My First Extraction! Options
#1 Posted : 6/25/2011 4:52:23 AM
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I ordered some MHRB a little while ago, and thought I'd have to wait for a while before I could afford the solvents... not realising exactly how cheap they were. So, I picked up some lye and naptha and borrowed a pipette of a friend and prepared for a STB extraction! I used approx 100g of MHRB (guessing here, I will get an exact weight when my friend comes around who actually has scales and we weigh the remaining root bark, but it's all good) I then mixed 100g of lye with 500mls of water. I had already put 1000mls of water in my HDPE2 bottle.

After the lye dissolved(I mixed the lye in a pyrex measuring jug to avoid damaging anything or anyone), I poured this into the bottle and then added my MHRB. I think I should have waited a little longer for the lye to finish reacting with the water because an emulsion formed. I then left the MHRB in the basified solution all night.

The next morning, the emulsion was gone, so I was quite happy. I did three pulls of 100mls of naptha. The last pull is still in the bottle and I go and agitate it every half hour or so. I will leave it for 12-18 hours and pull it out tomorrow, agitating when I can. The first pull was a little bit of trial and error. The pipette I was using was useless, I actually spilled some of the naptha. I resorted to using a 10cc syringe and sucking the naptha out that way. It worked well. I could remove any red material I had soaked up and got a really clean result. I got a tiny bit of red solution in the bottom of the jar I pulled the naptha out into, so I decanted the first two pulls into a third clean jar. It's all good. I have lovely clean naptha that is slightly yellow, but I will do a sodium carbonate wash when I come home (have to go out) to pull any final impurities from the solution.

I'm really excited! Everything has gone well for now. I will evap my first two pulls down to about half their original size, then I will freeze precipitate.

I will post with results as I go!

So excited!
Apply layers to reality, things only you can see. Add a beat to normality, to tap the core of insanity.
Satisfaction is the death of desire.

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#2 Posted : 6/25/2011 8:42:39 AM

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#3 Posted : 6/25/2011 8:57:57 AM


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A kilo for 60 dollars is good. yes very good! where did you find that at? though I wonder about the quality with it being so cheap. is it whole shredded or powdered?
We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When you understand this, you see that you are nothing, and being nothing, you are everything.
Cogito Ergo Sum
#4 Posted : 6/26/2011 2:22:37 PM
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Well, the extraction appears to be a success! I have had my first two pulls (200mls of naptha combined) in the freezer for about 5 hours now, and plenty of crystals have formed over the bottom and side of the jar! I have the third pull which was left in the bottle with the MHRB for about 24 hours, agitated as often as possible. That has just gone into the freezer, and I will hopefully have lots of precipitated DMT tommorow! I will pour off the naptha into another clean jar, then I will put the jars back in the freezer upside down to drain out all of the solvent. I am very keen to get this going!
Apply layers to reality, things only you can see. Add a beat to normality, to tap the core of insanity.
Satisfaction is the death of desire.
#5 Posted : 7/1/2011 5:46:34 PM
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OK, well. I have some updating to do. I've been busy for the past couple of days, and it's taken a bit of time to integrate my experiences, but here goes.

After getting my jars out of the freezer, draining off the naptha and putting them back in the freezer upside down to let the solvent drain out; I gave my two jars some time to dry off entirely. The jar that had the first two pulls in it turned out quite a lot of the white powder, while the jar with the third pull only had a couple of doses in it. All of the first jar was clear white crystal and the second was very slightly yellow. Pretty good for a first effort! I then chopped up the DMT with a cheese knife to make sure the naptha was gone and then left it for a few hours, waiting for my little girl to go to bed.

After she went to bed, I got prepared in the loungeroom. I packed a cone half full with weed, then a 'knife' of DMT (one of the two prongs on the end of the cheese knife. About the size of a match head)and then a little bit of herb on top. I sat in my easy chair and smoked my hit. I didn't hold it for long enough or inhale enough. The weed was really harsh and the feeling of the DMT hitting was overwhelming.

It began with a buzzing sound, and then the fractals seemed to get closer and closer really fast. Then they filled my vision. Squares on black and in the squares were spirals spinning down, chaning colours. I'd move my head and get these weird perspectives. Something I've noticed on DMT more than anything other psychedelic, is that moving my head changes the view. I can look around, even though my eyes are closed. Way cool! That went on for a while, but the heater fan scrapes and makes a noise, my dog was scratching himself and my partner was clicking on the computer. It was too distracting. I ask my woman to pack me up again, and then I retreat to my bedroom to try again.

This time I am a little better with my smoking technique and I hit it better. I get a BIG hit, but I don't hold it in long enough and blow it out again. This time, I put down the bong and lie back on my bed and the fractals are already THERE. This time it's more intense, and I see and feel more, but I'm pretty stressed (heart is going nuts, I'm breathing really heavily etc) and I'm glad when it fades. I lie in bed for 20 minutes or so and just chill, thinking about stuff. Fast forward an hour or so.

Mrs Prankster decides she wants to try it, so I load her up and send her into the bedroom. I come in with her, leave the light on so she can see how she's smoking it as it's her first time and she wants to make sure she does it right. She hits it and lies down. I grab the bong off her, turn the light off and sit down at the end of the bed, with my hand on her leg. She breaths heavily and says "wow!" a couple of times. When she comes back, she says she went to a small room with a table and a chair that she was sitting in, and there were bright colours everywhere. She loves it and wants to go again!

I load myself up again and take a bigger hit. I get the wall of fractals and I allow myself to ease a little more into it. I get further but really can't remember much afterwards. It was really intense, but I feel I've done enough work for one night. Mrs on the other hand, is keen to go again.

Between the time I smoked it last and now she had eaten a little bit of chicken, as we had the munchies by now. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea. I say to her "Hold it for as long as you can". It should be noted that she has a much better set of lungs than I do, she can pull bigger cones and hold them for longer, no problem. She's a fuckin' champ! So she takes a massive rip and holds it for ages. She blows it out and lies down, but then begins coughing. She can't stop coughing! She's half sitting up and just coughing and coughing. I don't bother trying to speak to her because I realise her body is on autopilot and she is GONE. She starts retching and ends up leaning over the side of the bed (while completely still in the middle of the DMT thing, she doesn't remember doing this. Instinctual reactions ftw. She vomits several times, not getting any on the bed, which I'm grateful of! After a bit, I say "you're OK honey, you're OK" to reassure her because I figure she's back now. And she responds with "I'm perfect!" several times. She says she spoke to "something" or someone and they spoke back to her. She felt wonderful and loved and safe. She obviously broke through... she can report more than me, I'm only telling a story that's nigh on impossible to tell; second hand. Either way, it was a good experience, but we stopped it there for now.

I was feeling ambivalent towards the DMT. Mrs Prankster vomiting caught me off guard and it kind of scared me. The intensity of the experience definitely scared me, I didn't know if I could handle it. My friend who I've been into psychedelics since day one has done an extraction, and I went over to his place to see how it went. I brought some of my DMT to show him the crystals I got. He used too much naptha and ended up with a sticky residue over a massive surface area. He needs to recrystalise, but he wants to make enhanced leaf; so I told him to just redissolve it in acetone and go from there.

I ended up deciding to smoke a hit at his place. He had some Damiana, which I smoked by itself and found it to be very smooth, much smoother than the MJ on its own. I packed it up, and we sat down and discussed it for a while. He said that I should view myself as just an observer, and it should lessen the anxiety. We also decided to record anything I said so we could listen to it later. We talked and created the right atmosphere for an hour or so, and then I decided to hit it. We turned off the radio, and the lady next door was playing some music, but it was soft and gentle and seemed to go really well with the trip. I melt the DMT into the damiana, and then I take a massive rip and clear most of the bong.

I hold it in for approximately 15 seconds and then blow it out. I close my eyes and everything is black, I'm a little like "is it going to start?" Because I was sitting up and the bong was taken directly from me, I didn't have any need to put the bong down or lie back or anything, I just closed my eyes. Almost as soon as the thought is gone, the fractals come again. It's like they start from far away (or infinitesimally small, which from a perspective point of view is exactly the same thing) and get closer VERY fast. The waves over and I try and go with it... at a minute fifteen seconds I say "Wow, it's really intense, I just have to let myself go." While this is happening, I'm seeing a lot of fractals; but I am unaware of the rest of my body, sort of. I keep making myself relax. I'll take a deep breath in and allow myself to sink lower in the seat. When I tilt my head forward to rest my chin on my chest, my perspective changes. At some point while this is happening, I think "It should be done now, why is it still going?" and I say "Wow, it's still going". It's at two minutes thirty. OF COURSE IT'S STILL GOING!

I let myself go. My consciousness becomes tiny and infinitesimal. I feel like I have the perspective of a tiny peice of sodium carbonate water that is still at the bottom of a naptha pull, but only enough to form a rim around one side of the glass. Like my consciousness, my ego, everything I have to offer is minute. I get a message that is basically "open your eyes, look around". Keeping my physical eyes close, I unfold my head and look around, suddenly seeing this enormous world that's around me. I still feel like I'm viewing it from the bottom of a half pint jar, but I can see things! These enormous entities will occasionally brush against you... kind of like a cat will do to be friendly, but imagine it being a whale rubbing up against you instead. I felt fleeting contact, and it was all very loving and comforting, but I felt insignificant. This isn't a bad or a demeaning things... it's just like the scope of these things are so huge I'll never be able to fully fathom them. As I calmed, I felt warm and happy and relaxed. It was amazing. I could look around and see these colours and patterns flashing by, with suggestions of other things. I felt like a kid in a car being taken on a new journey. It was womderful! I decide while I'm still here I should talk, get some of this stuff down. So I do but a lot of it doesn't make much sense. It did help bring it back, though. I'm going to do it again... just make sure I don't have cotton mouth this time!

I came back and felt at peace and happy. I didn't have any breathing trouble, the damiana was excellent. All in all it was a positive experience, and now I no longer feel ambivalent about DMT. It's amazing stuff and while you need to treat it with respect, there is a lot that can be gained. I'm not in any rush to go back, but I know I will be welcomed.

Sorry for the long post, I hope I've managed to make it interesting.
Apply layers to reality, things only you can see. Add a beat to normality, to tap the core of insanity.
Satisfaction is the death of desire.
#6 Posted : 7/2/2011 11:42:08 PM


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sounds like you had some nice journeys Smile

I'm glad that Mrs. Prankster enjoyed her experience as well, even if it looked a little scary from the outside.

I wish you both many happy travels in the future Very happy
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