rOm wrote:And are you gonna extract it or do you drink some of it as well ?
I extracted 100g, and I think I'll use the remaining 100g for brew.
I finished the extraction and got a low yield – 0.31g from 100g of caapi, or just over 0.3%. This is not unusually low for caapi, but is the lowest I’ve extracted so far. I’ve extracted 3 varieties of caapi from 2 vendors, and here are the results:
Vendor A, black caapi (whole) : 2-3%
Vendor A, red caapi (powdered) : 0.3%
Vendor B, yellow caapi (whole) : 1%
Just goes to show how much variation there can be in caapi. 100g of the red caapi would be a nice amount, but 100g of 3% black caapi would be a huge overdose (10X the alkaloids of the red!)
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.