading about other peoples views on abstinence, but personally, I don't see how abstinence will do anything but make a person even MORE sexual. It may be a higher quality sexuality, but more sexual still. That's fine with me. I ain't complainin..... but in three weeks or so, I'll probably be ready to throw in the towel. I've found myself more sensitive to sex, more multi orgasmic, after my abstinence. Again, another reason to support my theory that abstinence only makes a person more sexual. However, having said that, I do feel I am less pre occupied with petty sexuality, and only concerned with high quality stuff.... but it's still sex, non the less, whether more spiritual or not. I also like the feeling of having a lot of sex hormones stored up. I feel more energetic.
#48 Posted : 8/1/2011 9:57:08 PM


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Apoc wrote:

In my bout of abstinence, I would go through nights that were like endless orgasms. I would be semi asleep, basking in this realm where my whole body felt like it was in permanent orgasm. I was lying there panting and drooling. It was mad. I didn't even know such a thing could happen.

yes,yes that is what i have felt too , however i still have not consumed any psychadelic in this state , i am truly afraid i might explode , so for me i keep away from psychadelics when being abstinent , however that might change soon now

Apoc wrote:

I don't see how abstinence will do anything but make a person even MORE sexual. It may be a higher quality sexuality, but more sexual still. That's fine with me. I ain't complainin..... but in three weeks or so, I'll probably be ready to throw in the towel. I've found myself more sensitive to sex, more multi orgasmic, after my abstinence. Again, another reason to support my theory that abstinence only makes a person more sexual. However, having said that, I do feel I am less pre occupied with petty sexuality, and only concerned with high quality stuff.... but it's still sex, non the less, whether more spiritual or not. I also like the feeling of having a lot of sex hormones stored up. I feel more energetic.

i agree with you totally , being sexually abstinent does make me more sexual , and also a greater quality of sexuality no doubt , it just feels like raw power that becomes multiorgasmic bliss when i am lying in the bed , great inspiration and confidence when i am at work ,

Morbiddoctor wrote:
For those of you that mentioned nocturnal emissions, do you count that as a failure of abstinence? I've personally never had a wet dream. Not sure i ever will. My dreams take on a sexual note around the time I'm waking up so maybe that's when it'd happen.

yes i consider nocturnal emissions a failure of true abstinence , but the orgasmic feeling in the body is still there even if nocturnal emissions do happen as i my case many a times , and yes you are waking up at the right time otherwise nocturnal emissions would happen as sleeping too long allows you to have wet dreams, but there are people who never have nocturnal emissions (i don't understand how but some people body chemistry is different )
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#49 Posted : 10/14/2011 5:16:48 AM

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Apoc wrote:
It's interesting reading about other peoples views on abstinence, but personally, I don't see how abstinence will do anything but make a person even MORE sexual. It may be a higher quality sexuality, but more sexual still. That's fine with me. I ain't complainin..... but in three weeks or so, I'll probably be ready to throw in the towel. I've found myself more sensitive to sex, more multi orgasmic, after my abstinence. Again, another reason to support my theory that abstinence only makes a person more sexual.

I don't know about that...there are many factors involved.

In my experience, being a 30 year old male, I personally find the opposite to be the case. I used to masturbate a couple times a week in my teens and early twenties, but as I approached 30 my sex drive plummeted and stayed low, even after I was married. Also, the more I got into spiritual practices, the less interested in sex I became.

I no longer masturbate at all, not because I have any moral/spiritual issues against it, it's just that I'm almost never horny, even though I don't have sex very often (1X/month) The longer I go without orgasm, the more "spiritual" I feel, and the less interested in sex I become. When I do make love to my wife, it's never "just fucking" and is always a powerful spiritual bonding experience.

I believe that when abstaining from orgasm, as long as you don't "tease yourself" by thinking about sex or looking at porn, you won't be repressing sexual energy. It's possible experienced meditators/spiritual practitioners don't get horny very often or experience wet dreams because they don't tease themselves and also are probably transmuting the sexual energy into higher forms through their spiritual exercises/practices.

I think it's important to use sexual energy wisely.
#50 Posted : 12/1/2011 7:14:02 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
In the end, the fire becomes so hot that it didn't even feel like sexual desire anymore. It feels like pain, anger, frustration, obsession, even rage and madness. Then I felt shamed to have such feelings, and helpless.

But that drastically changes over time, as you grow accustomed to abstaining! I can now do 1 week+ without any real problems. It does not make me angry, it gives me more appreciation for people and...interestingly enough - decreases lust for porn and increases lust for real encounters. It is really strange.
Great to see more people experiencing with it. I think it can be a real mind bender to do this exercice several times per year. It really helps to develop a better kind of sexuality i feel.

I found it much easier to experiment with fasting (3 weeks water fast) than sexual abstinence. For me and I suspect pretty much every other guy, the urge is very, very strong. Fasting was child's play in comparison, by the 3rd day you don't really feel hungry anymore.

This is still something I'm curious about, but for me it's been fail after fail after fail, lol. Most I gone without was 8 days or soMad

I too start feeling more aggressive, it gets harder to concentrate too, mind's flooded with sexual images. I reckon it'd probably go away with time, but alas..
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