There are actually hundreds of reported strains from many tribes. Many of which have very specific effects. Some that just teach people how to fish or hunt a certain animal. Meztiso Curanderismo practice primarily works with just 5-6 varieties for specific purposes. Most people have only know about the for of five and tend to think that those are different due to harmala or alkaloid content. Which would be the obvious notion. There's something more to it then that however. Suggestion? Or perhaps something deeper... Lord knows if they start selling a caapi strain that has been used for hundreds of years to teach how to catch fish what will happen to western aya drinkers and changa smokers!
Vegetalismo by Eduardo Luna has a fairly good list of the different vines.
Swim actually helped introduce the different colors of caapi to the ethnobotanical market years ago. It was a serious intrest of swims...
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