so i always figured if the internet would let you buy something then the gov would not charge(imprison) you for it if they didnt like it..not very convincing i know but it was my way of reasuring myself

...recently ive seen several posts stating that peoples respective governments were not only siezing plpls orders but tracking them down and charging them with smuggling the whatever it may im in the usa and found a site that sell different peyotes, how strict or easy do you think it would be to receive? or at least not be charged for such things...all of the reports of anal governments were from eu and aus
side trip...they have like 8 different strains of lophophora does anyone know the respective differences? i previusly though it was only williamsii with the goods...
ive received the trans dermal download in the apousal lounge
no disease could possibly survive in such a wiggly environment!