Repeated Failed Pharmahusca Options
#1 Posted : 7/21/2011 3:57:38 PM
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Hi :o)

I am keen to share a Pharmahusca experience with my girlfriend when we plan to camp out in a yurt with nature later this year.

I did my first STB to obtain my DMT (it is not the purest by any means, but 80-100mg easily gets you to hyperspace, so it isn't rubbish) and I purchased some Syrian Rue x10 extract.

Both of us have only experienced smoked DMT. I wanted to test the water of Pharmahusca.

A little info on me. I weight only 63kg but used to trip a lot and hard. My youthful days LOVED IT! So I was use to upto 20 microdots over a weekend or, 1g of Ketamin at a time. Tried to eat 1000 Liberty Caps one time but got too full after 400 or so. I used to like large amounts basically, and always found them managable, the more I took the more managable it became often. This was all way back in my irresponsible days.

So back to my testing. I ate 300mg of my Syrian Rue x10 extract (in a rizzla) and 45 minutes later ate 70mg DMT (also in a rizzla). I could feel the Rue but that's as far as it went. I didn't fast but I did watch what I ate all day. I had no sickness at all. Lasted no more than 2 hours at the very most. Very dissappointed.

A few days later I decided to try again. This time I upped the Rue to 500mg which I simmered in a tea for 15 minutes. I weighted 150mg of DMT and dissolved in lemon water and took them about 30 minutes apart. Again pretty much nothing. I felt the Rue again but the DMT was marginal at best. This again lasted about 2 hours with no sickness.

I waited a while for the next one determined to get something. I think I weighted out between 600-700 of Rue (I know too much but was worried I wasn't MAO inhibited and as it never gave me stomach problems I thought what the hell). I then weighted 275mg DMT I wrapped both in rizzla and took them about 30 minutes apart. I could feel the Rue working before I took the DMT.

This time I did get something but would call it threshold. It kept promising to go places but never did. The room was bright and colourful, there was a definate DMT feel to everything. No patterns or geometry and certainly no entities. I was a little wobbley and frequently had the urge to get up and dance around, which I did. There was that metalic taste I occasionally get smoking, though often think that comes down to purity of product. It kind of came in waves and was upligting and nice, then nothing, then maybe sometimes, then dance around a bit etc etc. It lasted about 3 hours tops I think and again I was really dissappointed.

What am I doing wrong? Also I am worried that my girlfriend might take it and it will blow her well beyond where she is comfortable.

I have thought perhaps I should take both at the same time as this seems to work for some people?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated :o)

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/21/2011 7:04:07 PM

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from what i see your using rue 10x for all these experiments.
thats garbage either aquire some pure harmalas and
start off at 200-300mgs harmine/100 harmaline and raise or extract what you have pure and use that.
those extracts are never reliable.

be careful with the spice dose, i find it better to have a set spice dose like 50-75 at first and just keep raising the dose for the
MAOI until you know you have the dose that is YOUR full MAOI

dont get me wrong ive heard some people need 100mgs+

so then you can raise the spice dose.
but starting safe is always good.

people will be taking 100-200 mgs of DMT without full MAOI then one day they get full MAOI and you are blow away.

you can also do a re-x if you want. 80-100mgs for smoked sounds like way too much, but depends HOW you are smoking/vaping it to

#3 Posted : 7/21/2011 8:09:41 PM
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Thanks for your reply Frac7alt1m3

I didn't want to buy the extract at all but was all I could find at a reasonable price. For the seeds the prices seemed extortionate. I have found a far better vendor now though so I will invest in the seeds.

However, with that said I definately felt the Syrian Rue working in all my attempts. I would like to do an extract though to get the harmine/harmaline to dose better.

I have read many reports of people getting such varying results from allsorts of different dosing too. I did start with just 70mg but as not working have been upping and upping.

I don't know how much of the Rue you should be feeling as too know it has worked as an MAOI. I suppose it differs from person to person.

Also I will be recyrstallising my spice but don't have the time yet. I am not too concerned though as know it works and just need to weight out more to ammend for the impurities.

I will order the seeds now I think and not use the extract again... unless I can extract the harmalas from the extract?
#4 Posted : 7/21/2011 8:27:08 PM

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i bought 10x before and tried pharma with no success so i know where your comin from.
im pretty sure you can extract from that.
i actually still have like 3 grams of that stuff most of it is my friends, i forgot to try to get the goodies out of it.

there's no way i can tell when i have full MAOI, i just eat 250-300mgs of harmine and 45 minutes later eat around 75 mgs of spice.

you should try acquire pure harmalas, its the best way to go for dosing.
as for the whole seeds ive only drunk the tea a few times or extracted.
#5 Posted : 7/21/2011 9:20:18 PM

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Dready, the prices of rue seeds from online vendors can be extremely high. It's often better to find local halal or Middle Eastern grocery stores that will sell them extremely cheaply.

Good luck!
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#6 Posted : 7/21/2011 10:40:36 PM

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It does sound like your rue is working to the extent that you can feel it, and you're using it in dosage ranges that should well inhibit MAO. Here's what my suggestion would be. Take your rue, wait 10-15 min, consume your DMT. Wait an hour. Vape some DMT. If the experience is only like a "normal" DMT experience, then the rue extract is definitely your issue. If not, you should find yourself well into hyperspace. Personally I always dose a little low on the DMT end because then I just vape some and in a few hits, I'm fully immersed in hyperspace.
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#7 Posted : 10/16/2011 11:55:37 AM


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tried pharma twice now and failed both. first 200mg maoi 60mg fb 2nd attempt 200mg maoi 100mg fb. any suggestions? my maoi is caapi extract, i think it works i smoked some spice after taking some and had a 25-30 minute trip.
as above, so below
#8 Posted : 10/16/2011 11:58:05 AM


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Try taking 100-200mg 30 minutes before ingesting another 50mg extract with your DMT.

Although, don't use freebase. Throw it in some lemonade or something to acidify for a couple hours before drinking it, make sure to stir well.

If you preload harmala, and then dose with an acid and not a freebase, I think you won't fail.
#9 Posted : 10/19/2011 4:52:17 PM

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Yes, make sure to acidify. Squeeze half a lemon (or a lime, whichever you prefer) into a shot glass and put the molecule in the desired amount in the juice, stir it occasionally over a few hours (3+, the longer the better) allowing time for the reaction to occur. It is important that the DMT is a salt, the same is true in ayahuasca. There is a wonderful diagram that someone wonderful posted that I am going to dig up and link.
#10 Posted : 10/26/2011 12:32:55 PM


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I've been having the same problems as DreadyMofo. I compare to my first successful experience with pharma, which was with 200mg harmine and 60mg dmt fumarate, dissolved in grapefruit juice and water, respectively, and taken 20 minutes apart.

My last couple of experiences have not had the same intensity, and I'm trying to identify the error. I've gotten hold of some caapi extract, instead of pure harmine, but this should only make things better, right?
My last setup was this, as inspired by ۩:
t=0: 150mg caapi pre-load; taken with water
t=30: 50mg caapi + 70mg dmt fumarate; drank with water
t=40: had a small piece of fruit to get digestion going
Because of the horrible taste of the molecules, I've been dosing them in gel caps, but this shouldn't make it less potent, should it?
This, and similar variations of administration has been tried on 3-4 occasions recently, but neither came close to my first experience in intensity.
So maybe the pure harmine inhibits better than caapi (sounds weird though).
I'm thinking maybe I should up the DMT dose (kind of weird, as I had a great experience with 60mg the first time).

Happy for any help here Smile
#11 Posted : 12/18/2011 1:02:12 AM

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Deadly Mofo,

Some people need up to 500mg of DMT! You might be one of them! It is not that uncommon. BUT, I think more common that someone getting decent effects from 60mg.

Sounds like your MAO is working... is the 10x extract a manske extract? I haven't heard of anyone needing more than 500mg of a relatively pure manske, but you might want to up your dose till you are *really* feeling that... even slightly nauseous.

*AS I KEEP SAYING HERE! 60mg is NOT ###ENOUGH### for $most$ people. You will likely need 150mg to get to where you want to go. If you only need 60mg to get you somewhere visionary, you are either one of the very few who is ultra sensitive, or one who is inexperienced with "altered states of consciousness" and is freaked out by seeing the slight closed eyed visuals.
#12 Posted : 12/18/2011 4:57:46 AM

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Who needs 500mg? I have never heard of these people.. I think that is really NOT normal at all and they most likely need more harmalas..I bet though, that there are people like this out there that need 500mg..but it must be real rare, and I have no idea what is going on there..I cant imagine..
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#13 Posted : 12/18/2011 5:04:09 AM

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Why would anyone eat a rizzla? This is NOT an efficient method IMO..

Dissolve the rue and the DMT in some juice or something..take the rue first, wait..then 20 minutes later take the DMT. Also 10x rue extract might not really be 10x..might be 4 or 5 or 6x in reality. Do a manske if oyu really want to be sure of how much you are taking..

By the sounds of it you are not having enough harmalas. You can try to eat a bit of something after taking the DMT as well to help kick it in.
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#14 Posted : 12/18/2011 10:56:22 PM


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jamie wrote:
Why would anyone eat a rizzla? This is NOT an efficient method IMO.. Dissolve the rue and the DMT in some juice or something..

Some use rizzla (my cat included) because earlier juicy experiences with following nausea have built up too strong a gag reflex for that taste.
#15 Posted : 5/24/2012 4:22:14 AM

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And there are some with natural high tolerances. I'm a 200mg orally kind of entity to get a good buzz.
When I vape via GVG as well.
It takes 80-100 mg to get me into hyperspace even slightly. That's why I prefer jungle spice as it has a bit more byte to it and lasts longer but that's another subject.
#16 Posted : 6/22/2012 11:55:40 AM

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Who needs 500mg? I have never heard of these people.. I think that is really NOT normal at all and they most likely need more harmalas..I bet though, that there are people like this out there that need 500mg..but it must be real rare, and I have no idea what is going on there..I cant imagine..

It might be something like 3% of the population, but these people exist. Normally they are guys, with big bones and a big bodyweight. Often they are quite enmeshed in materialistic life. 400mg should do it for them. 500mg is often going to be strong for them.

I know one guy who needs 500mg to get just somewhere, he is small and skinny, of a sensitive constitution, and had heavy metal poisoining in his youth. Apart from that, which may or may not be a factor, who knows why some people need much more than others ? - evident experience will just communicate that they do. So, just keep dosing with the DMT until it works!
#17 Posted : 6/22/2012 12:24:06 PM

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If you usually need 2-300+mg for pharma, you should stop taking pharma, and next time dissolve the DMT in some caapi. First find out the right dosage of the caapi (by consuming a certain amount and finding the dosage where you start getting some tracers, light sensitivity, noticeable harmala effects but not too much that you cant even move from being so out of balance/control). When you have found your caapi dosage, next time just take 100-150mg DMT with your caapi, and you'll very possibly have a way stronger effect than with 300mg DMT in pharma.

I say this from experience, I'm skinny and have fast metabolism, and always need higher doses, but when I needed 300mg DMT to have decent effects I just thought something was wrong, and now with half that amount with caapi I get very good effects.

Im not sure if this is related to other minor substances in caapi acting synergistically or for some reason protecting DMT from MAOI action, or maybe something in caapi stimulates absorption, who knows. Try it out and let us know.
#18 Posted : 6/22/2012 5:55:59 PM

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I find both the harmala and DMT doses talked about on the net just way higher than I need in general. People say you need 3g for inhibition etc..well for me 1g of rue can activate DMT, but I will need to take more DMT than if I take 3g of rue..there are times when I prefer the minimal ammount of harmalas though and I do get away with it.

With DMT..well a few nights ago I had a good solid experience with deep and meaningful full color DMT visions with 2.5g mimosa. That can't be more than 50mg of DMT..I dont wiegh a whole lot though at all.
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#19 Posted : 6/23/2012 9:18:20 AM


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I have had sufficient MAO inhibition for activating oral freebase DMT from 2.8 grams of harmala, but 1.8 doesn't do the trick. Just yesterday I took a teaspoon of harmala and 8.4 grams of jurema and it wasn't really happening so I weighed it and it was around 1.8. I took another 1.5 grams and the jurema that wasn't kicking in all the way kicked in and it was a good trip.. I think I even ended up drinking a little more later in the night.

Jaime, I see a lot you mentioning needing really low doses to get effects, but I think you are in a (lucky!) minority there. I like to take around 3.5 grams of harmala but have taken like 6 before and it was ok... however 4.5 other times has been way too strong with lots of nausea so it's a little random I guess, probably due to body metabolism fluctuating day to day. I have also taken up to 12 grams of decent potency jurema without it being too strong for me, and I've taken up to 14.6 grams of chaliponga. That was absurdly too much, but it had some really good moments and even the negative parts were informative. But that was one ridiculous trip, a learning experience for sure. I wouldn't recommend that much chaliponga to anyone, that's for sure.
I don't know if I would really get anything too distinct from 2.5 grams mimosa honestly... I might feel it but I'm thinking I would have no visuals at that dose. Perhaps I'm underestimating it, as I haven't actually taken that low of a dose... I'll have to try sometime perhaps with as much as 3.5-4 grams of harmala.

However, I also think that someone taking 300-400 mg DMT for pharma is rather crazy. If one has to take that much it's basically wasting it... perhaps vaporizing it with oral or sublingual harmalas would be better, I don't know. My dose range for oral freebase is usually 70-131mg (way upper limits). But I guess I've only taken real "pharma" once, just the other day, but I've taken extracted DMT orally with harmala at least 8 times. It's one of my favorite ways, even though it lacks to subtle undertones of jurema with harmala... it's more of a face-melting guitar solo, where as the plants are the full band.

I'm pretty skinny as well, 140-150 lbs for the past year or so (used to be more, like 160, dunno what happened), as well as really lanky. I still can take a hefty dose of some psychedlics, so it is really mostly personal metabolism I think.

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#20 Posted : 6/25/2012 4:26:35 PM

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endlessness, you are right about caapi being stronger. The guy who needs 500mg, is actually *with* caapi. Thing is, it it can often a bit tricky to brew up enough DMT containing plants (depending what you have on hand!) with the caapi that it works for him. Yet, I don't work with purified DMT anymore as it is just not as strong as the plants. Luckily, in Australia, there are acacia acuminata phyllodes you can brew that have 1.5% DMT in them, so 20 grams of that is going to knock pretty much anyone's socks off! The brewed up plants are always going to be stronger. I know a lot of people are not going to understand that, but do your own comparisons and tests and I think you will find the brewed up plants to be superior visually and in every way.
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