No more Conspiracy Theory topics on the DMT-Nexus! Options
The Traveler
#101 Posted : 6/3/2011 8:05:22 PM

"No, seriously"

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Sally wrote:
Well, I found this magazine at a local news stand today. Sorry Trav, I couldn't resist Twisted Evil

G, I keep getting busted in these threads. Laughing

And I think this thread is still civil enough. Cool

Kind regards,

The CT Traveler

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#102 Posted : 6/4/2011 4:08:16 PM
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Does this thread: is against the rules? If so, I'm very sorry and please delete it.
#103 Posted : 6/5/2011 12:45:06 AM

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Quality over quantity in this instance.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#104 Posted : 7/25/2011 1:38:26 PM

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OMG, what a gigantic FAIL-idea!
Just because Czepa likes FACTs instead of the official theorie.
I'm 100% on his side and can not understand why people are so unbelievable ignorant towards it.

I understand, that it doesn't make sense to try to convince people on the chatroom.

But for example, it gave me the opportunity to help him understand certain stuff, regarding conversation.

To me, everything is an opportunity - if some members rather IGNORE people instead of helping them understand - we should make a poll here.

And as I previously statet, i believe we can discuss CTs here! Altough in the 9/11 case its NOT CT and the MODS should see that.
(no need to discuss my point here, I'm convinced, if you are not, read read read, i don't want to discuss it, since it isn't allowed yet Very happy )

A special section which can be disabled should be fine! I'd love to dissect the bullshit from the truth.


elusive illusion
#105 Posted : 7/25/2011 5:54:55 PM

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kyrolima wrote:
And as I previously statet, i believe we can discuss CTs here! Altough in the 9/11 case its NOT CT and the MODS should see that.

I don't believe we can, as per the Attitude. Whether or not we should is your opinion, which thankfully does not have the majority sway here.

kyrolima wrote:
A special section which can be disabled should be fine! I'd love to dissect the bullshit from the truth.

Who's truth? Does it matter if all it does is creates disharmony? As has been explained, ad infinitum, certain topics cannot be disused in a sane logical manner. Let's stick to what this site is about: DMT
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#106 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:20:02 PM

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"And as I previously statet, i believe we can discuss CTs here! Altough in the 9/11 case its NOT CT and the MODS should see that."

Is that what this is about? You must be living under a rock to not see that.
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#107 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:29:51 PM

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I don't see people arguing here with each other just because someone claims that some theory about an event or issue is right or wrong.
It's all about HOW we discuss it-
I firmly believe in intelligent discussion and it should not stop, not even for "CTs".

It's all a matter how we set our standarts for discussion -
let's play!
elusive illusion
#108 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:32:51 PM

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Let's not.
The Traveler wrote:
I will remove them for these reasons:
* In the end, they only have a negative impact, many parts of a CT can never be proven or disproven resulting in people getting angry at each other because of some statements in a movie.
* It attracts the wrong kind of people to this forum. These so called 'truthers', who behave like Jehovas, roam the internet for CT topics to tell other people 'The Truth'. These people are not welcome here.
* This website is about DMT and other entheogens, NOT about things like 9/11, Big Pharma, etc.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#109 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:36:50 PM

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I believe this is NOT about the Traveler, but what do WE as a community want.
To be honest: I don't care, altought i'd like to see discussions about it here. People adding more and more facts and toughts around certain political and social topics!

It's perfect to discuss, imo
elusive illusion
#110 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:40:31 PM


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Please remember that this is The Travelers website so therefore whatever he says goes. He has a rule for the forum that no conspiracy theory topics are allowed.

I am not sure how moderators take care of it in the forum, but for the chat, if a member refuses to stop discussing them after a warning, I temporarily suspend them from the chat. The reason these topics are not allowed on this forum is 1) This is the DMT-Nexus, not the Conspiracy-Nexus, and 2) The topics get so heated and end up dividing people. They are really not necessary on this forum.

If you wish to discuss them, there are a PLETHORA of other places on the internet DEDICATED to these kinds of topics. Let us focus on what we do best here folks! <3
The Traveler
#111 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:44:21 PM

"No, seriously"

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kyrolima wrote:
I believe this is NOT about the Traveler, but what do WE as a community want.
To be honest: I don't care, altought i'd like to see discussions about it here. People adding more and more facts and toughts around certain political and social topics!

It's perfect to discuss, imo

The problem is that those 'facts' can almost never be proven, after which the discussion will turn into a yes it is/no it ain't stalemate with a lot of heat and bad emotions.

I will not allow this to happen on the DMT-Nexus. This site is to talk about DMT and other entheogens. If you really have an urge to talk about CT's, try this: Google

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#112 Posted : 7/25/2011 6:57:07 PM

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I see your point and I totally understand the reasoning behind it!
Still I believe you are a little too anxious and probably underestimate the integrity of everyone of us.
elusive illusion
The Traveler
#113 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:05:47 PM

"No, seriously"

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kyrolima wrote:
I see your point and I totally understand the reasoning behind it!
Still I believe you are a little too anxious and probably underestimate the integrity of everyone of us.

Looking at the past CT topics discussed here, seeing how rapidly they declined and turned into a pit-fight I would say other wise. There is a reason why they became banned, this rule became active after several CT threads ruined the peace here on the DMT-Nexus.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#114 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:13:53 PM

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so I guess we can discuss only political subjects as indorsed by the government. Instead os saying no CT..becasue that is what this really boils down to.

There is alot about 911 that is NOT adding up and there are respectable scientitst backing up these "CT's"..I dont concider that CT..if people cant openly discuss these things at least somewhere here than I question the level of discussion here on the whole, and if my desire to be here as run out.
Long live the unwoke.
#115 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:14:57 PM

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This is just people NOT knowing how to discuss. Maybe it's lacking self-reflection,

the idea of NOT knowing and TRYING to convince the other of their opinion, so one does not have to discuss purely on a rational basis...

Anyhow, if it doesn't work HERE, why should it work somewhere else?
We were pioneers in many things - why not work on this subject.

But yeah, probably it would be EASIER to leave it to the policy the nexus has been pursueing up until now -

Doesn't matter anyway Rolling eyes
elusive illusion
The Traveler
#116 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:18:21 PM

"No, seriously"

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fractal enchantment wrote:
so I guess we can discuss only political subjects as indorsed by the government. Instead os saying no CT..becasue that is what this really boils down to.

Why would you state that? We discuss entheogens here that are mainly forbidden by almost all governments in the world.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Traveler
#117 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:20:51 PM

"No, seriously"

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kyrolima wrote:
This is just people NOT knowing how to discuss. Maybe it's lacking self-reflection,

the idea of NOT knowing and TRYING to convince the other of their opinion, so one does not have to discuss purely on a rational basis...

I'm afraid then that we have to suspend at least half of the DMT-Nexus when we try that. When it comes to emotions and not being able to backup 'facts' for 100% it's pretty hard to keep a healthy debate going on.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#118 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:29:57 PM


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I don't understand what is so hard about this.

There are literally thousands of places online with people who want to discuss all the ins and outs of that tragic decade old event. This is the DMT nexus and the rules clearly state this is a topic that is off limits for discussion in this forum.

To quote the flag waving South Park rednecks "if you don't like it, you can git out!" Laughing Wink Very happy <3 ♥
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#119 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:34:14 PM

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I can see both sides of the story here.

While I think that CT's are an important part of raising ones awareness and building critical thinking skills, I also believe that a peaceful community is also important.

The problem with CT's as Traveler stated, is that it is very hard to "prove" what is true and what isn't.

Like the first Zeitgeist films for instance... There were a LOT of claims that no one could really back up.
With the latest Zeitgeist film, they took all of the bullshit out and kept it as fact based as possible.

The topic of the new Zeitgeist: Moving Forward was allowed to stay because there really isn't much to argue about.

Instead of arguing about whether we should allow discussion of CT's, I believe that the best route would be to utilize the threads that already exist to share the documentaries that we feel are important and why we believe they are important.

The Official Must See Documentary is about the most important thread on the Nexus imo. It is a great resource to raise our awareness but to also keep things civilized.
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The Traveler
#120 Posted : 7/25/2011 7:38:45 PM

"No, seriously"

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If you check this thread about the banning of CT's you will see this post. Let me copy paste that one here since it's a pretty good one:

endlessness wrote:
Correct me if im wrong, but I dont think The Traveler is saying that we cannot absolutely talk about things that are related to our key subjects here, when there are productive discussions to be had (so for example the subject of pharmaceutical industry can come up at some point or another), specially when there's any tangible information/facts to debate... What is unwanted, and thats why Traveler is making clear, is all these 'same-old' conspiracy stories with too many claims and too little evidence, that get boring quick and go nowhere except riling up strong emotions and killing the nice atmosphere we have here

^ Thats the whole idea indeed.

Saidin wrote:
Censorship is bad....mmmmkay?

Which is better? To disclipine some members who cannot play nice on an internet forum? Or restrict the free flow of ideas?

I love the free flow of ideas, and if there is a good debate where people back up their claims with actual data instead of Youtube movies and vague statistics from disputable sites then it would agree that we can allow them. Unfortunately what we see now is that both sides are digging in and start a trench war. Of course I can suspend all people involved over and over again but by then the nice atmosphere we have is already tainted, also as a results of the suspensions we will see debates starting about the suspensions and why that was the right thing to do or not.Rolling eyes

Kind regards,

The Traveler
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