Preperation and Good Intentions Options
#1 Posted : 6/25/2011 3:54:09 AM

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Hello wonderful people of the nexus, My name is mike, i am new to the nexus though have been running around the forums for some time now, this will be my first post, im kind of a sloppy writer so pleasae excuse as my thoughts might run off into varoius different directions, but before i get into what i am makeing this post for i would like to say i am honnored to be apart of this community....on to the point

I have not experience dmt.......Yet, but have been interested for quite some time, i have read rick strassmans DMT The Spirit Molecule, and His Inner Pathways to Outer Space, from what i learn from past experience the actual experience ant nothing like what they descibe in the books, with that said i have recently been reading alot about Changa, i think ive almost read all of the topics here on the site. I have already began reserching some of the herbs and different supplys that i will need, but i have a few thoughts and questions as for i am prepareing for a journey that from past experience with Mushrooms and LSD i have no idea what i am geting into. haha on to my point.

So before i begin this journey i was wondering if anyone could maybe share some Preperation tips to help quide me, i have never really prepared myself for a journey before other then a good sound set and setting, i have been praticing mindfulness for years now, focusing on my breathing and just relaxing and letting my thoughts flow without my own interuption and i plan on useing this before my journey, it cant hurt but only help me, another thing i have done in the past with mushrooms, was during the morning of the day i would take them i would take a nice hot shower and talk to my self "Hey mushroom man, i will be eating you today, i would like to let you know ahead of time i am giving my self up to you, take care of me, show me what you need to show me." I am still wondering what experience changa travlers use for preperation so please share i love new ideas.

Another is intention, ive never really had an intention with psycdelics in the past so i cant really think of any. But i was wondering if anybody could maybe share me some good intentions maybe something i can greet this experience with upon entering but i want to be careful because my father always told me "Mike the road to hell is paved with good intentions"

so please i am eger to hear what ya gentle men and ladies have to say.

Peace and much love to all of you and the peoples of the world
thank you for your time.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/26/2011 8:10:33 PM

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Welcome to the the Nexus Mike! You can edit your posts if you feel like fixing anything by the way. Anywho, I usually prepare for my trips in advance. I usually set some kind of "intention" as you put it. Either "Tonight I'm going to have a fun and amazing night with my good friend and ensure great memories for the rest of our lives." Or if It's a personal trip my thoughts go "Tonight I'm going to relax and open my mind to the world around me. I'm an amazing person and the universe shall share it's knowledge with me as a result." By setting a scenario in my mind it helps me relax and prepare for the trip.
"I bought a gun and chose drugs instead."
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#3 Posted : 6/27/2011 3:09:57 AM

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Welcome Mike, first, no one can give you an intention, that's for you alone to come up with. I'm sure you can think of something. Do you have anything you would like to achieve or any qualities you would like to improve upon? It doesn't even have to be for yourself, maybe your intentions could go towards helping someone or something else. It could be as simple as giving thanks or gratitude to the trees and plants for providing food and oxygen (as well as that mind expanding molecule).

You are on the right track when you speak of mushroom man guiding and protecting you while you purify yourself in the shower. And focusing on your breath is a great exercise.

For most people intention is best facilitated with ceremony and ritual. It helps put force and commitment behind the intention. The type of ceremony you perform is also completely up to you. It can involve singing, chanting, dancing, drumming, meditation, breath work, art, crafting, fasting, dieting, offerings and maybe most importantly prayer. It can involve pretty much anything. Part of my ceremony is walking in nature on the day I journey. It is great for opening my awareness and igniting my creativity.

The important thing is that your intention ceremony should have meaning for you. It needs to come from the heart, which is the portal to the soul. Follow your intuitive nature, the mind thinks, the heart knows.

There is nothing real scientific about any of this and some may shrug it off as needless or even silly but I like to believe that what you get out of something is in direct proportion to what you put in. I guarantee you will learn something about yourself if that is what you intend. Plant the seed, tend the garden, and it will bear fruit.

Good luck Mike and tell your Pop that the road to heaven is paved with good intentions as wellWink
As Within, So Without.
#4 Posted : 6/27/2011 4:37:17 PM

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Be honest with yourself. If your intention is to have a visionary experience, it can start off being as simple as that. After a couple experiences you'll probably naturally find yourself gravitating toward some more "profound" intentions, but you don't necessarily have to label them as such. If you've established a good set/setting, just "open the door" and watch everything unfold. Some key things to remember are breathing. Especially if things start to get out of your comfort zone, remember to breathe. Breathing can be like a medicine in these situations. On the flip side, if it feels like you can't breathe, don't really worry about that either. If it feels like you can't breathe, try to just ignore it (as alarming as it may be) and it will pass shortly.

Lastly, and this is a lesson best learned with experience, but no matter how crazy or out-there it gets, you always come back so don't panic. It could be the most blissful experience of your life or the most fearful experience, but after about 5 minutes, you'll probably have difficulty remembering what either felt like. In that sense it's kind of like the distance felt from your emotions upon waking up from a beautiful dream or a nightmare (though that's the only comparison I would make to dreaming and spice). Also, even after it seems like the experience has ended behind closed eye-lids, you may still have a very psychedelic experience for up to 20 minutes, and some people will freak out that it seems to be lasting forever, but with just a little more patience that will end too. To be honest though, the experiences are usually waaay too short for my taste and those psychedelic afterglows are too short as well, but hey, everyone's different.
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"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

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